Trip report 16-20 march 2014!!!

Started by littlebitofpixiedust, March 26, 2014, 01:41:38 AM

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Day 1: Headed for our Eurostar filled with excitement :) arrive an hour before departure at around 10.20 (I think we left) enjoyed breakfast on the train and watched Cars with my very exited son on his iPad. Just to add we almost didn't make this trip! My son was in hospital for 2 weeks prior to this and they let him home the night before, pure luck. Filled with nerves mind you but praying he'd be ok just to see him light up as we arrived.
Before we knew it were there! We made it yay!!!
So we head to our hotel the Cheyenne this time round and check in early, dump our bags and away we go....

Straight to the studios park, to guest relations to acquire my sons disability card (easy access) then head to his favourite ride of the studios the magic carpets wich he really enjoyed. Next studio tram tour wich we've done countless times but we had a first timer with us wich is always great to watch lol!
Few shows in studios then we headed of for some quality cuisine.... McDonalds! After that back to the hotel relax and catch some zzzzs ready for magic hours the following day.

Day 2: up bright an early, gotta love the first full day in the parcs don't you?! So of we go an head to discoveryland where our first stop is buzz lightyears laser blast! All round family favourite, my son cannot shot but he loves to spin the car making me feel rather queasy lol.
Next stop space mountain with the newbie! He was terrified beyond belief but actually loved it and who wouldn't great ride!

Fantasyland next and we started at small world, so quiet we even had 2 goes round. That was a first for us very nice indeed. Then the other smaller rides wich my son loves especially Pinocchio, snow whites rather dark and a little scary for some children but he loves the dark so he was fine! Quick whizz on the mad hatters tea cups and time for breakfast, we were all starving by this point (10am) usually we'd opt for breakfast early but my little man hates eating early so we decided to change it this time to suit our fuss pot. Worked well for him so it's something we'll continue on upcoming visits.
Breakfast was quiet at this point no que and no fuss was lovely. Back to the hotel room after for some time out of his chair before heading of again to the Disneyland parc.

Straight to frontierland and started on phantom manour again one of my sons favourites! So wanted to get him a tshirt from the new range but none in his size :( age 5 boooo! After this we had a ride on Molly brown the sun was shining and it was very calming.
Next up thunder mountain with the newbie, nervous again! He didn't expect it to be as it is, but enjoyed this also.

You guessed it adventure land is next, pirates! My personal favourite allthough my little mite isn't keen on this because of the hills so he say with grandad whilst the rest of us enjoyed the ride.
We then went back to fantasyland because now sonnys absolute best ride ever is open.... Casey junior!!! Finally they've started reopening these 2 rides more often. He had a whale of a time on caseys laughing all the way :)
The little boat ride next and another 2 goes round perfect! Then we redone the smaller attractions in fantasyland and by that point we were just intime to see mickey and Minnie in their Irish costumes. All gold and green in their car very nice!
After this back to discoveryland to do buzz again, autopia and for the oldies star tours. I'm no star wars fan but I do love the ride and the que also.
It's now coming close to 6pm and time to start heading to DLH for our inventions dinner :) we got a wonderful view of the park and met some characters. Suzy,pearla,mickey,Minnie,goofy,Pluto.
The food was lovely and we took our time. Not long and it was time for Disney dreams! So of we went to find a spot, we always try to get a spot just behind the railings so my son can see from his chair and we can stay together. The show started with some st Patrick's day fireworks wich were amazing, and some new scenes following in the main show that I hadnt seen. I'm glad my favourite was still in there (tangled) gets me Everytime! Sonny laughed non stop throughout and wasn't take his eyes of it. He did wear his light ears this time!
Just a shame there were 2 families swearing abuse at one another right in the middle of the show, very of putting and not nice I front of children. Shameful really! But hey!
Back to the hotel we go after letting the crowds die down. Bedtime.....

Day 3: we didn't get to magic hours this day we all overslept and had breakfast at 10am then went straight to the studios parc. Started of on magic carpets again, then cinemaquige and art of animation before we could use our tower of terror fast passes!
So tower of terror wich I didnt get to ride on my last visit because it broke down when I was on it and closed :( we qued for about 5mins and the cast member called 2 wich we were and walked on ahead and to my surprise we was front row! Wasn't going to tell our newbie that, he hadn't looked up and worked it out on the sign lol.... I'm evil I know! But he wouldn't of gone on. Great quality ride, unique every time so it seems. The photo was funny!

