Pete's Dragon's Near Perfect Trip Report : Finished !!

Started by Pete's Dragon, September 06, 2012, 03:45:06 PM

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Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "Javey74"Wow.. Donald and Daisy together, now that I have never seen before..  :shock:  :shock:



Hey, great new part of your report and and great pictures of Donald and Daisy together with your kids!
I must say, your daughter is really brave. I only dared doing Rock'nRollerCoaster once and not in the front row  :shock:  

Oh, and never2old, say Hello to Derek and his friends from me  :lol:


What a fantastic trip report Pete's Dragon! I really enjoyed reading it! Lovely pictures too  :-)

Pete's Dragon

Monday 3rd September

Elisha finally got to dress up in her Princess Tiana outfit. We headed into the park for 9:15am and went straight to the Princess Pavillion. Not the worst queue in the world, maybe 50 people in front of us. I stood in line while the rest took a little trip to the Teacups.

When they came back me and Joshua headed to Dumbo - 20min queue meant we'd be back for 9:50am. Just in case I gave Subi my camera. What I orgot to give here was a bag containing Elisha's Tiana shoes, gloves, bag and tiara. But there was plently of time, Hakuna Matata  :roll:

Sure enough we got back to the Pavillion at 9:50, but they had already let everyone inside. Hmmm, this was going to be interesting. If we were going to catch up to them it meant pushing our way passed a lot of irate guests. I was glad now that I had her dress up stuff, and held it out in front of me shouting Elisha's name as I pushed onwards. They had made it all the way to the 2nd level and were about 5-6 turns from the Princesses. The first landing was easy as we hopped underneath the railing along the outer wall. No such space on the top level. Plus a lot a tired little legs were having a sit down in the middle of the walkway. Nevertheless I pushed on, holding her green shoes in front of my face.

Taken by Subi

It was only at the end of the queue had I noticed the artefacts of each Princess, luckily Subi got some photos. Sadly Subi forgot the flash when it came to our turn with the Princess

Luckily Elisha loved the professional photos so much, she had to buy them

Next we headed all the way over the the Walt Disney Studios. Cause it was Monday and the summer season was over we were expecting a nice quiet time. Nope. There must have been a public holiday or school's hadn't started back cause the Studio was as the day before. Rats.

Elisha was still adamant that she wanted to go back on Rock N Rollercoaster, so we got some Fastpasses and headed round to Toon Studio, where a tiny queue was there waiting to meet the man himself.

As TSPL was packed to capacity, we stayed in Toon Studio and Cars Rally. Quick calculation and there was just enough time for the Tram Tour before our RnRC fastpasses.

We asked Elisha if she was sure, if she was really, really sure. She said yes, she wasn't scared and she wanted to go on it. All right, I asked. Once again we got the front carriage but Elisha seemed ok about it. She decided she wanted to sit with her mummy this time. After we got off I turned around to see if she enjoyed it any better, she hadn't. The same scared face with the little tears in her eyes. Only this time we couldn't help but laugh, silly wee girl. But fair play to her for giving it another go. Did she fancy a 3rd go? No no no no no no !!!!

Can't remember where we went for dinner, possibly the Italian restaurant in the Place de Toscana again. Afterwards we headed back into the park. The plan was to fastpass Big Thunder Mountain for after dark. When we got to the machines the time said 9:30 - 10pm; perfect. Unfortunately the man in front of me got the very last fastpass, which wasn't much good to him as he needed another 3 for the rest of his family. He tried to complain to the CM - who was actually a bit patronising - but she shrugged her shoulders. She then took his pass a ran it through the machine over and over again just to prove a point. Ah well, I'll remember to get here 5mins earlier tomorrow. Elisha was in the mood for any more scares so we avoided Phantom Manor and headed to Discoveryland.......

..... but not before I got some more sneaky pictures.

naughty, naught

We headed straight to Star Tours with the plan of working our way back to the entrance. We started queueing for the exact same place as on Thursday and that had taken 40mins. But tonight, with less Tours running, the waiting time was only 20mins. The difference was no fastpass slowing us down. Yip-eee !!

