Dining at buffets

Started by frostie, April 11, 2015, 01:20:46 AM

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Whilst dining at the buffets, is it safe to leave your bag whilst going to get your food?
I am travelling with my young daughter and I can't leave her there with the bags whilst I get us food. Is it safe to leave them if they are well tucked under the table? Obviously I will have my purse, camera and passes with me but would like to leave the bag with snacks & clothing at the table.
Silly little things to ask..... Sorry!


Hi frostie,

it is hard to tell whether it is safe... that all depends on the other guests  :D
We never had any problems in several buffet restaurants but we did have some merchandise stolen from our buggy last year when all four of us went on Buzz. Someone stole a bag with some Frozen-merchandise and tried to open our backpack.
In general, I think the risk in a buffet restaurant is smaller because you do not leave your belongings for long (as opposed to an attraction where you are away from your bags longer).
However, our experience has changed our attitude towards merchandise: we have decided to buy it on the way out OR only buy stuff that gets used immediately (pins, clothes, scarfs etc.).


Try and have a look first towards the buffet so you can try to go when there's hardly people, so you'll be back a lot quicker.


I've been to DLP by myself twice, and that meant leaving my coat and bag at my table in buffets when I go to get some food, and I haven't had any trouble.
Like NCC1701Q said, it's usually only for a short time, so the risk is quite small.
Keep the really valuable stuff on you or in your hotel safe, and you should be fine.
Though a lot will depend on the crowd levels (a busy restaurant is more vulnerable to thieves than an empty one), and the other guests.

But in general you should be fine leaving your belongings for a few minutes to grab a plate of food from the buffet.


I've never had any problems leaving my coat or bag unattended at my table while I'm off getting food. Disneyland, like anywhere else, unfortunately has the odd guest who takes advantage of the opportunity to snag a bag or coat. I'd advise not leaving valuables in sight (or leave them in your room if possible) and if travelling with more than one person, take it in turns to leave the table. This way, there is always someone to watch your stuff.


We eat at the buffet restaurants most of the time and we aways leave our bags at the table. I usually hide them a little bit under the table/chair, and we take the camera with us when we gt up to get food. Never had any problems.  ;)
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