Been there.. done that!

Started by _Natalie_x, August 04, 2011, 03:52:30 PM

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Hey guys, just a fun game I saw on another forum for WDW, and thought we could try it out here for DLP!
credit to Disney-Forums because i am just copying the instructions from them.. but will make up my own questions!  :mrgreen:
(see her for example of how people play, i was confused at first  :-" ) ... -done-that


1. Questions posted by host must be able to be answered "YES" or "NO"
2. Please keep it Disneyland Paris related.
3. Please copy and paste the set of questions from the host's posts.
4. The person who get's the most "YES" answers will host the next round.
5. Please post number of "YES" answers and "NO" answers at the bottom or your post. ex: 6/10 or 6 YES 4 NO.

We will usually let each round go two or three days before the host decides it's time for the new winner.
I'll start and post some questions.. haven't been to DLP in a few years so they will be quite lame i apologize :p xx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


1. Have you visited DLP 10 or more times?
2. Do you collect pins?
3. Have you ever met a CM one visit, then found them again on another visit?
4. Have you ever been on Pirates of the Caribbean ride more than 4 times in one day?
5. Have you ever met someone from a Disney forum in the park?
6. Have you ever helped someone find a hidden mickey?
7. Have you ever been to Mickeys not so scary Halloween party?
8. Do you usually wear ears/ a hat when in the parks?
9. Have you ever taken part (been an actor etc) in Lights, Motors, Action, the WDS stunt show?
10. Have you ever ran through the park to find a character?
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


(I obviously don't count for this round but I'll do my answers anyway ;))
1. Have you visited DLP 10 or more times? No :( only at 4!
2. Do you collect pins? No
3. Have you ever met a CM one visit, then found them again on another visit? Yes :D Matthieu who calls himself James
4. Have you ever been on Pirates of the Caribbean ride more than 4 times in one day? Yes.. Lots more ;)
5. Have you ever met someone from a Disney forum in the park? No
6. Have you ever helped someone find a hidden mickey? Don't think so :( (shame)
7. Have you ever been to Mickeys not so scary Halloween party? No but would like to
8. Do you usually wear ears/ a hat when in the parks? Yes:D pirate hats ;)
9. Have you ever taken part (been an actor etc) in Lights, Motors, Action, the WDS stunt show? Yes back in 2005 we had to shop and then scream hahahaha
10. Have you ever ran through the park to find a character? yes! Peter pan <3

YES 5 NO 5
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


1. Have you visited DLP 10 or more times? Yes -= 57 times
2. Do you collect pins? Yes (well kind of) - we have >200 from around the globe
3. Have you ever met a CM one visit, then found them again on another visit? Yes (many!!! Some are friends)
4. Have you ever been on Pirates of the Caribbean ride more than 4 times in one day? Yes - 8 in one day is the record - biggest record repeat is 17 times on Space Mountain (thanks to the answer on Q2).
5. Have you ever met someone from a Disney forum in the park? Yes - many, from several. Best trip we had a meet of 49 posters in California, best one in Paris - 14 posters
6. Have you ever helped someone find a hidden mickey? Yes, many
7. Have you ever been to Mickeys not so scary Halloween party? Yes (we went to the very first one, I dressed as the phantom, my wife was dressed as Melanie Ravenswood).
8. Do you usually wear ears/ a hat when in the parks? Yes (mouse ears)
9. Have you ever taken part (been an actor etc) in Lights, Motors, Action, the WDS stunt show? (Yes, chosen for the crowd scene back in the day)
10. Have you ever ran through the park to find a character? Yes (sad to say it given my usual stance, but the family really wanted to meet Jack skellington and Sally).

10 yeses
since 2001 (many before that)


  • Have you visited DLP 10 or more times?
    Yes :D
  • Do you collect pins?
  • Have you ever met a CM one visit, then found them again on another visit?
  • Have you ever been on Pirates of the Caribbean ride more than 4 times in one day?
    I think we did, once. XD
  • Have you ever met someone from a Disney forum in the park?
    I've only joined recently, so I've never.
  • Have you ever helped someone find a hidden mickey?
    Originally, we used to think that the HMs were only in WDW. When I go in two weeks, I'll definitely be pointing out the HM on Space Mountain. :P
  • Have you ever been to Mickeys not so scary Halloween party?
    We never go at Halloween. However, we've been at New Year for years.
  • Do you usually wear ears/ a hat when in the parks?
    I never like going in the shops. It may be Disney, but I hate shopping! XD
  • Have you ever taken part (been an actor etc) in Lights, Motors, Action, the WDS stunt show?
    I'm too shy to do that. XD
  • Have you ever ran through the park to find a character?
Disneyland Paris
    [li]January 2000, 2012[/li]
    [li]April 2012[/li]
    [li]August 2009, 2011, 2013[/li]
    [li]New Year 1997-98, 1998-99, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07[/li]
Walt Disney World
    [li]August 2008[/li]