"It's a trap". "You always think it's a trap"

Afterwards the girls hung around while I begrudgingly took Joshua on Space Mountain. I could feel my shoulder and back starting to hurt before I'd even got on it. To make matters worse Joshua asked the CM for the rear seats beofre I could even protest. OOoowwwwwwww !!!!

Finally, Buzz Lightyear. Once again the shower curtain was covering animated queue-line Buzz. After about 5mins of queueing a group of teenagers starting heading for the exit. We first thought that the ride was broken or had closed, but I think they had been asked to leave. Dunno.

We left the park just after 9pm. It wasn't fully dark but Dreams had started. Watched a bit, but it isn't the same when there's background light. Really they should have waited to 9:30pm at the very earliest.

Sleep and our last full day in the parks awaited us


More great photos! Keep it up! I'm being inspired by you! :lol:


I wish I could have seen you going past everyone in the queue, carrying a pair of green shoes and a tiara.... :D :lol:

Another great day!! And again, biiig thumps up to Elisha, she's really brave!! It took me YEARS to try RnRC a second time... ;) (now of course I love it and I can't wait to do it again!!)

I'm a bit worried about Dreams this weekend, on Sunday it's a 9:00 (I think it's fully dark by then) but Monday it's on at 20:30, I hope it's dark enough to enjoy it!

Another great update with excellent pictures :D Thanks!!


Although I haven't posted here for quite some time now, I've always followed your trip report. Thanks for the wonderful pictures. It seems you and your family had a fantastic time at DLP.

Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "never2old"I wish I could have seen you going past everyone in the queue, carrying a pair of green shoes and a tiara.... :D :lol:

Would have been funnier if I had put them on  :thumbs:


Good report :-)
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"
Quote from: "never2old"I wish I could have seen you going past everyone in the queue, carrying a pair of green shoes and a tiara.... :D :lol:

Would have been funnier if I had put them on  :thumbs:

Don't worry, when I picture in my head, you do ;)

Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "never2old"
Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"
Quote from: "never2old"I wish I could have seen you going past everyone in the queue, carrying a pair of green shoes and a tiara.... :D :lol:

Would have been funnier if I had put them on  :thumbs:

Don't worry, when I picture in my head, you do ;)

Maybe for a paypal transfer of £20 you wont need your imagination.


Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"
Quote from: "Javey74"Wow.. Donald and Daisy together, now that I have never seen before..  :shock:  :shock:

On Parades I have, but not together for signings and photos..  :o

Great continuation with those all important photos, looking forward to the final installment..  :thumbs:


Love love love your report! Your kids are so cute! Plaza gardens buffet , do you reccomend it? Ive seen many mixed reviews and its one place that I keep wanting to try. What kind of main courses do they have?
Hotel Cheyenne January 1998, 99, 2000,
Newport Bay May 2002
Hotel Cheyenne January 03,04,05,06,07,08, 10,12
Sequoia Lodge January 2009, Feb 2013
Hotel New York November 11, Feb 14
Newport Bay November 14


awesome report!!

going back for the 3rd time at Christmas and trying to get the touring plans done, but getting really distracted (and excited) by looking at your photos!!  :D  :D
Counting down to Disney Honeymoon January 2015 <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/disney_stitch.gif\" alt=\":stitch:\" title=\"Stitch\" />
Past visits:
Christmas 2012 - Hotel Cheyenne
September 2011 - Vienna International Dream Castle Hotel
September 2010 -  Adagio Marne la Vallée Val D\'Europe
February 2010 - WDW Florida

Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "AislingM"Love love love your report! Your kids are so cute! Plaza gardens buffet , do you reccomend it? Ive seen many mixed reviews and its one place that I keep wanting to try. What kind of main courses do they have?

Pretty standard dishes, nothing too out there from an Irish perspective. I do prefer La Grange main courses as I'm more of a fan of Tex-Mex.

Sorry for the delay but I've had no internet all weekend. The Horror !! Will get the final full day up this evening hopefully