My DLP Review.

Started by kirstenoel, December 22, 2011, 02:00:12 PM

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I recently returned from my ninth trip to Disneyland Paris and I can tell you it's nothing like it used to be. I've always said the thing that makes Disney different from the rest is the friendly staff (cast members) who really get into their roles and act the part at the attractions, but this visit I don't think I saw a single cast member smile or make polite conversation - they all seemed so miserable.
I was looking forward to Captain EO but it was closed for unscheduled refurbishment. Phantom Manor, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Cinemagique were also closed. The sound system wasn't working on Rock n Roller Coaster and Crush's Coaster was closed for most of the week as well.
Disneyland Paris used to be sparkling clean everywhere - even the toilets - but this is slack as well recently and it is a lot less busy than it used to be. On the upside, this means no queues for rides and attractions and we didn't have to book for dinner anywhere because the restaurants were all empty.

The reason I said I'm off to Orlando next time is because we travel from Jersey and since the cancellation of the direct flight from Jersey to CDG airport (a one hour flight), it took us 8 hours to travel to Disneyland Paris...the same amount of time it takes to get to the USA. There is much more to do in the US as well and the cost really isn't that much different.

I'd love to give Disneyland Paris 5 stars as it used to be my favourite holiday destination but I really feel the Disney magic has gone. They seriously need to look at their marketing and appeal to different age groups because it's not just for kids - the thrill rides are brilliant. DLRP also needs to sort out some more shows similar to the Lion King, Tarzan and even the Mulan shows they used to have because aside from the parades, there is no entertainment in the parks.
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?? A Wimba Way A Wimba Way ??


I gotta say I agree with everything you have said. I used to love DLP, visiting every year until 2007. I then didn't visit until last December when I visited for the Christmas period with my brother. I then wasn't planing another trip until my Mum suggested the family visit the resort the week before Christmas this year (19th-23rd). The place was disgusting, all of the toilets stank of urine, there was trash and cigarette butts all over the place. I have quickly come to the conclusion that DLP's biggest problem is the people that visit it. The French people I saw during my last trip were nothing short of animals, urinating in the bushes, dropping rubbish and fag ends on the floor when a garbage can was 2 feet away, smoking in the queues and when in groups, queue jumping and pushing people out of the way. They were just generally being obnoxious and crass. And before anyone says anything about "how do you know they were French?" well they were speaking French so it's fair to assume they were. It has seriously put me off the resort now and I'm not sure when I'll visit again. On the flip side, I visit WDW every year and can't see that ever changing.
Have a Magical day!!



I have to say that I also agree with a lot of the points made. Its such a waste of an amazing venue not to have The Lion King or similar show on. I only hope that its because they are building up to a spectacular 2012, and i really cannot understand how the loos are so disgusting in the less busy periods, are they unable to use bleach products due to health and safety!!!  All this said we will still probably go back next year just to get our moneys worth from the annual passes we bought, fingers crossed for an improvement though.


I agree the biggest problem may be the people who visit it. During my trip I saw people doing things that I couldnĀ“t believe my eyes.


I agree, the biggest problem maybe some of the people who visit the park. DLP isn't always perfect, but it is open everyday of the year for people to enjoy so I take my hat of to them from that, when theme parks in Europe close during the winter. And I would like to see the Lion King back on, Videopolis is a great theatre and hopefully in the future they will use it for shows again. The last time I was there in August i was very pleased with all the refurbishments going on around the park and the toilets were clean.
Ed & David


It does make me worry when i read reviews like this . I wonder if I made the right decision in booking a holiday to DLRP with my family. They have no expectations though as they have never been before, so i'm hoping we will still have a good time as a family.
2005 DLRP


I've read some bad reviews about WDW on forums. I've been to DLP many times and never regreted it, although some years have been better than others, I will be returning again this summer and I'm really looking forward to it.
Ed & David

Mrs Pluto

when reeading reviews like this it does put a downer on it :(  i know everyone has different experiences! i go in 17days with my DS who is 4! WIll be his first time, so im hoping its all a new experience for me too with a child being there.

the only think im really dreading is the parades, ive read so many trip reports of people pushing in when it comes to the parades, people who have been waiting for 30mins before hand etc. i hope i dont come across anyone! I wont be taking any of that :x


I agree, especially with what you have said about the CMs. I visited in Feb and the castmembers were rude and one was almost threatening to my mother when asked a question. This is NOT what DLP used to be - as you said, they all used to play a role, especially on the likes of Pirates and BTM. I did meet some fantastic CMs but the others spoil it. Whilst I will always love DLP, its not what it used to be! I also agree that the loss of some fantastic shows is saddening - Videopolis is now just home to a screen playing a loop of cartoons, as opposed to shows that you remember for years after your visit. Whilst I understand DLP is most likely struggling financially like everyone is, its a shame that it doesn't seem to have that Disney touch anymore.
Faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust...