Disneyland Paris to close on Saturday 14th November

Started by Alberto Frog, November 14, 2015, 06:35:24 AM

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seeing reports now on Twitter that the park WILL BE CLOSED SUNDAY 15, MONDAY 16 TUESDAY 17 NOVEMBER

this information is coming from CM'S who received information on the internal messaging system.

Source  https://twitter.com/DedicatedToDLP
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It's on the official website too, now.

« We mourn those lost to the horrific attacks in Paris, we pray for the injured and we hold them all in our hearts.  As part of France's three-day national mourning period, Disneyland Paris will remain closed through Tuesday 17 November. » Tom Wolber, Président of Euro Disney S.A.S.


DisneyRon you're entitled to your opinion.

I'm certain that security does stop weapons in because I've seen it (I work in Criminal Prosecution). The current Disney situation is, I agree, pointless and would be better off being scrapped.

Personally I would be happy to have whatever security measures they impose on me and always will. We need pro-active security thats efficient - if my local Court can do that then Disneyland should be able to! I don't doubt that Disney will have armed Security within the Parks which would also deter Terrorists but it seems such an obvious choice for DLP to be a target.

I wasn't fully aware how much of an issue terrorism was in France nor the gun crime problems until the past few days. It's really sad how much hate there is in the world.
♥ Disneyland Paris 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2015 ♥ Disney World Florida 2009 ♥ Disneyland California 2008 ♥

Next Visit: DLP March 2016.


Just because a determined attacker will always get in doesn't mean we shouldn't try. We need to step up security, at the very least it'll make guests feel safer.

I understand the need to mourn the victims of such a horriffic incident but I have to confess I question DLP's decision, surely at a time like this Disneyland should be providing magic to those who need it and acting as a beacon to help people move on. It is a symbolic gesture sure but I think they could make a much bigger difference by remaining open and helping people that way.


Quote from: mrpiggywinkles52 on November 14, 2015, 10:41:49 PM
I understand the need to mourn the victims of such a horriffic incident but I have to confess I question DLP's decision, surely at a time like this Disneyland should be providing magic to those who need it and acting as a beacon to help people move on. It is a symbolic gesture sure but I think they could make a much bigger difference by remaining open and helping people that way.

It may not be their decision. I have seen reports that Police are telling business in Paris to stay closed. It is very likely Disneyland Paris is acting on Police recommendations and following French protocol during a major incident
When You Wish Upon A Star Dreams Can Become Reality
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Quote from: bad-pink-tink on November 14, 2015, 10:46:39 PM
Quote from: mrpiggywinkles52 on November 14, 2015, 10:41:49 PM
I understand the need to mourn the victims of such a horriffic incident but I have to confess I question DLP's decision, surely at a time like this Disneyland should be providing magic to those who need it and acting as a beacon to help people move on. It is a symbolic gesture sure but I think they could make a much bigger difference by remaining open and helping people that way.

It may not be their decision. I have seen reports that Police are telling business in Paris to stay closed. It is very likely Disneyland Paris is acting on Police recommendations and following French protocol during a major incident

Lets not forget they could have other intelligence. It seems unlikely it would have closed because of 'mourning' alone.
♥ Disneyland Paris 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2015 ♥ Disney World Florida 2009 ♥ Disneyland California 2008 ♥

Next Visit: DLP March 2016.


I suppose that does make much more sense, for some reason the thought never occurred to me. It sucks for all the people there though, with the parks being closed for so many days really it takes up all of some people's vacations. Still much better than another incident happening.


Quote from: diogo3232 on November 14, 2015, 09:20:25 PM
I've come to France only  to visit DLP and I couldn't do anything. From friday night until monday when we'll be leaving, the only option is stay ar the hotel and spend money at disney stores.

The security issue is bull****, there are thousands of people at Disney village, if anything could happen it could be there too.

The time spent here can't be back, but the money does, and I can't expect anything different. Clients should have some respect too.

I sorry to hear you're stuck there and limited to Disney village only, you make a very good point about the security at present it's public knowledge that the parks are closed and if a terrorist wanted to act they'd know everyone will be there.

