Phantom Manor - If Walt was alive today, he would of hated it!

Started by DisneyManiac, August 19, 2014, 02:44:20 PM

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Got it from here:

As a fan of DLP and have NOT visited the American parks, I am confused and a bit hurt inside as this is the only Haunted Mansion ride I have ridden so far, could someone explain please?

QuoteAs Walt Disney would have been alive today, he would have hated haunted Phantom Manor in Disneyland Paris. That told Disney legend Alice Davis (85) yesterday at a meeting with Disney fans. Alice worked in the sixties closely with Grandmaster Walt as a costume designer for attractions such as It's a Small World and Pirates of the Caribbean. "Walt Disney would have a panic attack if he saw Phantom Manor", known Alice. About the condition of the poorly maintained haunted house in, she said: "It is better to close than the visitors to dish a bad experience for the attraction." After her grim statements immediately buzzed with rumors about the future of the classic ride. The usually well-informed Twitter account InsideDLParis announced that Phantom Manor after a huge renovation gets a whole different meaning around 2017. French Disney resort includes over 25 years.


OK, first of all let me say that I respect Alice Davis for her work and contribution to Disney imagineering! Her late husband was a true Disney Legend and his work at the Haunted Mansion is phenomenal! BUT, I have been highly disappointed by Alice's negative remarks about Phantom Manor! It's not the first time either she has expressed her disapproval!

We all know that Marc Davis wanted the Mansion to be funny, not scary. In the end, many of his ideas were used and combined with some spookier elements to create the Mansion as we know it. Another thing worth mentioning is that Walt Disney did not like the idea of a run-down building in his pristine park, hence his well-known saying, "We'll take care of the outside and let the ghosts take care of the inside."

For the detailed construction story of the Haunted Mansion and Phantom Manor visit the outstanding site

Without wanting to sound bitter or harsh, perhaps it would be great if Alice Davis visited the Ravenswood Manor site as well, because I think she's missing some important details, or at least she chooses to ignore them! It looks to me as if she feels that Phantom Manor is an abomination that disrespects her late husband's memory! If only she knew how many people love the ride and would be tremendously disappointed if it turned into something completely different.

I watched the video of the Q&A session on YouTube and I was stunned by Alice's reaction when the specific question was asked. When Bob Gurr started talking she grabbed her microphone with impatience to give her harsh opinion about PM! She didn't even answer the second half of the question about what she thinks of the Nightmare Before Christmas overlay the Mansion gets for the holidays. Nothing! Zip! Only that Walt Disney would have hated PM and that it needs to shut down because its quality is terrible!

Yes, I am a HUGE Phantom Manor fan and I'm probably biased, but I think Alice Davis' words are unfair!


She never went on the ride and yet she instantly says that Walt would hate it just by judging pictures? Whatever happened to the proverb Never Judge a Book by it's Cover?

Sure it never quite lived to what Walt Disney wanted it to be like, but that's the idea of the ride, it's a darker tone. There is a sign near the entrance claiming that some scenes may be frightening to young children. The Manor has been abandoned for many years and over the years the gardens have overgrown, but one thing still remains, the beauty.


Also, even if does disgust Walt Disney he still would be proud of it, I mean, after all, it's what's in the inside that counts. A rundown old French manor with such a romantic and tragic story that is just dying to be told!


It had to look abandoned because if it was in pristine condition it wouldn't be obvious to everyone that it is a haunted house. In the US you see the inscription on the plaque and voilĂ , you know you're entering a haunted house. In Europe not everyone speaks english, so the exterior of the house serves as the indication of what you're about to experience.


I always think that The Haunted Mansion looks too pristine to be a haunted house, and that Phantom Manor does sets the mood so much better. I love seeing the creepy looking house on the hill it brings back the time as kids where you knew an old abounded place that wanted to explore but knew you shouldn't.

That said though, I think back in the day Walt wanted Disneyland to be ultra clean and well kept to show that Disneyland was in a league of it own. But these days we know understand more about themeing and set dressing in Disney parks that the imagineers designed it that way to tell a story or set the mood.
(No comments about other run down buildings ect in the park please haha).

I mean look at Tower of Terror... Im guessing Walt would of hated that too?
My Disneyland Paris Trips:
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 (1 Day Trips)

March 2012, 2 days at Kyriad Hotel
June 2013, 2 days at Dream Castle Hotel
December 2013, 6 days at Sequoia Lodge
December 2014, 6 days at The Disneyland Hotel
December 2015 6 Days at Sequoia Lodge GF

Planned Holidays:
February 2016 - 3 days at Sequoia Lodge GF
November 2016 - Walt Disney World  (Maybe)


None of us can know what he would have thought, but I suspect he would be shocked to see his company being run by people who care more about making easy money than art, imagination or storytelling. And he'd probably kill himself after knowing they've shut down hand-drawn animation. Also, we know he liked cleanliness, so he could be more shocked to see DLP in not a very "pristine" state, rather than worrying about an old house beautifully done and looking like an imposing mansion, inspired by a legendary film from Hitchcock.

And I'm not even a PM fan.


I am a huge PM fan, but was just surprised how much of the attraction was broken recently. Audio missing here and there during the thunder Mesa scene, broken animatronics and no mirror ghosts in the final scene. PoTC suffered from all of the same too, not the best of shows.

Whilst I hope any updates don't ruin this beauty of a ride, I hope that we see some update effects. It was looking like it needs it now.
Welcome foolish mortals