La Taniere du Dragon refurb

Started by DopeyDad, December 16, 2011, 11:37:35 PM

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I've been deceived by a sign. XD I'll be going there tomorrow morning. The flight'll be at 8am, so I should be able to see him/her by noon. I can't wait. XD
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It's funny, I always assumed it was an Arthurian thing, the old story of the dragon kept asleep under the castle by Merlin, with his chambers conveniently above. It actually never even occurred to me that it may be to do with sleeping beauty


I have never considered the dragon as being Maleficent at all - just a secret dragon living under the Castle. Maleficent does die at the end of Sleeping Beauty after all, as said earlier.
I am going tomorrow morning as well, so must pop into the cave for a look at her.
Either my memory fails me, or didn't she used to breathe out smoke and rumble before waking? One of my sons was terrified of it. Very realistic.
I read that when it was built it was the most expensive animatronix that Disney had produced.

captain rocket

Quote from: FiggygirlI read that when it was built it was the most expensive animatronix that Disney had produced.[/quote
Odd that they spent so much money on it yet it is such a low key attraction that the majority of visitors miss! Perhaps they should include it in more of the publicity.


Whether it's supposed to be Maleficent or not, I have to admit for no reason whatsoever I've always thought of the dragon as a she.

One of my favourite attractions at the Park - can't wait to see the restored version.


On DLRP Magic, it quotes;

"This isn't just any Dragon, either — it's Maleficent wrapped in chains! The Imagineers completely redesigned her monstrous alter ego from the 1959 film taking inspiration from medieval art and folklore from across Europe to create a much more believable, living, breathing, three-dimensional creature."

(Just felt like posting this)
(credit goes to DLRP Magic)
"You laugh at me because I\'m different. I laugh at you because you\'re all the same."
-Lady Gaga?

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I'd be curious to know Anthony's source for that.

I believe one of the published sources for the Merlin version of the story is this: // (No, you won't be able to read it on that page... if you happen to have the book in English, a quote on here would be welcome). But I've also read it elsewhere.

In the end, as there's no on-stage explication, I suppose it's up to everyone's own interpretation... much like the Phantom Manor story.
David G. Ravenswood
Host, Ravenswood Manor

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I have this book- if nobody comes in with the text before I get home from work I will do so this evening.
Dedicated to DLP - Celebrating Disneyland Paris

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Sequoia Lodge 12/03 - Honeymoon Suite
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Off Site 05/13


Found it! it says...
"Deep in the underground passages, which can be reached by four different paths, you will find a dank torch-lit dungeon. You will also see the sleeping dragon who was picked up by Merlin the Magician while still a hatchling. He lives here, and his task is to guard the dungeon and protect the occupants of the castle. When he wakes up, his mouth spits fire and smoke snorts from his nostils! So keep your distance..."

so according to this, the dragon certainly isn't Malificent (though i seem to remember that it isn't the most accurate guide in the world)


Thanks! Yeah, I never read the English version but I recall that the German version had a number of translation errors... then there were many photos from the other parks as it was written before DLP was completed. Apart from those I believe it was mostly accurate for 1992. I'm purely relying on memory here, though. My copy is a few hundred km away.
David G. Ravenswood
Host, Ravenswood Manor

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"Without a doubt ... the most inclusive online experience of DLP Frontierland." –Jeff Burke


he he, now DLRPToday is quoting you DGR



Looking good sexy dragon!

 Does anyone watch the show Merlin on BBC? Funny enough he also captures a dragon egg.


I saw the dragon a couple of days ago. It definitely looks better. :D

One thing spoiled it, though. Someone left a bright, white maintenance light on inside it, so I could see that it was hollow. :( I never knew there was a massive gap between the neck and body.
Disneyland Paris
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Walt Disney World
    [li]August 2008[/li]


Awesome!  Now this is really great news!
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "Meph"I saw the dragon a couple of days ago. It definitely looks better. :D

One thing spoiled it, though. Someone left a bright, white maintenance light on inside it, so I could see that it was hollow. :( I never knew there was a massive gap between the neck and body.

Have you got a picture of the gap?
"You laugh at me because I\'m different. I laugh at you because you\'re all the same."
-Lady Gaga?

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