November - Mickey's Magical Fireworks and Bonfire

Started by gemma2806, June 29, 2014, 11:42:35 PM

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Hi everyone!

Well I've been starting to save for my next DLP trip which to be fair I didn't believe would be until 2017 but my family have decided we can't wait that long! It's my other half's 40th birthday next year on the 1st November so we've decided to go for 7 days from the 1st till the 7th staying in the GFC (we just loved it too much!) at the Sequoia.

We've never been at this time before but know that the bonfire and fireworks will happen on Lake Disney at this time.

Has anyone been at this time before? What actually goes on in the parks over this time or is it a break between Halloween and Christmas seasons? Can anyone comment on the crowds or weather?

Basically I'm trying to get an idea of what to expect. This will be my 6th time at DLP and 4th time at Sequoia.

Thanks in advance



We've been at that time of year before. It's lovely. You'll see an odd mix of Halloween and Christmas stuff as they change all the decorations over in this time. It's quite fun going to the parks each morning and seeing what they've added/taken away overnight. The weather is starting to get chilly but isn't freezing yet.

We went in 2008 and the fireworks were on the 4th, 6th and 8th. Yes they're on Lake Disney and they were fabulous. The best firework display in had seen live until Dreams. We stayed for six days to do both Halloween (and the soirée) and bonfire night (well, the 4th anyway), which. Was a great way to experience both. Though it did push up the price a bit.
Jan 2002- Cheyenne,
Nov 2004- Santa Fe,
July 2005- Santa Fe,
March 2007- Cheyenne,
Sept 2007- Cheyenne,
Oct 2008- HNY,
Jan 2010- Santa Fe,
Sept/Oct 2013- Cheyenne (Alice's first trip),
Feb 2015- DLH (Isaac's first trip and Alice's birthday trip)
June 2016- Sequoia Lodge


That's for your reply jeakat24  :D

I've never been for Halloween season (we're saving that for 2017) but I was hoping I may get some idea of what to expect. I've been for Christmas season twice and absolutely loved it but after a lot of discussion we decided to go for my other half's birthday rather than a few weeks later.

I'm hoping the crowds and weather will be reasonable as we've been spoilt now after last November's trip, the crowds were non-existent and the weather was lovely!


Hi Gemma,
We also can't wait till 2017 - as we were meant to do as well! So we will be going in November too - but a few weeks after you - 13th to 17th, as DS6 turns 7 on the 16th.
I am so excited to be going again so soon!! I never thought we'd be able to swing it, but then when we looked into going in March/April again next year, we had a look just for a laugh we thought - and realised November was actually cheaper!!! So here we go again! Only 4 months to wait!!!
I've just started a topic to find out what to expect, character wise as well. Have you got any tips or tricks - we haven't been during the christmas season before, so are really excited about it!
Also, it's our first weekend trip - we usually go Mon-Fri. So we're hoping to catch the Descent every day, hoping for special characters...
Bursting with excitement, as you can tell....  ;D ;D ;D

May 2017 - Newport
November 2014 - Santa Fe
March 2014 - Santa Fe
March 2012 - Santa Fe