After this we wanted to ride rock n roller so we got in the que and it broke down just before we got on boo! Allthough I was relieved it didn't break down with me on it again like it on a previous trip. So of we went and watched the motors stunt show. Sonny loved the lightning McQueen bit as did I got a few good photos too wich I'm unsure how to upload to here?
Then we watched animagique and all had a good song along and joined in.

Now on to Disneyland parc to hopefully do the train that circles the parc. It was along wait as they only had one train running bit we waited anyway then we got on at main street station and went all the way round to discoveryland station got of another go of buzz and autopia!
Few more rides in fantasyland and by that time is was parade o'clock :) we got there a little late but managed to get an ok spot I got sonny out of his chair on my lap and he couldn't wait for it too start he was looking for it. After the parade of for dinner again and tonight we dined at planet Hollywood one of my favs. The newbie had a cocktail think it was Called hell boy? I had a try omg so strong! Yuck! However the food was delicious.

After this we done some retail therapy and bought some new toys for sonny and a really cool mickey pirate top wich looks fab on! Hotel and by the time we knew it time to sleep. Time always goes so fast at Disneyland.....

Day 4: We  made it to magic hours today and did discoveryland followed by fantasyland attractions once again! We had a whizz round the maze wich I havnt done in some time and myself being the big kid climbed the tower and waved to the grandparents and my little man. It did hurt climbing it too, I did my knee in somehow and was limping a lot wich have everyone a laugh I suppose.

Back for breakfast again, chilled out in our room ready to head to the studios in the hope rock n roller would be on. Was it NOOO! :( so we did stitch show wich was closed the day before wich we all enjoyed as always, I did notice it differed from the last one we saw too. Then we done animagique once more whilst the big boys did Armageddon.
Then we watched stars and cars parade wich was nice we had a great view as we did wait a good half an hour or maybe more for a god spot!

Still no sign of rock roller opening I did ask one of the cast members that was standing out the front of it and he said bring me chocolate and I'll get it goin.... Lol okay if it were that easy! we decide to have dinner in the studios wich wasn't great tbh very mediocre and hardly warm.
So cut our losses and back to the main parc for another go on panntom mansion and a repeat of sonnys favourites!!

By now we were all tired and knew we had to pack our things ready for the next morning :( but we did decide on having breakfast at cafe mickey wich we never have done (only dinner)

Day 5: Last day! :(
But of to cafe mickey we went and very nice it was indeed, quiet and see more characters chip and dale, eeyore, mickey, minnie, gepetto,goofy the food was nice and included some got items. I think there was eggs, bacon, sausages but no beans lol. And the continental things you'd expect. After an hour over breakfast of we headed to the main parc to do again the little mans favourite things.
So buzz, phantom mansion, Casey junior twice round and didn't even ask the lovely cast member asked me if my son would like an extra go as he could see he loved it. I so should have made a note of his name I think It was something like Joachim? Very lovely man! Pinocchio, snow white, tea cups, small world and dumbo wich was unforgettable! My little boy doesn't speak but rarely says a word. Very rare! When it stopped he pushed the lever and said so clearly "AGAIN" I almost cried! I had to tell him next time again we have to go now with a little tear in my eye.
The que for dumbo is too big to have 2 goes round lol but he wouldn't understand that. However he got of the ride without a tantrum and was absoloutly fine :)

Now one last walk to the studios where we was going to catch playhouse Disney in English! Wich we were in luck there was after looking for days and missing them. So we enjoyed that and by that point it was now time to head for the train station.

With a heavy heart I told my sonny to say goodbye to Disneyland and helped him wave and reassured him we will be back really soon! And with that we left for the Eurostar.
The staff were very helpful and showed us through and took us down to where the ramp was to get my son on the train first. I assume this is just how they board disabled Passangers now? As we've only just started booking the wheelchair spaces as he's getting to heavy to carry far now and he's sitting isn't all that great on a standard chair on the train,
We did upset some other Passangers mind you because they were at the lift and the Eurostar staff stopped them and out us on the lift first! Again I'm unsure as to why they rushed us on but I can only assume its because he's a wheelchair user. The family were very angry and stated shouting things wich weren't very kind but by that point the lift door was closing anyway. Ah well.