I think or so I've read from DLP they've closed for a period of mourning, which I understand completely. I for one am deeply saddend (as we all are I'm sure) that this has took place and took the lives of so many innocent people.

In saying that I do feel for the holiday makers/Disney lovers stranded there like you right now.


I kind of sit on a fence post regarding security measures being increased. Of course I think something needs to be done, but what and how I do not know? I've read through comments and can see everyone has very valid points as to why DLP should/shouldn't.

I mean they could like airports put in more stringent checks yes that'd help. Although I do think if terrorists where he'll bent on acting they'd think of a way round it, would they have to enter the park? No, how many people leave after the dreams Show?

We've never done self drive but I can't imagine there are much security measures in going to hotel? And even so you can walk straight from he petrol station into the Santa fe hotel complex leading to the Cheyenne/sequioa/NBC/HNY I know because we have walked there and back on many occasions in the past. So I'm just thinking I'm all for security for DLP but, there are other busy areas that can be easily targeted.

It really isn't nice knowing that these people can/will strike at anytime. And although this incident sadly happend in Paris I'm afraid to say nowhere is safe. Many years ago I was at bluewater shopping centre (near Christmas it was rammed full) we were evacuated outside and it closed because of a bomb threat. We were all really scared and nobody was hurt and all was all ok. But my point is Unfortunatly this is part of life now the fear that these people can do this. How we stop it? I think the governments need to unite and do something.

I really do hope we don't read or hear of anything as tragic as what we did on this day never again. But the sad reality is this will continue until something is done. The news when I first heard deeply saddend me as I'm sure it did for many of us, it makes me so angry that anyone thinks they have the right to act in this way and take innocent lifes away as they see fit! Prayers to all those involved and their families at this very sad time x


I'm not sure increased security would do much more than increase people's sense of security. After all, the number one thing these organisations want to do is cause terror. And whether they blow themselves up at a security checkpoint (which, with more stringent security measures will be more crowded), inside the park or outside the train station, people will feel terrified. Even if they end up not killing any innocent bystanders, they will have succeeded.

Don't get me wrong, I agree there should be security. They can keep out the less organized criminals/disgruntled former employees/scorned lovers and whatnot that get their hands on a gun and decide it's payback time.

No amount of security could've stopped what happened in Paris (or London all those years ago), though. I mean you can't expect people to go through a TSA-style security check every time they go to a restaurant or get on a bus to commute to work.

Unfortunately, I think these acts of terror are something we'll have to learn to live with until politicians can come up with more viable, long-term solutions than "simply" killing the head of a terrorist group (they'll only split off into different groups). And in the mean time, belief that intelligence organisations are doing their utmost to prevent these kind of terrorist attacks from happening.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure security at Disney Village and the hotels has increased significantly at the moment. Even if you're unaware of it.

I'll never understand how humans can commit such heinous crimes, though.


I follow you there in your comment.

Where is it going to, if you visit a concert, and you get a full body/frisk search   :-\


 I would like to agree that the security measures could be more efficient. Being in the industry from nearly 20 years I see the bag screeners not paying attention to the images as they talk to their work colleagues. I would like to see a walk through metal detectors. I know that this would slow down entry to the parks but it's a small price to pay for safety.
I would also like to see more of a presence inside the parks and not just at the gates.

Never the less this would only change the type of possible attack to that of a ceramic blade etc.It will be extremely difficult to make the risk of an attack zero.


About the presence inside the park, there actually is.
I've seen it many times, men in regular clothes, a jackes flies open because of wind, and there's the gun, so they do have people in cognito walking around.


Quote from: nathalie on November 15, 2015, 08:11:11 PM
About the presence inside the park, there actually is.
I've seen it many times, men in regular clothes, a jackes flies open because of wind, and there's the gun, so they do have people in cognito walking around.

Plain clothed officers are in the park I have seen them too. I am talking about more visible deterrent/presence.


I like to believe that all disney parks have some kind of sinister defences stored away from the public eye, should any atrocities happen.

November 2015 -- Santa Fe
May 2016 - Santa Fe
November 2016 - Cheyenne
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