Save Disneyland Paris petition

Started by Festival Disney, August 15, 2013, 01:51:39 PM

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The attitudes some have when it comes to queueing is just wrong, normally I say excuse me loudly and firmly in French and English.

The problem is its not the park's problem that people don't have the basic courtesy to respect that others are ahead of them.


I go nowhere near as often as quite a lot of forum members but-
I have to say that my only moan was about guests behaviour on our last visit-
People pushing to get into Animagique-so much so little children were crying.
Behaviour of guests in Inventions
People pushing in/queue jumping-I think the greatest tactic is "I need to get to my family!" that seemed to happen on EVERY ride.  :roll:
And a womans derogatory comments about dsabled people to a CM at the Parachute drop.
OH! And EVERY morning we would walk into a spotless park-an hour or so later you are seeing CMs sweeping up the endless fag butts and rubbish dropped on the floor!

We also got talking to an American family who are are touring all the Disney Parks over the coming couple of years. They were saying that, in the America Parks, which they frequent often, that if guests carried on the way they saw some behave in our very much loved DLP, they would be kicked out of the park.

As for maintenance-we saw ladies and gentlemen suited and booted carrying lists and blue prints walking up and down Main Street, talking in huddles and pointing at buidlings(I wanted to go listen! But got a look off my kids!)
We saw teams of gardeners out and fresh paint signs around Main Street and Adventure Land.
When we arrived on the Monday, a maintenance crew were starting on the lights from NPB to the Village-fresh paint-the shades washed and bulbs changed-It looked beautiful by the time Saturday night came.

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
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My concern about the article is if people constantly criticize DLP like that it's going to put people of from going, which would be a shame. What's the author in the article saying, Disney can't run theme parks and DLP is falling in to rack and ruin. The Walt Disney Company is one of the most successful companies in the world and DLP is open for business everyday of the year.
I'm sure maintenance is going on all the time around the resort, but some fans like to focus on the faults. I know DLP can be expensive when staying at one of their hotels and some constructive criticism is fair enough and could even be helpful to them.  I can see some of it from both sides, as a customer and as  someone who is concerned about the financial side of the business.
As far as rude guests are concerned Disney should kick them out, but probably can't. I'm sure you get rude guests in Disney theme parks in America though.
Ed & David

DLRP Roundup!

Quote from: "ed-uk"I'm sure you get rude guests in Disney theme parks in America though.

Oh it does and it can be much worse.
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I mean, DLP really needs more live show on stages! I love DLP. I was in DLP 5 times (3x in last year), but now i have nothing to go in DLP again in one-two  years or so...
No  live show (Tarzan, Lion king, Mickey Winter Wonderland, empty castle stage, no Fantillusion...) atraction in bad condition (not all), nothing new... Yes, Dreams are nice, but i want more for all times in the day... I signed this petition for this.

(sorry for my bad english)
[size=85](sorry for my bad english, thank You!)[/size]


Us fans always want more and looking on the bright side the new Ratatouille ride and restaurant opens in the WDS next year. Judging from the photos I've seen it's looking very impressive and a big investment for the future. But I guess whatever Disney do regarding stage shows, or anything else, it has got to make financial sense to them. And I think they've been right to plus the WDS with new rides and theming and expand the park. DLP fans were crying out for it.
Ed & David


It is a shame that we have lost streetmosphere (Although I thoroughly enjoyed the brass quartet on our latest visit-They were there EVERY time we walked by! Very impressive and really gave a huge heapful of Disney magic to Main Street) and stage shows, but, as ed-uk says, we can't have it both ways. We can't have DLP continuously losing money yet develop great rides.
Although money is going to be EXTREMELY tight with my eldest starting University in a few weeks, I am determined to save up and get back ASAP to see the new Ratatouille ride.

October 2001-Santa Fe
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October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Quote from: "tubbsy"It is a shame that we have lost streetmosphere (Although I thoroughly enjoyed the brass quartet on our latest visit-They were there EVERY time we walked by! Very impressive and really gave a huge heapful of Disney magic to Main Street) and stage shows, but, as ed-uk says, we can't have it both ways. We can't have DLP continuously losing money yet develop great rides.
Although money is going to be EXTREMELY tight with my eldest starting University in a few weeks, I am determined to save up and get back ASAP to see the new Ratatouille ride.

I know it means buying the Sun for two weeks, but there is the offer they run around Christmas time for cheap tickets?