So a lovely journey home on borad the eurostar, shoes of and relax! Thank god I don't have steely feet lol. Sonny slept most of the way home he was shatterd bless him.
And with that our Disneyland trip had come to an end. Till the next time! Roll on 28sept HNY! :)


So happy for you that your son was well enough to go.

Sound like to had a great time.

I'll have to try the "Hell Boy" in Planet Hollywood.

It's nice to hear that the CM were nice and friendly as they do get bad reports, though we never had a problem with them, but it sounds like the English were the rude ones this time, during Dreams and at the Station.

But you had a good time and have September to look forward too.

2015-Sequoia Lodge Honeymoon Suite
2015-Sequoia Lodge GF Lakeside
2014-Sequoia Lodge- Hubby's big 30
2013- Newport Bay- 1st time with kids 4y &1y
2008-Sequoia Lodge
2005-Sequoia Lodge - Got engaged
2004-Sequoia Lodge


Thanks for the report, glad your son could go


Yes sgregory27 the staff do get bad feedback but as always nobody focuses on the good! I'd like to give some feedback about the staff this year as I was very impressed with them. Some rememberd my little boys name, and some were just generally cheery and greeted you with a smile wich makes us h a difference I think personally.

Roll on September! And Im currently planning a December trip also. Crazy I know! But the way my sons been lately times precious and it's what he loves and I just love nothing more than seeing him happy. Over the last 3 months we've had 4 admissions (same problem each time) and were finally almost got a diagnosis of a rare metabolic disorder. Wich I'm thankfull finally the docs are helping discover what's happening to him. He's non verbal so it's hard! Disney gives us some happy days, like most of us here lol.

And I'm glad daddyof2 we got too go! I'm going to read through some previous trip reports if ever of you 2 have any?


The good thing about Disneyland is that we can always create happy.memories with our loved ones!
I am glad you were able to go and that you're planning two more trips! ;)

First time ever: August 2000, one day visit!
August 2010, NewPort Bay, 5 days
October 2012, Sequoia Lodge, 5 days
April 2014, Sequoia Lodge, 6 days - Big 7th Bday Surprise for DD#1 :)
September 2015, Newport Bay 6 days - Another surprise!!!


Sviolet that is certainly the best thing we've been so many times but Everytime is special to me. I couldn't imagine a happier place to be and what is the best thing for us is the magic is in easy reach! I just love it so much like all of us here  ;D



Your trip report is fab, I really look forward to reading your September one. Disney is all about creating memories, I said that I would not return to Disney without a child of my own so 7 years later I am on my way back this December, my son Seon (pronounced Shaun) will of just turned 4 and I cannot wait.
Believe in the magic
Em xx


First time ever: August 2000, one day visit!
August 2010, NewPort Bay, 5 days
October 2012, Sequoia Lodge, 5 days
April 2014, Sequoia Lodge, 6 days - Big 7th Bday Surprise for DD#1 :)
September 2015, Newport Bay 6 days - Another surprise!!!


Seony your son will enjoy ever moment and I'm sure you will too. Everytime the advert comes on my sons watching intently, the amazement and wonder in a child's eyes is pure magic! On my sons first visit there were tears. (Happy tears!) aboard Small world actually.
I never thought he'd even get the chance to go he was one on his first visit! And had recently had brain surgery and many complications as a newborn. Still has now, but our little Disney trips give us magic, special days to look forward to and treasure! I hope you all have an amazing visit and more to come in the future. Enjoy every minuite!

I hope you write a trip report and tell us all about Seons first Disneyland Paris trip!


Trip report, pre trip report and probably a whole host of questions will be on here. Seony loves the current advert, I have a photo of my mum and I with Sully ( we were very lucky to see him and the park was very quiet) which he always goes to when the advert is on.

Very excited
Believe in the magic
Em xx


I so want to meet sully well I want my son (sonny) to meet sully why have I not ever seen any characters from monsters inc :( its he's absolute favourite!