Euro Disney hostile take-over?

Started by Kristof, November 29, 2006, 05:37:45 PM

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When I see an elephant fly!

No, I suppose it'll be in the next week or so.  The "illness" of the chairman or whoever sounds a bit fake, it would seem more like they realised they needed to announce a bid like this much more carefully.  It's not going to be easy, for any of the involved groups.

The thought of a company absorbing the debt is quite nice, it could lead to an Oriental Land Company type situation if they're as rich as most other swiss firms.  On the other hand, if they're not careful with how they play it it could all be a big mistake and leave the resort even more financially crippled.

Either this will fizzle out to nothing or it'll keep on going quietly for a long time, like that Comcast bid for TWDC itself a few years ago.


Ah I see...we'll just have to wait and see then I guess?!



QuotePARIS (AFX) - Bourse regulator AMF said it has yet to receive notification from Center-Tainment AG of the takeover bid for Euro Disney SCA which the Swiss company pledged last week to make.

Ulf Werner, chairman of Center-Tainment, said at a news conference in Paris last Thursday that it would notify the AMF that day of its plans.

'AMF takes note of the absence of a submission by Center-Tainment of a takeover offer targeted at Euro Disney shares,' the regulator said.

It had called on Center-Tainment either to 'formally submit an offer or to gave up the project' by last night, citing article 222-22 of its rules.

Source: Forbes


Maybe Center-Tainment AG dont want to make a formal bid because Disney haven't "green lighted" them to do so. As far as I understand it, Disney has to give their blessing for this to go ahead...


Sure that's the reason...   :lol: :roll:


Center-Tainment Press Release in german:

QuoteSehr geehrten Damen und Herren,

aufgrund der Vielzahl an Anfragen in den letzten Tagen haben wir uns entschlossen, Ihnen mit einer allgemeinen möglichst umfangreichen Stellungnahme zu antworten. Wir bitten Sie hierfür um Ihr Verständnis.

Die Berichte um die Umstände unserer geplanten Offerte für die Euro Disney S.C.A. und die parallel dazu in Online-Boards verbreiteten Gerüchte haben in den letzten Tagen zu einer Vielzahl von Spekulationen geführt.

Der Kursverlauf, zudem die Center-Tainment zu Beginn der Woche bereits Stellung genommen hat, macht es der Gesellschaft derzeit unmöglich, an ihrem geplanten Übernahmeangebot für die Euro Disney S.C.A. festzuhalten. Dieses haben wir der AMF am Montag vor Fristablauf auch entsprechend mitgeteilt. Unabhängig von etwaigen Widrigkeiten in der Durchführung auf der einen und Schuldzuweisungen auf der anderen Seite, hat dies leider unweigerlich zu der, von der AMF angekündigten, 6 Monate währenden Sperrfrist zur Abgabe eines neuen Angebots geführt.

Wir bedauern dies zutiefst, da wir von Richtigkeit unseres Ansinnens, auch im Interesse der Kleinaktionäre von Euro Disney, nach wie vor überzeugt sind.

Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass sich der Kurs unserer Aktie in Kürze von den scharfen Attacken der letzten Tage erholen wird und würden uns freuen, wenn Sie uns in dieser schwierigen Phase unserer jungen Unternehmensgeschichte ein wenig Vertrauen entgegenbringen.

Trotz allen Verständnisses für den Unmut in den Aktionärskreisen müssen wir uns an dieser Stelle aber auf das Schärfste dagegen verwehren, dass die Organe der Gesellschaft in teilweise strafrechtlich relevanter Art und Weise bedroht werden. Wir werden dieses Vorgehen nicht tolerieren und in den Fällen, wo die Identität der Verursacher ermittelt werden kann auch umgehend Strafanzeige erstatten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ulf H. Werner

and some news from in english: ... 17,00.html
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Looks like they're trying to come up with a few excuses why they did such a stupid thing and made their share price sink so low.

Most interesting thing from that story - the old promotional castle!

They caption it with "Disney's castle in paris"...


A small update from

QuoteGerman stock market regulator BaFin said today it had opened an inquiry into a recent purported bid by a little-known Swiss company for Disneyland Paris operator Euro Disney.

