Can the corporate leopard change it's spot's?

Started by captain rocket, November 30, 2012, 12:05:11 PM

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captain rocket

Just back from a manic one day at the parks for Christmas, which was very good, and could not believe the general state of sectors of the park. We are all aware of the tremendous effort made to repair and  maintain parts of the park that had fallen into neglect and I congratulate DLRP for it. The question that this raised for me was, will they keep on top of maintenance etc and the answer is an emphatic no!
Rather than bore everyone with a list I just thought I would share the state of the illumination over the main gate and here is a (fairly poor!) photo taken yesterday
At a rough guess, I would think that over half of the bulbs were dead. We are talking about the entrance to Europes biggest tourist attraction, Virtually all of the new visitors to Disney would see this sad sight when they entered the park and that just fills me with  exasperation! There are stories that Walt Disney took a daily walk around his park and balled out anyone if just one light bulb that had failed and not been replaced! He would have a field day in Paris at the moment.
What do you think? Is it just a case of money? or do the management not care as long as the visitors keep coming? Does this sight sadden you like it has me?


I don't know, but maintenance is just a nightmare, once they get all the way around the park fixing things, they have to go back to the being and start over again. DLP is open everyday of the year and so the park is bound to have off days,  our favourite ride breaks down, some light bulbs fail, is it always avoidable ?  I'm not making excuses for them because we all care about maintenance. I think they will fix the lights above the entrance and I hope the rides, parades and Dreams were all working smoothly and that you had a magical time.
Ed & David

captain rocket

ed-uk. i went on my own as my usual travelling companion has hit hard times! I thought the Christmas cavalcade was superb, a parade in all but name and I hope that this and the improvement at Halloween are a sign of things to come now that Glendale is making the entertainment decisions! I will have to check my photos, but I think there were more dancers in the cavalcade than "Magic on Parade".
Disney Magic on Parade was a little thin on the ground in numbers, No Fairy godmothers at the start, only two playing cards for Alice but made up for by the chattering from the Mad hatter who is defiinitely English judging by his voice. Four flying bird carriers instead of six and only four segway witches. I think its a bit unfair on casual guests that they miss out on a full parade.
I also found it difficult to find anywhere open in Frontierland for food! Cowboy cookout, Fuento del Oro and last chance salloon all closed, I ended up at Caseys Corner, mind you that was a walk in!
On the maintenance front, Molly Brown is showing a few scuffs and Scrapes and could do with the return of Mark Twain to help out!
I enjoyed my day and am very tired today!
Nearly forgot to mention the embarasment that  is the Studios at Christmas. The same old trees on lamposts inside the main entrance and the illuminated items around the partners statue that looks like it came straight from one of those over decorated houses at Christmas.
My opinion is that they should forget Christmas at the Studios until they can afford to attack it with more imagination and enthusiasm and concentrate on the Main Park.


Well  DLP  seem to of given up on Christmas in the WDS which is a real shame, but I can't think of a good focal point for them to place a Christmas tree, the park is so small. But I hope as the park grows in the future and becomes more popular they make more of an effort at Christmas.
I would have less sympathy for DLP regarding maintenance and the lack of  performers in Magic on Parade,  if  EuroDisney made big profits, but since they don't and lost 100,0000 Euros last year, I'm not sure things can be much better. But now that the WDC have refinanced EuroDisneys debts, maybe things will improve. After all we've been waiting for 20 years.
I'm glad you enjoyed your time there, you had a long journey for one day.
Poor old Molly Brown, she  looked superb when they fixed her up last year.
Ed & David


It certainly is a shame.  The blown bulbs in your photo may be considered little but its the little things that count.  Especially as, like you say, thats the main entrance and thats where DLP want to make a brilliant impression.


The maintenance department could probably do with a bigger budget. That would be a good thing to put their new profits towards. It's clear from the 2011 refurbs that they understand the importance of good maintenance.

