My trip report 18th july! :D

Started by fly_with_me_dumbo, July 22, 2011, 03:50:34 PM

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hi. so i got back from a 4 night trip to Paris and obviously took a day trip to Disneyland!! me (20) and my bf (23)
So we got up at 7 oclock on the monday had some brunch bars and juice and started getting ready to go to disneyland, We left the hotel at about 8.15 i think lol, got the metro and then the RER to Disney! was good to get on the RER earlier then what we normally get it as we had an actual seat for the 40 min journey. So we got to disney at 9.15, and i was the first in the que at guest services ( the studios one)  to change my complimentary tickets to normal passes. and to my surprise they opened the normal gates at 9.25!  :shock:  not 10!! So i got my passes and walked straight into the park, it was a but nippy and i only had a cardi on, normally we run straight to crush but i was too desperate to not goto the toilets! haha but after that we did rush to the crush, they hadnt opened the que area yet so we joined the long line waiting and after about 5 mins it was opened. we qued for about 10 mins, as by the time the que had moved into the queing area we were inside! :D first time ever we got to go on it forwards facing! and it was a completely different experience haha! scared me a little more as i could see the drops! when we got off the ride it was about 9.55 and RC racer had no que at all, do we walked straight on and sat at the front, my bf had to sit in the seat for the taller people, even though he is only average height. I like how ts playland have added bits to the ride where you put your bags!!! this is something i stress about so much!  So first time on RC racer as last summer it opened the week after i was there and at xmas everything was iced over with the crazy blizzards lol. Oh my god!!! I was so scared on it!!! hahah i screamed like a little kid non stop, just one long scream! it was the dropping down bit, got my stomach so much! i was shaking when i got off but found it funny, and my bf thought it was the funniest thing, that i was the only one screaming!
So next we walked straight onto the parachute drop, which we thought looked a bit boring but oh my it defo got our bellys!! and didnt realise it was that high! after going up once they brought it back down, and our bar came up, they told everyone to lock them back down, but ours wouldnt lock in i was panicking a bit! i couldnt get off as my seatbelt was locked in but the bar just wouldnt, after sat there for a few mins we realised it was because the spare seat next to us wasnt locked in, so once my bf locked it in, and the cm checked everything it started again :)
After this ride we went to armageddon but it was closed so we went on the tram tour qued for about 5 mins! when getting on the ride though so many people were pushing it was ridiculous, im sure its just the british who que haha! one lady behind my bf was practically getting a piggy back off him in the que. When we got off this ride even though i had my yellow disney mac on, my side was soaking and then i realised my drink was leaking in my bag and it had gone all over my camera! my bf opened the battery part and blew inside and the water was coming out of everywhere, out the screen everything, it just wouldnt do anything! so i was a bit upset over that, however last night when i tried it, its working fine now!! haha, luckily we had my bfs cam with us in disney and my big one for sight seeing in paris.
After this we went on armageddon as it as now working, again walked straight on, thought this was boring really, when the floor does the drop effect it really hurt my chest too.
We left the studios and headed for the main park, it had stopped raining by this point too. the castle looked amazing so bright!! we went straight to BTM and qued for 30 mins to be then told it had broken! grrrrr. We got a fast pass for later instead. and then went onto pirates, first time id qued for over 5 mins! was very busy indeed. After this we were so hungry so went to fuente del oro for fajitas, qued for aaaages, got the slowest person ever, fajitas were okay but didnt tasted fajitary haha, tasted more like lamb casserole then anything but i was very full :)
after this we went down main street and took a few photos, we then went back to btm to use our fast pass, qued in that for about 20 mins. im only tiny and so when they out the bar down i had quite a gap becasue of being on the ride with my bf who is quite big as in muscley so going over any bumps i basically nearly stood up lol, freaked me out a bit i was all over the seat haha :D made a great on ride photo, the shock and horror on my face!

right i'll carry on with the rest of the day later as i need to sort my case... hope you like so far


Sounds like you had a great time. I look forward to reading the rest.

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