Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Ahhh so near now!! Good Luck Amy! Will keep my eye out for you... I've got straighted hair brown with grown out blond highlights, black 3/4 lenght pants with AERIE written on the side in grey, green vest, over a white vest and I THINK a blue adidas hoodie!! - will have no shoes on in the dance hall :D

Just think of a wonderful thought..


Quote from: "Nao"It would be amazing if there was like a big magicforum-crew out there in Disneyland haha! I think it would be such fun to meet all of you!!  So fingers crossed for each and everyone of you :)

I know, right?! That would be so fantastic!

Good luck to everyone with auditions coming up, I'm crossing all my fingers and toes for you (:


thanks for all the support for us guys! x

OK question for everyone that HAS auditioned before...

If there was ANYTHING you could change about yourself (what you did/look like etc) in your audition what would you have done differently?
Just think of a wonderful thought..


Wish I was a size 8 ;) haha! Plus worn red lipstick :D x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Ill look out for you :D
SO exited!

@Natalie.. ah i was planning on going bare faced.. would you advise the lipstick? ^_^
...Wish I could be part of that world...


I know they say all this about "Disney prefer natural" and all that but people are fully stage made up and I honestly think that's the way to go. It's different for everyone but unless eveerryyonnee is natural I think me personally js look washed out and definitely not my best! That's just what id do, but seriously evryone is different and it's just what u feel more comfortable like and what you think they want from you if that makes sence :D x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


I agree Natalie.  I just remember looking at myself in those big mirrors next to the other girls and thinking I looked really pale and my face looks really round and my eyes don't stand out lol (I wasn't very well either and was feeling a bit bleurgh).  Next time I'm def putting some makeup on, just eyeliner and stuff, I'm not going OTT.  I don't know whether that makes the difference though, dyou think they could see if you're good for a face character even without makeup?  From what I remember, the girls they pulled out to look at were made up stage-stylee.


@Nao: Join the club! Last year they did a kind of audition for Disneyland, but I didn't know that, until my dad saw it on the internet! So maybe in going to email that person who organize it in Holland, that would be so much better! But hopefully not much of people in Holland know this haha! I can't go to Paris for the auditions I think, because I can't speak French :(  So then I still will be London, But I love the city so..I don't mind :)

On topic: The first round is animation. If you are not make it to the next round (dancing), you don't get the chance to dance! I asked to the man with long hair, glasses I guess (Because I was a little upset because i was doing too much, Anyway I don't know his name anymore, but I was kind of the boss there) and he said to me that EVERYONE will doing animation, so that I why they do animation in the first round. On the day, you need to make it to both the rounds (dancing and animation, not only animation). I though the dance was really fast, but not that difficult. If you never had dancing lessons it just a beginner, its pretty hard to do it (I have been dancing for 10/11 years).

But people: SMILE SMILE SMILE!!! Even If its hot, too hard do to everything and you are not seeing enough because there will be a lot of people. Just do YOUR thing, not too much. If you not make it, accept it and audition another time! Is all Okay!

By the way, I though there where a lot of girls who wearing SO much make-up, really too much. I was only wearing eyeliner and a little bit mascara, I think that its okay (Its not a "who's the pretty one" game). I think the most important thing is SMILE, doing your OWN thing and not doing too much, because then I will be looking fake. For my feelings, I lost myself a little because I only though: I need to be orginal, so I did too much and was cut off and I regret it, BUT, next time its my time!! Luckily I got a new friend because of the auditions, visit with her all the greatest things in London (London eye, London bridge and more) so, It was still a good thing!

Good luck everyone who are going in a couple days!!! Im excited for all of you, can't wait for the stories! :thumbs:

Oh and 1 thing: You will keep remembering the Disney song that will be playing though the animation and dancing round, still have the song in my head.. :roll: (I auditioned the 22th of november 2011)!
Do what your heart desires and dont worry about what the others think. At the end of the day, what makes you happy is what matters the most.


@Tiffany - If you can remember the dance music, can you find it on youtube and post it??  It's been driving me mad!  I can remember the animation but not the dance.


@Astya: Yess, I going to look on YouTube, and I just realized that I filmed a little bit of the dance with my iPhone! So maybe I can post it? Its 10 secondes or something because someone was standing for me -___-

Anyway, I going to look for it! Don't know If I find it today, because I need to peform in 2 hours! Doing my best If I can :)
Do what your heart desires and dont worry about what the others think. At the end of the day, what makes you happy is what matters the most.


If someone knows how I can post a video from my iPhone here, then it will be great!!
Do what your heart desires and dont worry about what the others think. At the end of the day, what makes you happy is what matters the most.


Hi everyone!

I'm going to the non-character interview in London on 10th January and was just wondering for those of you that have had Disney interviews what sort of questions are asked and what is the format of the interview (I pressume it will be in French?!) just so I know what to prepare for! Apologies if this question has been asked previously! Also if theres anyone who will be attending the same interview let me know!




Anyone going to the audition on January 10th? So nervous. I pretty sure that I'm not pretty enough to work for Disney and that there is 99.9% of me not getting through the first round but I'm going anyway. I just want to see what it's like.

Who else is going?


@AbiMarsh from what i remember, French-wise they ask you: Why you want to work at Disney, your availability, and what area you want to work in (restaurants, shops, rides)...they started the interview in English, and if you don't understand anything you can ask them to repeat it :)
@melonyrose i'm pretty sure there's no such thing as 'not being pretty enough to work for Disney', honestly, just be yourself, smileeeee and you'll be fine! (ridic clichéd i know) besides, they care more about how well you can speak French and you suitability for the job :)
GOOD LUCK BOTH OF YOU, let us know how it goes :D
@Natalie it was me who posted that video :p I'M SO EXCITED FOR TANGLED EVER AFTER, omg :')


@ melonyrose hey welcome! there is 5 of us (including yourself) going to the character auditions, disney are looking for big smiley happy people... not super models, so don't put yourself down.. keep ya chin up and give um a big smile! Keep an eye out for us.. were going to try and bump into each other at 9 :D

(read from pages 86 to now, will give you loads of help!)
Just think of a wonderful thought..