1. Have you visited DLP 10 or more times? yes, loosing count.
2. Do you collect pins? yes, princess/jonas brothers ones for the girls and hotel ones for me.
3. Have you ever met a CM one visit, then found them again on another visit? yes often, especially at the hotels.
4. Have you ever been on Pirates of the Caribbean ride more than 4 times in one day? yes, especially one freezing cold january when we just kept going round and round.
5. Have you ever met someone from a Disney forum in the park? yes, three arranged , one ex member by total coincidence , and i saw petes dragons children although i didnt know it was them until i spied their photos on his trip report !
6. Have you ever helped someone find a hidden mickey? yes, my husband.
7. Have you ever been to Mickeys not so scary Halloween party? almost, i am going in october.
8. Do you usually wear ears/ a hat when in the parks? yes -  oldest used to, youngest does, husband wears a disney beenie in the winter and i must confess to having worn ears.
9. Have you ever taken part (been an actor etc) in Lights, Motors, Action, the WDS stunt show? no.
10. Have you ever ran through the park to find a character? yes, but dont tell anyone !!!

8 yeses, 1 almost and 1 no.


Wow davewasbaloo I guess there's no point waiting for someone to beat your score  :thumbs: I'll pass to you, feel free to post questions whenever!! :D

Ps. Love that I'm not the only one to run through the park to find a character :p we were having a photo with snow white and her prince when a CM told us that Peter was doing meet and greet, so we legged it away from them while shouting thank you for the pic.  :mrgreen: yes were all 17/18  :oops:  :twisted:
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


1. Have you visited DLP 10 or more times?
No, not quite yet.
2. Do you collect pins?
I used to, stopped a few years ago.
3. Have you ever met a CM one visit, then found them again on another visit?
4. Have you ever been on Pirates of the Caribbean ride more than 4 times in one day?
Yes, I have! Thanks to the CMs letting us go round more than once as there were no queue!
5. Have you ever met someone from a Disney forum in the park?
Nope  :(
6. Have you ever helped someone find a hidden mickey?
Yes, several times.
7. Have you ever been to Mickeys not so scary Halloween party?
Nope, I would love to though.
8. Do you usually wear ears/ a hat when in the parks?
I have in WDW, but the selection is DLP is rather poor.
9. Have you ever taken part (been an actor etc) in Lights, Motors, Action, the WDS stunt show?
10. Have you ever ran through the park to find a character?
Quite a few times, haha.


1. Have you ridden both Space Mountain de la terre au la Lune and Mission 2?
2. Have you ever ridden It's a Small World more than 4 times in one day?
3. Have you or a family member had a shave and or hair cut in Main Street?
4. Have you used the party phone lines in Main Street?
5. Have you been selected to shoot in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show?
6. Have you been in the parks before rope drop and left after closing?
7. Do you have a preferred toilet in the park?
8. Have you ever scored 999,999 on Buzz?
9. Have you cried during Cinemagique?
10. Have you made a lunch from the buffet breakfast items in the hotel?
since 2001 (many before that)


1. Have you ridden both Space Mountain de la terre au la Lune and Mission 2? Yes, I was lucky enough to ride thr first version, too.
2. Have you ever ridden It's a Small World more than 4 times in one day? Yes, in 2006 we rode it five times.
3. Have you or a family member had a shave and or hair cut in Main Street? No.
4. Have you used the party phone lines in Main Street? No.
5. Have you been selected to shoot in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show? No, but I have seen the show.
6. Have you been in the parks before rope drop and left after closing? Yes, in 2010 the CMs allowed us to stay until all people are gone.
7. Do you have a preferred toilet in the park? Yes, the one at Fort Comstock.
8. Have you ever scored 999,999 on Buzz? No.
9. Have you cried during Cinemagique? No, but it is one of my favorite Disney attractions.
10. Have you made a lunch from the buffet breakfast items in the hotel? Yes, but just a roll per person.


1. Have you visited DLP 10 or more times? No. Four times to DLP and once to WDW.
2. Do you collect pins? Yes, but only parks, resorts and attraction pins.
3. Have you ever met a CM one visit, then found them again on another visit? Yes, but I knew him from home.
4. Have you ever been on Pirates of the Caribbean ride more than 4 times in one day? Yes, in 2006 we rode it six times.
5. Have you ever met someone from a Disney forum in the park? No.
6. Have you ever helped someone find a hidden mickey? No.
7. Have you ever been to Mickeys not so scary Halloween party? No, but I've been to Mickey's Pirate & Princess Party at WDW.
8. Do you usually wear ears/ a hat when in the parks? No. I've only worn the special Pirates & Princess Party Mickey Ears at WDW.
9. Have you ever taken part (been an actor etc) in Lights, Motors, Action, the WDS stunt show? No.
10. Have you ever ran through the park to find a character? Yes.


