Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris

Started by ford prefect, April 12, 2012, 08:57:01 AM

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Joyeux anniversaire...  

I can't believe my parents really tought disney was closing for good after there 5th birthday  :shock: .
I hope in the next 20 years I can show the best place ever to my future kids :D .
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Hathaway Browne

Joyeux 20e Anniversaire!

At times you've made it seem longer than 20 years, but here's to many many more happy memories at the Happiest Place in Europe.
Marching along, we\'re Adventurers! Singing the Song of Adventurers!
Up or Down, North, South, East or West An Adventurers Life is Best!


A very happy birthday to Disneyland Paris and everyone associated with it.

This second world within our own has delivered a magic getaway for Europeans and the rest of the world for 20 years and I have enjoyed it for 18 of these. I cannot wait to go celebrate twice this summer!

The more I have seen from the celebrations today, the more I have regrettet not working harder to get to be there today. It would have been a day to remember for the rest of your life.

+ Am I the only one who desperately wants one of these:

Soruce: InsideDLParis twitter

Please visit my DLP website: www.dlp-photos.com

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]


Dear Disneyland Paris. I know you don't read forums, but thanks for bringing 20 years of magic to Europe :-)


Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris, you changed my life. Thanks for 20 years of magic.
Ed & David


Quote from: "ford prefect"I was there for the Carnival of Fools for the 5th anniversary, it was the first time we had been!

me too first of my 3 visits


Quote from: "forza_united"A very happy birthday to Disneyland Paris and everyone associated with it.

This second world within our own has delivered a magic getaway for Europeans and the rest of the world for 20 years and I have enjoyed it for 18 of these. I cannot wait to go celebrate twice this summer!

The more I have seen from the celebrations today, the more I have regrettet not working harder to get to be there today. It would have been a day to remember for the rest of your life.

+ Am I the only one who desperately wants one of these:

Soruce: InsideDLParis twitter

I too want one of these!

Happy Birthday DLRP. I cant wait to celebrate with you at christmas! I truly wish i had been there today.
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