Quote from: "captain rocket"On the maintenance front, Molly Brown is showing a few scuffs and Scrapes and could do with the return of Mark Twain to help out!
Is the tent still there for its refurb? :)
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captain rocket

Josh, the mark Twain is still hidden under that tent so its impossible to tell how far advanced the refurb is.
I don't agree with your comment that they understand  the importance of good maintenance, they obviously don't if my photos are any evidence. What they seem to understand is letting things fall apart and then rebuilding them! Look at the Pirate ship if you need a good example of their policies. Here is another shot, this time I count 31 bulbs working and 129 not, that's one bulb in four!
I really don't want our park to look like this!


Oh dear. Yes that saddens me too. As you say it is, after all, the entrance we are talking about, and its common knowledge that, whatever your business is, it should be the best maintained (first impressions n all that).
Unless those bulbs all happened to 'blow' at once, I dont think there is any excuse for that poor show  :(
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I'm afraid there is no getting away from the fact that maintainance throughout the resort is woeful, and unfortunately the decline has been very noticable in recent years. Before my first visit to DLP in 2002 I visited WDW on a regular basis for many years and never at any stage did I feel that the resort showed signs of decline, infact it was very clear that every effort was made to ensure this did not happen. Although in some cases it was clearly just cosmetic, every effort was made to keep the resort looking pristine.
Personally I would prefer investment money to be spent on keeping the resort looking the way it did back in 2002, beautiful, than spending millions on a new ride. I'm sure many would disagree with that.
My last visit was in July/August and the state of the resort was well, sad, very sad indeed :(  The next time you (Members of this forum) visit have a good look around you, you will be extremely sad with what you see, believe me. DLP is still a lovely place to visit, but the rot really has set in, and it may find it very difficult to recover from. Unless they really confront the decline, no amount of sensational rides will appease me, and it would be a sad day indeed for me to consider not visiting. I could save money and visit Thorpe Park :x  I can't believe I just typed that :shock:  Sad indeed :(



Thorpe Park, you're not seriously suggesting  that Thorpe Park provides better maintenance and themeing  than DLP?
You'll never fined a show as amazing as Dreams  at Thorpe Park.
Ed & David


Gosh that really is an awful thought! Thorpe Park over DLP. Im kinda scared to look when we go back as the park/s were in fine fettle the last time I was there (2004). I too would rather have pristine, sparkly, regularly refurbed, good old fashioned Disney quality  parks than a multi million 'dollar' new ride.
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Quote from: "Ravenseye"Gosh that really is an awful thought! Thorpe Park over DLP. Im kinda scared to look when we go back as the park/s were in fine fettle the last time I was there (2004). I too would rather have pristine, sparkly, regularly refurbed, good old fashioned Disney quality  parks than a multi million 'dollar' new ride.

 I can assure you that Thorpe Park comes no where near to  DLP in what they have to offer their guests. Let's keep it real.
Most of last year was taken up by maintenance work and refurbishments in the parks and hotels at DLP,  budgets were stretched.  Refurbishments are probably going on all the time like  with the Mark Twain still hidden in a tent.  No doubt maintenance will always be an issue, more for some fans than others.
Ed & David


Oh yeh, believe me, i'd never choose TPark over Disney. Ive often mentioned to ppl who exclaim to me how expensive DLP is for a 'theme park', that theres no comparison whatsoever!
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Quote from: "Ravenseye"Gosh that really is an awful thought! Thorpe Park over DLP. Im kinda scared to look when we go back as the park/s were in fine fettle the last time I was there (2004). I too would rather have pristine, sparkly, regularly refurbed, good old fashioned Disney quality  parks than a multi million 'dollar' new ride.

Oh, I've been there my very first time in 2004, and last visit was last month, and I can tell you, that A LOT has changed since 2004, concerning the looks of the park  :(
When I see my pictures from 2006, it also looked a lot better in most places then it does now.

It is kind of sad, that more then half of the light bulbs, which are attached to huge welcome signs / entrance signs, aren't working.
I'm one of those people who spot things like that too (which sometimes makes me feel kind of sad, haha), and it is true, that at least things at the main entrance should be in (almost) perfect condition, as it is the first impression you get when walking into the park.


Light bulbs, light bulbs. Well I'm sorry if you can't see any difference at DLP between 2006 and now for the better, in the hotels and theme parks after last years and this years refurbishments, all I can say is I can.
Ed & David