Really? Havent seen that! May have to go and investigate! Thank you :)

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Quote from: "tubbsy"Really? Havent seen that! May have to go and investigate! Thank you :)

I'll put a post up when it starts up again, I make a point of using them every year as a perfect excuse for a short break


Thank you so much! :D Will keep an eye out

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Saw this reported on a few newspaper websites today:

Quote from: The IndependentDisneyland Paris feels fury of disenchanted customers as more than 5,000 visitors sign petition demanding higher standards
Theme park enthusiast starts petition after being shocked by closed attractions and 're-heated food in one of the most expensive restaurants'

Christian Sylt     Friday 13 September 2013
More than 5,000 theme park fans have signed a petition demanding higher standards at Disneyland Paris – amid complaints about poor food, broken rides and a lack of stage shows.   The petition was sent earlier this week to Bob Iger, chief executive of the California-based Walt Disney Company which owns 39.8 per cent of Disneyland Paris.
Belgian theme park enthusiast Guillaume Gallant was spurred into starting the petition after a disappointing recent visit to park. He says he was shocked to find that four of the shows had been cancelled, two attractions were closed and food in one of the most expensive restaurants appeared to have been re-heated.
"We received our dishes in less than five minutes which is obviously too short a time for our food to have been cooked after we ordered," says Mr Gallant. He adds that "ride breakdowns are already common under normal circumstances but I've never seen so many of them... The loss of entertainment even reaches a critical point this year, as it's the first summer season with not a single stage show at all in the Disneyland Park. This is a first in DLP history and probably among all the Disney parks world-wide."
Ever since its ornate iron gates swung open in 1992, Disneyland Paris has been considered the poor relation to its bigger brother in Florida, which has three times more parks along with consistently better weather. But against expectations it has become Europe's most-visited theme park complex, with a record 16m guests last year. This gives it nearly as many visitors as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre combined.
However, Mr Gallant says quality has been sacrificed in the drive grow boost attendance figures while reducing costs. His petition has been translated into six languages and, by Friday, had been signed by 5,127 people. The petition is an embarrassing development for Euro Disney's 50 year-old chief executive Philippe Gas. Since  he took over in September 2008 Euro Disney, the operator of Disneyland Paris, has made total net losses  of €272.3m.
A spokesperson for Disneyland Paris says that "both The Walt Disney Company and the management of Disneyland Paris are dedicated to ensuring that our resort offers each of its guests a magical experience. We take guest comments very seriously and use them to help us evaluate our processes and procedures." Mr Gallant says that Mr Iger's response "will be an opportunity for Disney to show that they care, not only about their guests, but about their product and brand image in Europe".
Disneyland Paris has been battered by a series of scandals with the most recent coming in June this year when a French court fined Euro Disney €150,000 for employing two retired policemen to spy on job applicants between 1997 and 2004. Euro Disney claimed it had been in the interests of security. Last year staff marched on strike through Disneyland Paris calling for a pay increase of at least 4 per cent compared to the 1.5% on offer.
Having read the petition, on the maintenance side, as per the petition, the refurbishments in recent years have been much higher than previously. However, with the backlog, it takes time. It would have been good to cite major examples of where maintenance is needed.

On the shows, I can't really argue with the lack of shows. Equally, the closure times of restaurants is bizarre.

I can't agree with the Studios comments, as clearly, there has been significant investment in new rides and there is a rather big one opening next year, which doesn't get a mention!

Finally, in my experience, the hotels continue to be maintained fairly well and updated and the Village is gradually being updated.

I am sure it won't come to anything - especially as it should really go to Euro Disney S.C.A., but it interesting it got so many signatures before the media attention (which are all typical DLP articles, giving them a good bash).


There was another thread about this. Things like this play into the Xenophobes hands who want any excuse to slag off anything European. ]

The comments on the DM about going to Florida as its the original Disneyland makes me laugh


It looks like the British press has picked up the Save DLP petition story and now the Belgian newspapers are picking it up too.

The biggest Belgian newspaper "Het Laatste Nieuws" published an online article with a poll on the side with this question and options and it has quite an interesting outcome.

Is Disneyland Paris truly in a bad state?

  • 19% Yes, this summer (1517 votes)   
  • 27%  No, I haven't noticed (2169 votes)   
  • 9%  It used to, but I don't know now (700 votes)   
  • 11%  Yes, it was always like that (858 votes)   
  • 34%  I've never been to DLP (2670 votes)

Full article in Dutch:

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One of my friends linked this to me on facebook and asked for my opinion, I just told him what I thought about disneyland paris. and one thing I pointed out to him was if it wasnt any good/run down etc would I have been 20 times!!! Some of the reviews I read on tripadviser make me laugh too!!! X