Rides with a broken arm...?

Started by never2old, September 15, 2014, 09:26:03 AM

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We were supposed to go next month with some friends, and their 3 year old daughter just broke her arm  :( 

We haven't actually booked anything yet, so I was wondering if it was worth me telling them to wait and try again later, when she's fully recovered...

I have in mind that there are some rides they wont let you do with a cast, do you know if that's true, if they have restrictions? Does anyone have any experience?


I was in DLP last year with a cast from my fingers to mid lower arm and was able to ride everything. x


I fell and broke my elbow 2 days before our last trip, it was sore but didn't stop me from doing anything, still did all the big rides, I was determined it wasn't going to spoil my trip, esp with it being my first visit.

Hope it will be ok x.


Sad to hear about their daughter.
But in my opinion, I can't see any reason that that should make you not go to DLP, as long as she is fine otherwise.
If she for example got painkillers that make her sleepy, maybe find a quiet place to relax or go back to the hotel for example? Can't see any reason a broken arm should stop you. But if their daughter isn't her self if she got some medications etc, and can't bear to go, then it may be a different story.

Just my 2 cents.
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Thank you all  :D

As I said, I don't even know if they will still want to go... But glad to know that at least there will be no particular restrictions for her.

We're going to see them this weekend so we can talk about it... She's a very lively girl, it must be tough already for her not to be able to do all she wants, maybe a trip to Disney is just what she needs  ;D As you say norhel if she's feeling OK otherwise, why not?

I'll let you know what happens  :)


My daughter broke her collar bone 4 days before we were going to DLP. Her doctor said as far as he was concerned she could do all the rides except fast roller coaster so I think your friend's child should be ok. Doctor said it was up to Disney as to what she could ride and they weren't bothered.


being 3 she wont be able to go on any of the bigger rides that could potentially aggravate a condition like that (ie. more lightly to knock it on a harness/side of the ride as she moves around etc.) anyway (too little) so she should be absolutely fine in disney.

just a note though, if you do book and plan to fly make sure you see the doctor as she will need a fit to fly certificate from the doctor which basically says that a medical professional is happy for her to board an aircraft for travel, that you will then give to your airline on check in, if you don't have one, she wont be allowed to board the plane. (they tend to want one more when someone has a cast and you always have to have one if you have spent any time in hospital within a couple of weeks of your travel day (i know all this because i am a rep and i have just done all the fit to fly stuff after having an accident in resort that meant i had to fly home))
past trips to DLRP ~2001~2001~2002~2003~2005~2005~2006~2008~2011~2013~2015/16~2016~2017~2019
DLH, SL, NPBC, Explorers, Dream Castle, Magic Circus, Kyraid,

upcoming trips....


Poor girl, seems a trip to Disney will cheer her up  :)

Also, Never2Old, I've just seen your ticker-- jealous is not the word! I want to do that so badly
Jan 2002- Cheyenne,
Nov 2004- Santa Fe,
July 2005- Santa Fe,
March 2007- Cheyenne,
Sept 2007- Cheyenne,
Oct 2008- HNY,
Jan 2010- Santa Fe,
Sept/Oct 2013- Cheyenne (Alice's first trip),
Feb 2015- DLH (Isaac's first trip and Alice's birthday trip)
June 2016- Sequoia Lodge


Just a little update for you all, we went to see them on Sunday; the little girl is doing great, when we arrived she was wearing her princess Sofia dress (both her and my daughter have the same dress... so of course as soon as Alicia saw her best friend wearing the dress she wanted to wear hers  ::) fortunately she was so happy to see her friend that she didn't insist too much on the dress) Both girls spent the afternoon playing and running around, no problems with the arm  ;)

However it turns out both her and her little sister seem to have a big fear of characters! They were on holiday just before and in the kids club they had a rabbit character, they were both crying when we came near them.... So we're going to wait a bit before Disney with them...

In the meantime we've booked our trip, just a couple of weeks to go  :D

@jeakat24  ;D I'm very very excited about that cruise... I've been wanting to do one for years, I hope it's the first of many!!