OTHER European "Disneyland park" Locations

Started by DisneyEuros, November 25, 2012, 03:56:00 AM

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Quote from: "norhel"My vote would have been Norway ( :-D ) or Sweden. But due to the high cost here, that would probably just have been wish thinking.

Sweden is a good idea somehow, and the reason i agree with that, its because most of the people speak English there too.

by the way, I like France as a country very much, but i hate French language AND their system.
*We probably must take this Very Important thing into our consideration. (European Countries that have English as their First or Second Language) . And not like in France, who they think french is the Best language in the world.. They have a big ego pride on their Language, and i don't like this.
After all, French is not in Fashion anymore.  Thank God! :-)
Most of the Disneyland attractions in Paris are in French Only. and this is very uncool thing for the Tourists!
Also the same thinking applies to TOKYO Disneyland, about their language. Tourists treatments must be of first place. Which of course they are the main vital reason for the park!
* The second point we must consider is the Country to be Far from France! This is very important too. :-)
Sweeden is good for the Language, but is Next to France, which this is not good.

I have chosen Cyprus and UK,  because in Cyprus we have English as our second language!
And everywhere you look is written in English and sometimes other languages for our Tourists. (despite the fact that we speak Greek, we are not like Greece that they have only Greek Language everywhere).
And of course we are on the other side of Europe. To far from France!

Thank you very much for your comment! :-)


Quote from: "captain rocket"It just seems people are choosing the countries they live in!
The obvious location, when making the original decision would have been Spain. Massive tourist destination,people travelling from their holidays for one or two days at the park and decent weather.In those days it was a no brainer in my opinion.

Nice! Yes, Spain is another good destination idea too.
for the weather and the Language. Spanish are very popular around the world. And i like it as language. It is a very understandable language. :-)
But i don't know how they are doing with English...
As for the Language is good, but the bad thing on this subject, it must be far from France.
It can be 2 countries close to each other and have the same park..

Thank you for your comment :-)


Quote from: "mattboywonder"Yes....not long after opening people said they should have built in Spain.  The weather alone but I think Paris was a more central european position, especially for the likes of visitors from the UK and I think there were some kind of union/work force problems that put them off Spain.

Hm! very nice and informative comment.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge on that. :-)


Quote from: "dagobert"Some informations about the fact, why France was chosen. Thanks to leemac for the infos.

Quote1) PM Felipe Gonzalez was struggling with their domestic economy in the mid-eighties and had to make a lot of structural changes to the economy (initial EDL discussions were just ten years after Franco's death). There was a belief that the PSOE that dominated parliament as a socialist government throughout the '80s might not be the best partners. Many folks at Disney preferred Mitterrand's approach.

2) A lot of folks try to boil down the differences between the Spanish and French bids as just about tax breaks - and that is partly true. However the French government were prepared to hand over more land and also use sales tax to develop the infrastructure.

Ultimately the pro-active support of successive French governments has made EDL a success. ED SCA published an independent report when the partnership agreement was extended and the impact of the project to the French government is astounding.

They were also thinking about the UK, Italy and Greece, but those locations were dropped very soon.

Oh! Thank you very much for sharing this interesting information! :-)


Quote from: "Josh"If northern France was warmer (and CDG airport was nicer :P ), it would have been the perfect location. But the south of France or a major coastal city in northern Spain may have been better. But then again, if people are willing to put up with Paris's weather, they may be willing to put up with London's too. :)

QuoteDisneyland Paris always had and always will be having financial problems.
That's not true. It will start making a much better profit one day. But probably near the end of this decade. :XD: They've got a big expansion plan, now, and that should bring in a lot more business.

Nice comment, i somehow agree about the weather. if you like the sunny weather Cyprus has almost all the year round sunny weather! Only 3 to 4 months has a little cold winter, and most Uk tourists think we still have summer. Hehehe :-)
But the weather is not a problem. It's not only this. It is the Language the Most important!

