Main Street Refurbishment

Started by Its Just Like I DreamedIt, July 03, 2014, 12:16:00 PM

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Its Just Like I DreamedIt

Does anyone know if the refurbishment of Main Street buildings will be finished by 14th July? I know they put pictures over the scaffolding but I still would like to see MS in all its glory.

!Magic Everywhere


Quote from: Its Just Like I DreamedIt on July 03, 2014, 12:16:00 PM
Does anyone know if the refurbishment of Main Street buildings will be finished by 14th July? I know they put pictures over the scaffolding but I still would like to see MS in all its glory.


Probably not, in all fairness its not that distracting from Main Street


I don't know the schedule for the work but with a couple of days to go, I doubt it. I'm glad they've put the pictures on the scaffolding. If it makes you feel any better I once went when the castle was undergoing a refurb. Very strange to spend the entire trip not going near it, and the photos were rubbish! Enjoy your trip
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