Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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@Astya -  Yes Pineapple Dance Studios, and yes iv looked at tube stations!, never even been on a tube!
but have got directions from my coach station to tube stations so sure i will make it in the end!,
It says online to take a CV so want to do one incase i do get through!
Is it in 3 parts? Animation Dance and anything else??
and do they just kind of say your not through or? how does it work!? x


Im travelling from North West Cumbria :) Its right up by scotland ^_^
From what I have heard you get height mesured ect. and looked at, and then Animation and then dance (not necasarilly in  that order O_o) and then interview if your lucky enough to get through?
This is all from reading though, its my first time too! :)
...Wish I could be part of that world...


Ohh I see! "Follow the dream" hey! Deffiantly what we are doing with all this travelling!
Iv just booked my coach so am getting excited now!, just still sweating it about the animation part but just need to pull it together on the day i think!, its only 8 counts for each isnt it? (of what iv read)


think I win on distance, I'm coming from Spain :D from reading the other posts I get the impressing its height and face, dance, animation, interview - and they call out numbers and cut in any of those stages. If I understand it right. I have got a performing background but its with horses, and isn't going to help me much in this audition.. lol.. think I could bring a horse with me?! hehe! The closer this is coming the more I so so want it!

I've very lost with a pirate and slightly lost on a cowboy.. will be practising first thing tomorrow morning!

I will post what I'm wearing the night before the audition so if you want to spot me, I might be slightly easier to find! And I will certainly back on this forum after the audition with good or bad news, kinda feel like I owe it to future auditionies now :P

Good luck to us all! x :D/ x
Just think of a wonderful thought..


@Rex - that's why I post so much!  Hehe.  Plus I'm getting excited for you lot and I really wanna know how you get on and what extra you can tell us that I might have forgotten.

You get measured when you sign in, and you give in a form with basic details on.
You then get a little presentation on the jobs, finances, accommodation, life at Disney, etc.  (Very exciting!!  :D)
Then you do group instruction and practice of the animation, first everyone, then in halves for rehearsing to music, they break it down for you.  
Then you perform in about 10s I think and they do a cut by calling numbers (on your stickers).
You get a couple mins break for water etc, then the remaining lot learn the dance.  You do it in sections and they break it down, then again you perform in around 10s and they cut again.
Some people went to try stuff on at that point, and some were asked about CVs but obviously I left then so I don't know what else :(.  Hehe.

When you're cut it's not that bad, they're really nice about the whole day.  They read out a list of numbers and then say something like 'Thanks, that's all for today' or direct you to the side with everyone else that got through, so listen up!  I had to double check my number when they said I'd got through animation lol, I was really shocked.  Weirdest bit is standing once you've performed waiting for them to say, but really that only takes a few mins!


It would be gutting to be cut at height and face O_O as there isnt much we can do about that!

@Rex horses could help with cowboy though :D
Posting what were wearing is a good idea :) but there could be loads of us there!

@charlotte Are you just travelling for the day then?

ooh also, is it true that if you get a face character then you arent allowed to say who you will be "friends with".. If this isnt true then i sound a little silly but thats what i heard XD
...Wish I could be part of that world...


Ahh im excited, but want it so bad! will be gutted if cut straight away!, are you good at animation then!?
is it just best to be ott? give it all youve got hey!
wish the dancing bit was first as thats what im better at! but have to be an allrounder anyways hey so!
and haha i dont think you could bring a horse :L, pretend hes there for good luck ;)
and yes i am just travelling for the day!, little daytrip to London!, so if cut early will be on the lookout for a Starbucks! haha :)   x


Haha same I dont know what to do with my day if im cut early!
I hope the dancing is first too.. I think ill do better at that, although I think ill do ok at animation as long as im not scared! people say to give it all you got, make movements big and SMILE! :D
...Wish I could be part of that world...


:D/ haha I already looked for a starbucks on google maps... couldn't find one close enough to hang in before 10.. darn :P but will be at the doors at 9 I think. No I have no real experience to help me with dance or animation I don't think. I'm not so worried to but cut at height and face.. but animation and dance.... so nervous!!

we should make an effort to find each other some how... feel like a little gang now! :P

Will be glad for the experience.. and a trip to London, but truly gutted at the same time!  [-o<

Right crew I'm off to my bed, will be back on first thing when I'm at work  :roll:

Night Ya'll! :lol:
Just think of a wonderful thought..


Goodnight Rex^_^
Yeah we could meet at 9 and calm nerves XD That is if I dont sleep in O_O
...Wish I could be part of that world...


Give it your all thats all we can do hey! :D x
But yes i am excited about just going and the experience!
Although being out on the first hurdle wouldnt be good, all that travelling! (N)x


Everyone does animation first.  I think they said it's because everyone does a character at some point, even dancers, but some character performers don't dance.  Then it's the first cut.  It's not like you could walk in and they'd go 'Er...No.' Lol.


Hi guys!

I've just been on my housemate's dancemat in an attempt to get myself vaguely competent at dancing. Gosh, I am so nervous about that.

Regarding the CVs, is it just performance stuff they want or do they want 'normal' jobs on there as well? I usually have two separate CVs - one for my acting work and one for 'proper' jobs!

And hello Charlotte! It's great to know there'll be someone else from the forum there. We should definitely all make the effort to find each other. Unless we get a sudden heatwave, I'll probably be wearing a purple hat with a flower on it when I arrive so I'll be easy to spot!

I'm going to be hanging round in London all day whatever happens 'cause I booked the cheapest train I could find which isn't until 8:15. I think I'm going to have to take a book...


Quote from: "Cosette"
Quote from: "gldc"if anyone is interested im out here now doing operateur/animateur attractions - im blogging on http://www.mepipe.com
I love you blog. Please write more.  :)
Thanks :) Updated it up till December 30th, then just 3 days left to type up. It was a really fun (but physically exhausting) experience all in all.
DLP Visits: Summer 2003 // April 2011 // Christmas 2011 as a Cast Member // April 2012 // April 2013 // Returning June 2014 to September 2015 as a Cast Member // February 2016

WDW Visits: Summer 2013 as a Cast Member // September 2015
DLR Visits: August 2013 // September 2015

My Cast Member blog - http://www.mepipe.com


Oh my gosh I'm so excited for everyone! I almost feel like I'm going with you I'm all psyched up already haha.

@Tiffanyfinsy, I'm joining you in waiting for another Talent Casting in The Netherlands. Would save me so much money indeed. But I think I will go to the Paris one if it doesn't come; I was planning to go to one in March or so. I almost feel the need to e-mail them to ask if they are planning on doing one since there were two last year haha, but I wouldn't dare..

Just to be sure though, does a "Talent Casting" just follow the routine of "auditions"? I think it must but haha never too sure.

And about the you have to be available max. two months after your audition is that really true? I thought it was six months and it would be kind of hard for me to audition in the two months prior to my availability so I thought I would just audition in March (I'm available starting July or August, not sure yet but somewhere around there)..

Also does anyone know if the Paris auditions will have the information (at the beginning mostly, about Disney life etc.) in English or just in French? I'm a bit nervous about not understanding it haha..

@Missariel; To answer your question about face: if you become a face character I would definitely not risk saying who you are friends with, they are really strict on that. They don't want that kind of information to get out to keep the magic real (for the little ones :) ). I've heard of many cases when someone posted their "friend" on say, facebook and got fired pretty much immediately.
Why do all my dreams extend, just around the riverbend?// DREAMERS UNITE! ?
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