"There is suspicion of market manipulation. This is what we will be looking into," said a BaFin spokeswoman Anja Neukoetter.

Center-Tainment, a Swiss-registered company listed in Germany, announced plans to make an all-share offer for Euro Disney at a news conference in Paris last November.

But a bid never materialised after France's stock market regulator ruled that any offer must be in cash given that Center-Tainment was quoted only on a junior, unregulated foreign market.

Center-Tainment's share price has crumbled to just 4 cents from around 20 euros in late November.

Market manipulation is punishable in Germany by either fines or prison sentences, depending on how much measurable movement there was in share prices, the BaFin spokeswoman said.



News from

Quote from: "Screamscape"Longtime readers may recall a weird story from 2006 when an odd Swiss company went around making claims that they were going to make a buy-out offer for Disneyland Paris, but it was all just talk and they vanished a few months later as quickly as they arrived. Now according to the Wall St. Journal the director of that company (Ulf Wernerf of CenterTainment) has now been fined $1.33 million for the hoax as it unfairly manipulated stock prices of both companies.

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "Kristof"*Bump*  

News from

Quote from: "Screamscape"Longtime readers may recall a weird story from 2006 when an odd Swiss company went around making claims that they were going to make a buy-out offer for Disneyland Paris, but it was all just talk and they vanished a few months later as quickly as they arrived. Now according to the Wall St. Journal the director of that company (Ulf Wernerf of CenterTainment) has now been fined $1.33 million for the hoax as it unfairly manipulated stock prices of both companies.

Blimey, that's a lot of money! :shock:


Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"
Quote from: "Kristof"*Bump*  

News from

Quote from: "Screamscape"Longtime readers may recall a weird story from 2006 when an odd Swiss company went around making claims that they were going to make a buy-out offer for Disneyland Paris, but it was all just talk and they vanished a few months later as quickly as they arrived. Now according to the Wall St. Journal the director of that company (Ulf Wernerf of CenterTainment) has now been fined $1.33 million for the hoax as it unfairly manipulated stock prices of both companies.

Blimey, that's a lot of money! :shock:
Manipulating stock prices fraudulently is a serious crime, I think it could have been more, after all at the time that would have only converted the fine into the equivalent of £650.000..  :roll:

It's back pocket change when you think of DLRP in debt of 2 Billion, now thats 2000 Million..  :shock:  :shock:


QuoteLooks like they're trying to come up with a few excuses why they did such a stupid thing and made their share price sink so low.

Most interesting thing from that story - the old promotional castle!

OMG never heard about the little promotional Castle...
So sweet =)
Does it still excist? Where was it? Or has it been bought by some rich people :P

Sry I know it's Off Topic.

Greets Eddy =)
[size=80]1997 - July (my first visit ever!!! =) DLP\'s 5th Anniversary
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2008 - March - Day Trip to Stitch Live Preview
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2009 - March - Day trip - St. Davids Day
2009 - August - 18th Anniversary =)
2009 - 2010 - December/January
2010 - May [/size]



Quote from: "EDDY"OMG never heard about the little promotional Castle...
So sweet =)
Does it still excist? Where was it? Or has it been bought by some rich people :P
Probably long gone. I believe it travelled several European cities to promote the resort.

(If anyone knows more, like which cities it visited and what else the tour showcased, let me know!)


Quote from: "Anthony"
Quote from: "EDDY"OMG never heard about the little promotional Castle...
So sweet =)
Does it still excist? Where was it? Or has it been bought by some rich people :P
Probably long gone. I believe it travelled several European cities to promote the resort.

(If anyone knows more, like which cities it visited and what else the tour showcased, let me know!)

Well, it definitely came to Denmark. I was there as a kid and was pulled aside by both Mickey and Goofy to be in all the photoshoots as I was the only kid there in a Minnie Mouse dress and ears from the resort. I had just been so I was very happy to be singled out by the characters. I remember I thought they remembered me from the resort haha. Minnie also came up to me and pretended we were twins haha. Oh those wonderful memories... :)

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Sorry to ask guys , but what does this mean ?

I am only 14 years old but i don't understand what it means ?

Has something bad happened ?
I want your love and i want your revenge you and me could write a bad romance

Don\'t call my name , don\'t call my name , Alejandro