The Legend Of The Lion King - Ends Jan 4th

Started by Anthony, April 15, 2005, 11:31:08 PM

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does anyone know what will be replacing LOTLK?  We love this show and are very sad that it won't be there when we visit in april.
Kate, disneyholic who is having withdrawal symptoms!


There's no replacement scheduled at the moment.  It's rumoured that the show will return seasonally like Tarzan La Rencontre.  :)

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "Kristof"There's no replacement scheduled at the moment.  It's rumoured that the show will return seasonally like Tarzan La Rencontre.  :)

I still can't see why they'd want to make in seasonal, it's still a great show that still draws in loads of crowds. I suppose it's all a cost-cutting thing, not having to employ people to do the show all of the time, but still... :roll:


thanks kristof,

really sad, i love this show!  we are taking my mom and dad in april and they have never seen it - realloy wanted them to see it  :(

thanks for the info tho
Kate, disneyholic who is having withdrawal symptoms!

Magic M

I think the most obvious choice will be another Disney-inspired musical.

Currently High School Musical is only a summer attraction - maybe it'll get a permanent home in Videopolis?

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "Magic M"I think the most obvious choice will be another Disney-inspired musical.

Currently High School Musical is only a summer attraction - maybe it'll get a permanent home in Videopolis?

Oh God no! :shock:

I'd much rather they keep TLOTLK as a seasonal show for a few more years before they replace it with something else. But please keep HSM in the Studios, it fits well there, the Studios need that kind of Summer show, and I really don't want to see it at Videopolis :roll:


is this closed then now?

Miss Tinkerbell

Yes but l heard they replaced it with some african drums things??? Does anyone know what it is?


Yes, the African Tam-Tam group (who normally perform near Restaurant Hakuna Matata in Adventureland) are now performing in Videopolis Theatre Weds-Sun over the Winter months.

Video of the group in their normal location: ... -tam-tams/

Photo of sign by Photos Magiques: ... tamtam.JPG

Current park schedule:


Just out of intrest have they changed anything with the stage in videopolis ?

Miss Tinkerbell

No they haven't everything is still the same.  l saw the show yesterday, it wasn't bad they really do their best, but it's obviously a set back from LotLK .... they also invite people from the audience on the stage at the end of the show, so be prepared if  you sit in the front, you might get picked out.  

But l heard some really exciting news from one of the players, he said that the Lion King will return in May, if all goes well.  Till then, they will continue to play in videopolis with the show they have now. The billboards outside aren't gone either, the ones on top of the building but stupid me forgot to take a picture of it! sowwee... l do have pics of the show though, so when they're uploaded I'll post them here


Adores the whole water effects over all in the show!! made it look fantastic!! but it was just a fantastic show for what i saw!!

Shames it's gone.... i would have like to see it again if I went back to Disneyland Paris...
"Off to NeverLand!"
"Oh the Cleverness of Me!!"
Tick Tock Tick Tock... RUN MAN!! RUN!!!!!!

Peter Pan =D

Handy Andy

Quote from: "Miss Tinkerbell"But l heard some really exciting news from one of the players, he said that the Lion King will return in May, if all goes well.  Till then, they will continue to play in videopolis with the show they have now. The billboards outside aren't gone either, the ones on top of the building but stupid me forgot to take a picture of it! sowwee... l do have pics of the show though, so when they're uploaded I'll post them here

It would be great if does come back. It's really good show and the sort of thing DLRP does really well.

Any more news anyone?
Magical Wishes


Someone said earlier that the Lion King show would return in May 2009. Well, it's the middle of May now. Any sign of the show returning?


To be honest I'd place my bets on it never returning. The stage is still all in place (after all, they completely custom rebuilt it in 2004 specifically for the show, there's no base stage beneath there), but they took down the billboards outside and the lettering on the marquee. "Cinéma Mickey" even has posters outside and its own notice on the Discoveryland information board.

Strangely, I was just coming here to moan about something that annoyed me last visit - since the stage isn't in use any more, couldn't they also remove the extra black blackout covers they put on all of Videopolis' windows when Lion King opened? It's so dark in there. You should be seeing a great view out across Discoveryland, but you can barely see your food. Maybe that's the point.