Temporary shareholders card

Started by txgrl, February 19, 2015, 07:56:20 AM

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Me and my husband hold a shareholderscard. On the new cards (which I have not seen yet) there apparently is a picture.
I had to upload a picture of myself with the renewal application.

Because my husband and a friend are visiting the park next week they sent me a temporary card. There is no picture on it.

Can my husband use it without problems in the park? Or is the photo not on the card, but in the register computer?
I don't want them to think I am commiting fraud or something like that.

Why is there a picture on the new cards anyways? Me and my husband always had a card for the both of us but now there will be only one picture on it.

captain rocket

Disney only accept one person as the shareholder, who can take guests into Salon Mickey with them. The idea behind the photo is exactly the same as that on an AP to make sure that only the actual owner can use it and that it is not "loaned" to friends!
I presume that your current card was in your name and therefore, as I understand the rules. your husband will probably not be able to use the card without you. I think that he would be able to enjoy discounts in shops and restaurants with your card as the checks when using the card there is very minimal.
As to Salon Mickey, I think there would be a problem as they check all the details on the card to make sure they are ok, also, Salon Mickey is currently closed due to the new paving works outside. It was originally closed until 13th February, but due to "bad weather" the closure has been extended until Monday March 02nd
Hope this helps.



Thanks for the reply.

The card is actually in both our names. It says Mr. and Mrs.

Online where you upload the picture it says "when there are more cardholders, please choose one and upload that photo".

He will not be going to salon Mickey anyways. It is purely for the shops and restaurants.
I was just wondering if the staff in the shops and restaurants see the picture on their computer or not.

captain rocket

Well, I've learned something today!
I am sure there will be no problem with the card hearing your explanation, I travel with a friend to DLRP as my wife does'nt share our enthusiasm and I often give him my card in the counter service restaurants and we have never had a problem even since a photo has been added.