My upcoming trip

Started by pasxalis1987, November 15, 2015, 11:32:17 AM

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Hi,first of all English is not my native language so forgive me if i say anything wrong...
I want to express my sympathy to the families of those that have been lost or injured in Paris....i am really sad about whats happening everywhere now....I do not feel safe at all...
Now i dont want to sound selfish,but i have booked a trip at dlrp in mid december 2015, and i am really sceptical about it.
I dont want to risk the safety of my family,but i do really want to go there,no matter what. But as i said i am really sceptical about it.
I am from Cyprus,and being part of the EU,i can travel with just my with the security measures in France will i need a passport?
Thnx in advance


Travel with national ID cards is unaffected. What has changed is that travellers within the Schengen zone may need to show their travel documents to enter France, which previously wasn't necessary.


Hi, while I understand your fear, honestly just continue with your plans and go to Disney in December. There are members here who at there right now, who instead of coming home, have extended their trip. On Twitter I am following people who are also in Disneyland right now.

Yes it is scary but at the same time, Disney are making sure that people are safe.
When You Wish Upon A Star Dreams Can Become Reality
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyworld Florida 1992
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyland California 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,2016,2017
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyland Paris 2011 2013, 2016


It can be scary but consider this:

Of all the places in Paris to be I'd say Disneyland is the safest. There are bag scans and searches when you enter the parks, meaning it is fairly difficult to get any kind of weapon in, not to mention the ton of vigilant cast members and well trained security teams inside the park. Consider also that DLP is NOT in Paris, it is outside of Paris so any attacks there will likely not be on DLP. Also when you realise just how large the resort is the fact is even if something did go down it is probably not the part you are in.

If you don't go you let the terrorists win, you show them your afraid and that they are succeeding. But you can't be afraid of these things, you could walk out your door and be shot dead in America with probably a higher chance than being shot in DLP.

Just go and enjoy the trip! There is a lot of bad stuff in the world and the fallout of these attacks will be felt in December, use Disney to take your mind off it, enjoy your trip and be sure to post on here or PM us if you have any questions on how to get the most out of your holiday!


I completely understand how you feel - i didnt sleep tonight thinking about it all. We are going there in 3 weeks - we booked in April and since then there was no day that our kids wouldnt mention going there... and now this terrible thing happened and it made me panic completely. I was whole night thinking if we should go there and how disappointed our kids will be :( I still dont know what to do, my husband says this can happen anywhere in the world but i always think of my children... i never ever want any harm to happen to them :( i have a huge mess in my head at the moment.


It's hard I really feel for you all making this decision.  My trip isn't until July next year so it's not a decision I need to make

My gut would be to go anyway ... But only you can decide that


My daughter was due to stay in Paris from 16th Dec with her school & visit DLP, we don't know their stance yet whether they are still going, I personally don't want her to go to Paris but would probably let her go to DLP. I'm hoping they will re schedule it, £400 is a lot to lose if  we stop her but my daughters safety is my priority.


I'm supposed to be going with my 2 next week. Unfortunately I've decided not to go, I'll lose the money ( not all of it luckily) but I don't think I'd relax especially as the convention on climate change is the same weekend with world leaders present.

We will hopefully go again, just not when I wanted to go :-(.


My husband is a very straight thinking person, i trust his opinions - we just had a talk about it, i asked him what does he think ( because i panic) and he said since we go in 3 weeks we should just wait 2 more weeks and see where this situation is going. And as i mention again unfortunately i think he is right saying that this can happen anyhwere and at any time :(


I think waiting a few weeks might be a good idea. But like I said earlier, if I was in Paris during a terrorist attack, Disneyland is probably the safest place for me to be. I don't think you have to worry about it, we'll likely wee a massive upscale in terms of security when the parks open on Wednesday.


I only booked last week for Christmas.  Determined to go as very excitrd. But a part of me is wondering is im doing the right thing. So so sad for the peoplef of France. There was also a train crash there yesterdsy. As if there hasnt been enough grief xx


I think it is a very personal decision to make.  Only you, can make the right decision for you.

We are booked to go 21st December - 6 nights.  I haven't seriously thought of cancelling - yet.  As the days and weeks play out, things may change, but as it stands we are determined to go. 

We might be naïve thinking that security measures will be raised considerably in the aftermath, that a further attack should be extremely difficult.  But, we go on holiday 2/3 times a year - often to places that are at a high risk status.  My beloved Turkey - to which we've been travelling for 23yrs to name one.  If we were to stop going to places that are being attacked, we would find the World becoming extremely small. 

It is difficult.  As parents we would never wish to put our children into a potentially life threatening situation.  I trust in the authorities who are working to secure some level of safety in the days and weeks to come.  However, should we be advised not to travel to France, then of course we shall listen.  Should my feelings chance I will listen to my heart.

I will try to be rational.  But seriously hope that we are able to enjoy a Christmas break in Paris. 

My hearts are with all those who have been touched, in whatever capacity, by this atrocity.

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Quote from: Mintcar on November 15, 2015, 05:32:57 PM
I think it is a very personal decision to make.  Only you, can make the right decision for you.

We are booked to go 21st December - 6 nights.  I haven't seriously thought of cancelling - yet.  As the days and weeks play out, things may change, but as it stands we are determined to go. 

We might be naïve thinking that security measures will be raised considerably in the aftermath, that a further attack should be extremely difficult.  But, we go on holiday 2/3 times a year - often to places that are at a high risk status.  My beloved Turkey - to which we've been travelling for 23yrs to name one.  If we were to stop going to places that are being attacked, we would find the World becoming extremely small. 

It is difficult.  As parents we would never wish to put our children into a potentially life threatening situation.  I trust in the authorities who are working to secure some level of safety in the days and weeks to come.  However, should we be advised not to travel to France, then of course we shall listen.  Should my feelings chance I will listen to my heart.

I will try to be rational.  But seriously hope that we are able to enjoy a Christmas break in Paris. 

My hearts are with all those who have been touched, in whatever capacity, by this atrocity.

I have to agree with your post when you say " if they advise us not to travel we shall listen." I am sure if it is unsafe to travel or they are seriously considering it will be dangerous ect I am positive they will inform tourists and holiday makers. What worrys me is the fact that France have now dropped bombs... And of course retaliation can occur.
But we are planned to go 13-16 dec and will wait until nearer the time to see what the situation is then if any at all. I hope and pray there will be nemore heartache and suffering for France.


I guess you will have to wait and see if and what they offer.

Furthermore it will also depend on how you booked (separate hotel and tickets or as a package deal, directly with Disney or with via some travel agencey) and last but not least it will also depend in which country this happened legal wise.


Thnx for your replies...
Well i guess that if nothing happens until then (hopefully) i will be going....
If anything else happen (i pray that nothing will happen) i will certainly cancel my trip. I'd rather lose my money than get killed.....