For me it's not a good feeling to travel to Disneyland Paris and all i see and hear is French...
London's weather is almost the same as France's but their Language is English! and English is the most well known and Universal language in the world. While you listen to the English language, your trip is much more enjoyable, rather than in french. Also France is very expensive as a country. Except from that, French are cold people. They are not hospital as other countries.

I respect and thank you very much for sharing your opinion about the expansion plan. ;-)
But let's face reality... Most of European countries, Not all, are in crisis now. Those are the countries with the "BUREAUCRATIC" financial management system, as France and Greece has. those countries are affected more by the Crisis. The English financial system is much more simple and successful. So, they will never have serious financial problems.
In Cyprus we follow the English system. Thank God we don't follow the French most complicated system as Greece does.
Anyway, they surely have an expansion plan, but what this plan consists of? Because they try to fix their problem, what is this that will help them fix it? Hotels, Restaurants and shops of Course. But Not the ATTRACTIONS. Attractions don't bring them money. You understand what i mean?  Do you consider this as a Disneyland expansion? Hotels and restaurants can be found everywhere...
They haven't got out of their financial problems since the day they were open.  20 years have passed since then.  Will they be Financially free now? I don't think so.

Thank you for your comment. It was very interesting! :-)


Quote from: "ed-uk"Well I'm very glad that I can take the EuroStar from St. Pancras station and don't have to bother with  the airports, living in Greater London it's about 3 hours from my home to the parks.  I don't like flying much, and this is the main reason I'm glad that they built Disneyland in Paris, it's  easy to get there by plane, car, coach or train depending on how you like to travel. About the weather, DLP need to build more rides under a roof to keep the rain off and put more shows on in their  theatres.
I'm not convinced that more people would have gone to Disneyland in Spain because of the weather, as some people would  probably rather go to WDW anyway, where the weather is better and there are more theme parks.

Nice comment "ed-uk".
Wouldn't  you prefer to have a Disneyland at Uk?  I would prefer it more to be there ;-)
I am jealous of you guys that you have the opportunity of the small distance from the Uk to Disneyland and you can go there as many times as you like.

What about the rest of European countries, Which are far from France... Don't they have the right to have a Disneyland near to them too? ;-) Or even better,  a Second Disneyland park in Europe. As China has two now. The Hong Kong and now in Shanghai !
I also like very much the Japanese Disneyland in Tokyo. Because Japanese are very eccentric people, they do wonders with the designs and decorations! I Love their awesome Disneyland decorations! They are unique on this!
For me, World Disney World in Florida, is the most ideal, perfect place for Disney holidays!  :-)

So, Lets pick two. France and.... you name it ;-)


Well we couldn't have two Disney Resorts in western Europe, that wouldn't be fair. So how about Cyprus or even Greece for a second Disney resort  :thumbs:   But don't hold your breath because it will ever happen. :(
I would have liked London instead of Paris for a Disney resort,  but then I would miss out on staying in their hotels.
Ed & David


Also, for those who like to share with us and express themselves on
"How will your Perfect and Ideal Disney Theme Park", Layout Design should be,
Are more than welcome to check out this thread post from (Orsie) Here:

thank you DisneyFans ;-)


That's ridiculous here. Are you on war with France? I mean what's your problem? DLP was built 20 years ago and there will be no other disney resort in Europe, so deal with it and stop talking b***** about France. It's a great country and it was definitely the best decision to build it there, even if you don't like that. Other countries which have also a, like you call it, beaurocratic system, like the German speaking countries, don't have any financial problems. I don't know your background, but you shouldlearn to read annual reports, becasue the financial situation of DLP isn't that bad. They just had very high debts which earased the profits. The cash flow was always fine and that's the most important number. With TWDbuying the debts, DLP will finally earn some money.


Quote from: "ed-uk"Well we couldn't have two Disney Resorts in western Europe, that wouldn't be fair. So how about Cyprus or even Greece for a second Disney resort  :thumbs:   But don't hold your breath because it will ever happen. :(
I would have liked London instead of Paris for a Disney resort,  but then I would miss out on staying in their hotels.

