Pre-trip report June 11th - 15th (tomorrow) :)

Started by kross, June 10, 2012, 10:04:16 PM

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Flying from Newcastle tomorrow at 18:30 with easyjet, getting to airport for 4pm to drop bags (already checked in) and then watch England v France with a couple of pints.... Going to Disneyland with my wife and 4.5 yr old son... We went last year in February and stayed in hotel new York... This time were staying in dream castle hotel. After landing we will be travelling to hotel in a private transfer taxi booked through shuttle direct. Spending all day in the parks Tuesday and Wednesday then planning to go to Paris on Thursday on the train, getting off at CDG/arc de triumph visiting champs élysées and the Eiffel tower (not bothered about going all the way up). Spending last day in the parks as we don't get picked up until 18:00. We have decided against taking a stroller for our son as he is 4.5 now and even when we took him for his 3rd birthday he was hardly in it and we were lumbered pushing it about all day... We both have our England shirts ironed and ready for tomorrow but as we will miss the second half I just hope we win as I will feel a bit crap walking through CDG with an England shirt on if we get hammered  :oops: does anyone know what ticket to get in train station to go to Paris, is it cheaper to get an all day ticket for each of us? Also whats everyone's thoughts on a 4.5 yr old on Tower of Terror as my wife won't go on by herself (I do), my son said he wants to go on but I'm a bit cautious even though he is tall enough!!! I will do a full trip report when I arrive home  :D/


Have fun on your trip.

As for the Tower of Terror I just dont like it.  Im a fan of 'big' rides and do roller coasters and all that but Im not a fan of free fall drops, even the tamer ones designed for the kids, so the Tower of Terror just isnt for me while Space Mountain and Rock and Roller Coaster are fine.

I would say that if he meets the height requirement and seems happy and confident to go on it then go for it.  It doesnt last for long and if you really dont like it then itll soon be finished and you wont do it again.  With my children Ive tried to take them on rides as soon as theyve hit the height requirements to decensitize them. I was always afraid of rides when I was younger and wished that Id been dragged on them as a young child when i didnt have the sense to freak out while queuing up.  So far my daughter had been no problem. Shes 5 1/2 and bit by bit shes moved on to the next level of rides with no problem.

We all hope England get a result tomorrow.  I certainly wouldnt want to be an Englishman in France tomorrow if we dont get a result lol.

Good luck and enjoy


Will see what he's like when we get there :)


Good luck ;)


We're currently at Disneyland and I'm really proud to say that my 4yr old son has just been in tower of terror :)


Great and at least we didnt lose the football either! lol



Hope you had a fab time!
I have booked to go in November..very excited  :D
I'm just a little worried about shuttle direct after reading bad reviews.
We've booked a private transfer.
Did you have any problems?