  • Have you ridden both Space Mountain de la terre au la Lune and Mission 2?
    If I didn't get sick on rollercoasters that go upside-down, I would have.
  • Have you ever ridden It's a Small World more than 4 times in one day?
    I think I did once, when I was younger.
  • Have you or a family member had a shave and or hair cut in Main Street?
    My Granddad. It's hard to, though, because he's never in.
  • Have you used the party phone lines in Main Street?
    No. It's easy to forget that they're there.
  • Have you been selected to shoot in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show?
    Nope. I've seen the show a few times, though.
  • Have you been in the parks before rope drop and left after closing?
    Only the former. It was funny, running to Big Thunder Mesa. XD
  • Do you have a preferred toilet in the park?
    Ha ha. Yes. The ones opposite Big Thunder Mesa.
  • Have you ever scored 999,999 on Buzz?
    Has anyone? You can only come close to that by hoping that someone in a wheel chair comes on and you happen to be in the tunnel so that you can shoot the invisible target. Hmmm. You've made me want to look up a guide for it, now. :P
  • Have you cried during Cinemagique?
    If I had the ability to emote to films when I was younger, then I would have.
  • Have you made a lunch from the buffet breakfast items in the hotel?
    All the time. :)

5 Yes. 5 No.
Disneyland Paris
    [li]January 2000, 2012[/li]
    [li]April 2012[/li]
    [li]August 2009, 2011, 2013[/li]
    [li]New Year 1997-98, 1998-99, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07[/li]
Walt Disney World
    [li]August 2008[/li]


I better post my answers to my questions:

1. Have you ridden both Space Mountain de la terre au la Lune and Mission 2? Yes, and boy do i miss version 1
2. Have you ever ridden It's a Small World more than 4 times in one day? Yes, and the first time I did with my girlfrind of the time, she asked to go for the 5th, that is when I knew she was the one. I proposed 2 weeks later.
3. Have you or a family member had a shave and or hair cut in Main Street? Yes On 6 occasions, for years they had the same barbers who remembered you.
4. Have you used the party phone lines in Main Street? Yes Every trip we try, sadly they rarely work anymore.
5. Have you been selected to shoot in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show? Yes, twice! Still yet to ride in the stage coach though.
6. Have you been in the parks before rope drop and left after closing? Yes, but not compelled to anymore.
7. Do you have a preferred toilet in the park? Yes, i love the ones in videopolis
8. Have you ever scored 999,999 on Buzz? No, i keep trying (there are hidden targets), best I can muster is 752000
9. Have you cried during Cinemagique? YES, every time (sad, I know)
10. Have you made a lunch from the buffet breakfast items in the hotel No, never.

Yes 8
NO 2
since 2001 (many before that)


1. Have you ridden both Space Mountain de la terre au la Lune and Mission 2? Only mission 2, was too young and scared when de la terre au la lune was running.
2. Have you ever ridden It's a Small World more than 4 times in one day? when i was alot younger yes, these days only once or twice a trip if theres no queue
3. Have you or a family member had a shave and or hair cut in Main Street? no :(
4. Have you used the party phone lines in Main Street? gave it a try last year, were abit distorted and broke :/
5. Have you been selected to shoot in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show? No, have only been once.
6. Have you been in the parks before rope drop and left after closing? YES, everytime there is extra magic hours !
7. Do you have a preferred toilet in the park? The ones to the right of Discovery Arcade, castle end.
8. Have you ever scored 999,999 on Buzz? No, love the ride. shooting aim is awful !
9. Have you cried during Cinemagique? I did last time yes !
10. Have you made a lunch from the buffet breakfast items in the hotel ? no.

5 Yes / 5 No


1. Have you ridden both Space Mountain de la terre au la Lune and Mission 2? No - I was too short when de la terre was around!
2. Have you ever ridden It's a Small World more than 4 times in one day? No - I do love it, but 4 times might be too much in one day!
3. Have you or a family member had a shave and or hair cut in Main Street? Yes - my dad.
4. Have you used the party phone lines in Main Street? No.
5. Have you been selected to shoot in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show? No.
6. Have you been in the parks before rope drop and left after closing? Sort of - we had to be escorted from a restaurant once because the parks had closed about a half hour earlier.
7. Do you have a preferred toilet in the park? No, can't say I do!
8. Have you ever scored 999,999 on Buzz? No - I just about manage to break 100,000!
9. Have you cried during Cinemagique? No.
10. Have you made a lunch from the buffet breakfast items in the hotel? Yes!

Yes: 2 and a half! No: 7 and a half.

Hmm, this makes me feel as though my DLP experiences are lacking!