Greece is a good idea! Greek people like so much to show-off and create Phantasmagoric shows!!!
They can arrange great Events, As they did with Olympic games and Eurovision!!  :-)
But i don't believe Greece can do such a Big thing right now. Especially in a  such a bad financial situation they are in.

Cyprus would be the Perfect Destination! The Island of Goddess Aphrodite! hehehe ;-)
which will gather and the rest of surrounding European and Not European, near countries.
Cyprus is getting evolved the last few years.
Lately we have finished our Marina port, which look like a small Dubai.  :-)

Some tourists expect Cyprus to evolve into a "small Dubai" at the end!
It is a great Tourist Destination with Excellent weather year round, as i mentioned before on my comments.
We have more summer and very little winter.
We have the sea all around the island. We are very hospitable and we speak very well the English Language in comparison to Greece. And that is because Cypriots have connections with the UK and Australia. It is not by accident that some scientists called Cyprus as the Lost Atlantis! ;-)

You can take a look on my post about my "Dreamy Disneyland" Map design in Cyprus, if you like :-)


:hello:  DisneyEuros,

You're entitled to have your own opinion, but don't take it too far or too serious. You might hurt people's feelings. This message board is visited by lots of people from all over the world, including France.

Thanks  :thumbs:


Quote from: "Kristof":hello:  DisneyEuros,

You're entitled to have your own opinion, but don't take it too far or too serious. You might hurt people's feelings. This message board is visited by lots of people from all over the world, including France.

Thanks  :thumbs:

Hi Kristof!
Ok.  I am sorry, Maybe i overdid it.
Thank you for letting me know. :-)

By the way, i have a problem sending PM message to some of my friends here.
Even you, i tried few days ago to send you PM, but the message stays on my Outbox.
Can you help me with that?

Thank you.


I would choose UK (because I live there) and um... Neverland! No, just joking about that last one (well i mean it's not a real place... or is it?). For my second choice I would probably choose ... Spain! Because there language is cool. I mean everything has and O or A or other letter on the end! Plus it is somewhere I have always fancied visiting.
Previous Disney Trips

DLRP 2007 Sequoia Lodge (15th Anniversary)
DLRP 2008 Sequoia Lodge (15th Anniversary Extended)
DLRP 2009 Sequoia Lodge (Mickey\'s Magical Party)
DLRP 2011 Sequoia Lodge (Magical Moments Festival)
DLRP 2012 Sequoia Lodge (20th Anniversary)
DLRP 2013 Sequoia Lodge (20th Anniversary Extended)


Quote from: "orsie"I would choose UK (because I live there) and um... Neverland! No, just joking about that last one (well i mean it's not a real place... or is it?). For my second choice I would probably choose ... Spain! Because there language is cool. I mean everything has and O or A or other letter on the end! Plus it is somewhere I have always fancied visiting.

Is that the place that Micheal Jackson had? RIP MJ btw!


Quote from: "DisneyManiac"
Quote from: "orsie"I would choose UK (because I live there) and um... Neverland! No, just joking about that last one (well i mean it's not a real place... or is it?). For my second choice I would probably choose ... Spain! Because there language is cool. I mean everything has and O or A or other letter on the end! Plus it is somewhere I have always fancied visiting.

Is that the place that Micheal Jackson had? RIP MJ btw!

Pardon?  :?:
Previous Disney Trips

DLRP 2007 Sequoia Lodge (15th Anniversary)
DLRP 2008 Sequoia Lodge (15th Anniversary Extended)
DLRP 2009 Sequoia Lodge (Mickey\'s Magical Party)
DLRP 2011 Sequoia Lodge (Magical Moments Festival)
DLRP 2012 Sequoia Lodge (20th Anniversary)
DLRP 2013 Sequoia Lodge (20th Anniversary Extended)