Easter 2019

Started by Fixiepixie, June 06, 2018, 08:12:48 PM

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I was checking flights for upcoming trips we've planned. The first week of the Easter break 2019 has good flight deals. How busy will the park be? I know with the new seasons they've planned it will be busier, but how busy ??


It's best to google for the Easter school holidays for next year.
If a lot of countries are on holiday, expect long (to very long for popular attractions) queues.
If it's just one country (that isn't the UK or France as they are the biggest visiting numbers for DLP) on hols, you'll probably still find it a little busier, but it should be ok.

But if you want it to be super peaceful and quiet, first week of October Tuesday to Thursday and smack in the middle of June (2nd and 3rd week) during the exam period is pretty darn ace in my personal experience.
Rides like Big Thunder Mountain and Peter Pan's Flight sometimes don't even reach half an hour queues on days like those (and the weather is generally absolutely lovely, but of course this is Europe so it might pour).


Thanks. I checked the calendar for next year and two zones in France, Ireland (where we live)  and the U.K. all have vacation time the week we were looking at.
We are stuck with booking within the school terms so it's hard to choose a good time.
I don't know whether to go for it or not. My son will be 4 when we go and I don't want him spending the whole time queuing. We would be staying onsite so with the emh that will ease it a little bit.
Aargh I don't know what  to do!


You would have to get up early and actually be at the park gates 8am opening to get a chunk of rides in before the park opens at 10am.
I don't know how doable that is with a 4 year old (I don't have kids myself so I have no idea).
But if he's good at early rising, I imagine you can at least do 3 rides during EMH each day (so you'll definitely have been able to do all the rides open during that time over the duration of your stay) and you can just take your time for everything else afterwards :)
Just make sure to plan things very well, make a list of things you definitely want to do so you can spread them over your entire stay, it should still be alright.
And there's things like the labyrinth, where your son can wander around for a while, so that gives a good break from being in queues.


He is an early riser so we'd always be there for emh. His first trip he was 2 and half but it was the first week of July and very quiet so we got loads done.
I think I'll just add a couple of days onto the trip that way we can be more relaxed about getting to do everything. I think your right if I plan it well enough we could do it.
Thanks so much, I really wanted to book it but I think I just wanted a second apinion.
I'm gonna go for it. Thanks again x


You're very welcome, I'm glad I was able to help you sort things out for your family :)
I hope you'll have a lovely and relaxing holiday, and hopefully it won't be too busy after all :)