Afternoon Treat & Drink locations?

Started by SarahAndSquirrel, April 29, 2016, 10:34:44 PM

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Can a list of places that serve the Afternoon Treat and Drinks/Pause Gourmande (sp?) be found anywhere? Is it a matter of being able to get them almost anywhere at the time time?
First visit to DLP June 2016, time to get planning!

WDW 2012 Disneymoon


The places are usually listed on the actual pause gourmande tickets.


Oh! I haven't received ours yet, so that solves that then. :D Thank you!
First visit to DLP June 2016, time to get planning!

WDW 2012 Disneymoon


There are plenty on main st USA, but the queues get a bit big before the parade


They are printed on the vouchers but as a general guide the locations where they are valid are indoor counter-service locations within the parks. That is not absolutely perfect but should give you an idea.


First visit to DLP June 2016, time to get planning!

WDW 2012 Disneymoon