Fire inside The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

Started by Kristof, November 09, 2013, 11:37:47 AM

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Dutch message board Cafe Mickey reported on Twitter that there's a fire going on inside The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror.

So far no injuries are reported and the park doesn't seem to get evacuated, except a few nearby attractions out of safety precautions. This might indicate it's an isolated incident.

Guests are not allowed to enter the park anymore though, they are currently being send to Disneyland Park (via Trekkie101)


Our fellow member Trekkie101 just posted this on Twitter:

@PlazaGardens @magicforum Yep no (park) entry but doesn't seem like a rushed exit :)


I hope none of staff and guests are injured or hurt,
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Massive Disneyland Paris fan and owner of Magical Disneyland Paris -

DLRP Roundup!

It's a fair bit after the fact however:

The news broke on Twitter literally an hour or two into the official press event, so all the journalists were fairly content inside Disneyland Park.

I was walking out the New York Hotel and round the lake towards security, passed through no problem and wandered on my way to the studios. Upon arrival just ahead of the gates, the cast members had wandered forward a bit and explained there was currently a technical issue and that only Disneyland Park was accepting guests.

There weren't any flames, so I didn't take photos. Park opened back up fairly quick (around 15/20 mins) - I suspect this is due to needing some sort of fire crew to assess the situation. The park was reported to be evacuated but in fairness I don't think it was, Magic Hours were in the studios that day and I figure a large number of people were just leaving. There were certainly people in the park when I got entry.

Inside ToT had all its cast outside the ride, diverting people away, informing them, it'd likely be up much later in the day. Fire and Rescue (DLP's team) were wandering around looking quite calm and relaxed. There seems to be a park operations team that were also in attendance, some very senior looking people in black jackets.

Around 30 minutes went by and then I seen Crush didn't seem to have  a queue, wandered over to take advantage however the lights were clearly on inside the show building, the queue had been emptied and Fire and Rescue (DLP's second team) were wandering the track. Crush opened back up within the hour.

Armageddon was initially shut due to proximity to ToT but opened back up fairly quick.

Aerosmith took a bit of a beating queue wise, Toy Story Playland also got hit incredibly hard (more so than anywhere else).

Most impressively DLP was definitely on their A game, as I suspect they always are with safety. Two fairly major rides went down. Park managers were likely occupied with Press Event formalities. However the safety teams handled everything very smoothly and unlike some other Parks, they didn't have to shut down rides due to suddenly not having enough safety cover for them all.
The Roundup
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I knew there was something odd about that hotel :D