Horticulture in the Studios

Started by Kristof, May 18, 2005, 12:29:44 PM

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I was just reading in the Annual Report and stumbled upon a page about the horticulture in the parks.  The information about the studios was quite amazing...  I didn't know there where so many trees, it looks a lot less...

Walt Disney Studios park:
- 1000 trees
- 30,000 shurbs
- 10,000 m² of preserved woodland


That many trees????  :shock:
I didn't know that either!

Jorien  :D


Wow, that does seem like a lot of trees!  :D  I suppose if you think of all the ones in the Front Lot area as well as those along the Tram Tour and all around the park, it's not *that* many.  Especially since they probably include all the small-ish palm trees in Front Lot and Animation Courtyard and many smaller, more un-noticeable trees as well...


On the subject of horticulture, I'm actually really glad we're getting Tower of Terror later than we should have done.  Why?  Because it has meant that the plants around the outside fences of the area and in La Terrasse have had chance to grow in and look more like they've been there years and years...

You can see the plant in the background has grown over the fence to make it look like it's actually been there for a long time.

Tower of Terror should also hopefully bring more plants with it.  In DCA they have those huge palm trees, and then there's the small-ish gardens out the front of it and around the area.  I have a feeling Toon Studios will also bring lots more greenery aswell, so even though we think the Studios seem to have a lot of trees now, it's going to get even more!  :D

EDIT: By the way, doesn't WDS looks SO much more beautiful during summer when the trees are full and green?  It just makes the place look infinately better than it does for the rest of the year...


Well I just love those plants around the fences.  During the winter, they look rotten and wilde... But they must look out of place for most people who have no idea that ToT is coming there.


:D I love the bushes that are shaped like Fantasia characters! You seem them on the Studio Backlot Tour... :) there was two big bushes shaped like a ballet dancing Hippo from Fantasia, and one shaped like a ballet dancing Elephant!

^.^ I took a picture of the Hippo!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v30/G ... oSmall.jpg


Oh yes, they're very good in hiding the passage to the Street Sets location...  :wink: