trip report our first trip! Day 2 finished

Started by gothprincess, January 31, 2011, 02:32:12 PM

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Oh, I'm sorry your first day at the park wasn't as magical as you expect it to be.

I remember feeling exactly the same when we went to Florida - and we didn't have a baby in tow then.
I hadn't had much sleep the night before, was at the airport for 6am, then a 9 hour flight, and eventually got to the hotel at 6pm, (Their time, it would have been 11pm UK time), after everyone we had met being actually quite horrible I walked into our 4* hotel room expecting luxury and got a glorified chalet. I burst into tears too, and cried myself to sleep, with my poor husband asking if we wanted to go home.Luckily,I said lets see what tomorrow brings and after a good nights sleep, felt ready to take on the world!! (and our room wasn't as bad as I first thought either)

Its amazing what effect tiredness can have on people.
Look forward to hearing how it got better for you.

Previous Visits]
January 2006 - WDW - Grosvenor Resort, Honeymoon, 14 nights.
March 2010- Disneyland Paris, Hotel Santa Fe, 3 nights
March 2011 - Disneyland Paris, Hotel Santa Fe, 4 nights
December 2013 - Disneyland Paris, Hotel Cheyenne, 5 nights


Day 2 Thursday 3rd of February

We had breakfast reservations for 7:45 but Laylah was still sleeping after a bad night (poor little mite didn't get a moments rest from her teeth pushing through) so we had gave her another 10 minutes  before we woke her. We arrived for breakfast at around 8am we didn't have to wait  for long  but it was quite busy. We were all still feeling really tired and grumpy from the day before and Laylah's gums were very sore despite lots of teething gel and a dose of children's nurofen. The breakfast although limited in choice was quite nice. The croissants and pan choc were fresh and was apple juice for Laylah the only thing that disappointed us was the lack of yoghurt  or fromage frais pots, there was natural yoghurt but it wasn't very nice.

After breakfast we headed towards the park there was the usual scrum to board the bus but shortly after swearing at a few rude people we were outside the park.  We were coming out of bag check  and this young girl was saying to her friends "Look as that little girl dresses as Minnie Mouse,. How cute is she?" I turned round to look and realised they were talking about Laylah. I guess she kinda was dressed like Minnie Mouse she had she Minnie Mouse spotty snow suit on with the matching hat and her Minnie Mouse ears hat on over the top.  I know my little Princess is beautiful but it's nice to hear people agree. We headed off to take some Pics outside the DLH and as we were taking some pics I over heard more comments about Laylah and I turned round to find a British man taking pictures of her!!! I wasn't sure how to feel about it I mean it's a nice complement and I'm sure he didn't mean any harm but taking photographs of other people's children without permission  is a pretty irresponsible thing to do.

As we entered Main street standing right next to emporium in his special spot was Mickey Mouse himself there was a bit of a cue but we decided it would be a nice was to introduce Laylah to her second favourite mouse (Minnie comes first in Laylah's eyes) so we waited about  20 minutes when it was our turn I wasn't sure how Laylah would react so I cautiously carried her over and a smile spread from ear to ear she was so happy. Mickey waved,  Laylah waved back and said "Hiya!" Then she did the cutest thing ever she puckered up her lips and planted a massive kiss on Mickey's nose. It was so sweet I must admit there was a little tear in my eye and it made everything the day before worth it. We posed for a few pics and Layah gave Mickey a few more Kisses before we went I had to say a big thank you to Mickey he was so kind to my little girl he really made her (and me) feel special.

Then we went to Fantasy Land and rode IASW  there was no cue at all and we all really enjoyed the ride. Laylah and I then rode the teacups while Daddy tome photos before the excitement got a bit too much for Laylah and she took a nice nap. DP and I relaxed while she was asleep we went to the cable car bakery we both had the tea time menue with the hot drink in a souvenir cup and the Mickey brioche  I had a hot chocolate and even though I got 100,000,000 tiny blisters in my tongue it was worth it yummy!!!!


Quote from: "gothprincess"The breakfast although limited in choice was quite nice. The croissants and pan choc were fresh and was apple juice for Laylah the only thing that disappointed us was the lack of yoghurt  or fromage frais pots, there was natural yoghurt but it wasn't very nice.

I am afraid that is the difference between the hotels. The economy get the spread you got. The Moderates get flavoured yogurt, apple puree and fruit salad, and the DLH and HNY get eggs, veal sausages, bacon, pancakes, yogurt with fruit compote, donuts etc.

Quote from: "gothprincess"I wasn't sure how to feel about it I mean it's a nice complement and I'm sure he didn't mean any harm but taking photographs of other people's children without permission  is a pretty irresponsible thing to do.

There is a sign warning people in the parks this is likely to happen. Personally I don't mind, I know others do.

Glad it sounds like things started to improve for you.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"
Quote from: "gothprincess"The breakfast although limited in choice was quite nice. The croissants and pan choc were fresh and was apple juice for Laylah the only thing that disappointed us was the lack of yoghurt  or fromage frais pots, there was natural yoghurt but it wasn't very nice.

Quote from: "davewasbaloo"[I am afraid that is the difference between the hotels. The economy get the spread you got. The Moderates get flavoured yogurt, apple puree and fruit salad, and the DLH and HNY get eggs, veal sausages, bacon, pancakes, yogurt with fruit compote, donuts etc.

There was apple puree and some tinned fruit which came un useful when Laylah was feeling more like eating the apple juice despensers and hot full fat milk were a life saver. All Laylah wanted was apple juice and it was prooving expensive so we filled up her cup and a spare at breakfast and the hot milk was the only place we could find full fat milk we'd cool it a little at breakfast with semi skimmes milk and take a full cup in to the park by the time we were off the bus it would be cool enough fo her to drink.

Quote from: "gothprincess"I wasn't sure how to feel about it I mean it's a nice complement and I'm sure he didn't mean any harm but taking photographs of other people's children without permission  is a pretty irresponsible thing to do.

Quote from: "davewasbaloo"[There is a sign warning people in the parks this is likely to happen. Personally I don't mind, I know others do.

TBH it's not that I minded I just thought maybe it wasn't the most sensible thing to do if I had taken offence he could have been accused of horrible things when that wasn't the case at all.

PS: How can I post photos?


Hmmm, if you have a photobucket address and then put them in there. They then will have web tag addresses you can put in your post and they will appear. Personally, I don't like photos coming up in posts as they make it difficult when using mobile tech on the move as I do, so I put them on Facebook and then create a public link on my trip reports on the web. If I recall though, there is a step by step guide on this board of posting photos.
since 2001 (many before that)


In the unfortunate world we live in, I feel the sign in Disneyland that warns about people taking photos, could perhaps be changed to, photographers need to ask permission from parents before photographing their children.
I can see how sometimes, your photograph may capture other people in the background, but to be blatantly photographing children I think is definitely a bit risky.
Its a shame we have to think like that, especially somewhere like Disney, like gothprincess says, some people could take alot of offence, and accuse them of anything.

Looking forward to the rest of the report. =)

Previous Visits]
January 2006 - WDW - Grosvenor Resort, Honeymoon, 14 nights.
March 2010- Disneyland Paris, Hotel Santa Fe, 3 nights
March 2011 - Disneyland Paris, Hotel Santa Fe, 4 nights
December 2013 - Disneyland Paris, Hotel Cheyenne, 5 nights


Hi just wanted to let you know I am reading your report with great interest - almost feels like we are there with you.  We are going on our first trip to DLP 1st April and looking for as much feedback as I can get before we go.
x :)


Aw thanks Trish I guess I better post some more info today :-)


Day 2 part 2

Right where were we?

Oh yeah Laylah was asleep and we'd had a nice drink we watched some of the showtime spectacular but I felt really guilty watching that when Laylah was asleep so we had a nose round the shops then walked into frontier land for a look see.

We had a look at the Mark twain I'd really like to ride that one day but we don't like crowds and I think it's generally closed ar less busy times. Then we had a walk around the grounds of Phantom Manor it was really well thought out with new little details everywhere you looked Laylah had been asleep for a while so I woke her up hoping the promise of being able to walk outside would prevent any grumpieness. She was actually in a very good mood so I made double sure it was OK for her to ride and we headed inside. It gets cramped in that little room inside but thankfully we weren't in there for too long DP thought it was a walk through by all the spooky details on the walls etc. we got to the carriages and getting on was an experience to say the least I nearly missed the ride! There is a travelator like rhe ones at the airport that you stand on which travels at the same speed as the carriages now most people seemed to find it quite easy to get on the ride but I was trying to let DP get on and get Laylah seated with him before getting on myself and I nearly hit the post at the end LOL. I won't go in to too many details so as not to spoil it for those who have never been before but the ride was awesome!!!! We loved it Laylah was particularly impressed with the laughing skeleton. We had a bit of a struggle getting off too getting yourself and your bag from one moving platform to another is difficult but add in a toddler and changing bad and it's like mission impossible but I think it kind of added to the fun.

It was time for lunch and thanks to you lovely people I knew you could get a decent meal at the cowboy cookout BBQ so that's where we landed next and to my surprise there was Goofy, Jessie and Woody we posed for pics with Goofy who was looking a bit lonely all by himself Laylah gave him a big kiss and we decided to give Jessie a visit but she was obviously late for something important because she disappeared. In side was nice and warm and Laylah was sitting nicely in a highchair so we ordered Laylah had the chicken and veal sausage with cherry tomatoes and orange juice DP had the "smoked" chicken, carrot sticks and water which to took with us and I was put off the chicken by the word "Smoked" so I ordered the double burger, potato wedges and coke which we shared.  You know your a parent when you order carrot sticks and potato wedges so the little one can pick at them. The chicken was really nice I was gutted I hadn't ordered it too and the kiddies sausage was nice too but quite spicy all Laylah wanted was the tomatoes, a pick of our sides ant to guzzle juice anyway. I wasn't as impressed with my burger  it was quite dry in fact it tasted like a double whopper but without the flavour.

Then just as we were coming out it was everyone was heading down the road and we realised it was exactly tome for Mickey's winter wonderland so we had a lovely time watching the show even my grumpy pants DP enjoyed it! I knew it would be good but I didn't expect ice skating and a real horse and carriage it was fantastic! Once that was over it was time to cue for the parade so off to Main ST. we go. By this time Laylah was getting tired and a bit grumpy no toddler enjoys waiting but as soon as the parade came she was in awe Tigger came over to tickle her chin and lots of the characters waved at her I kept trying to crack the faces of the grumpy "flames"  with  waving poi before the "bad guy's", float. That was the end of our wonderful day in Disneyland  we got some snacks from the station and headed for the cue (scrum) for the bus.


I know you have been planning for a long time, so I was really gutted for you when I read about the rocky start to your trip :(
However, it sounds as if day two was a lovely day, and that Laylah had an amazing time with the characters! Phew! I really hope it continues in the same positive vein, I look forward to reading the rest :)
Disney Visits
Oct 94 Cheyenne - Oct 00 WDW - April 03 WDW - Sept 06 DLP Day Trip - Sept 09 HNY - Nov 10 HNY - June 11 Sequoia Lodge- June 12 Sequoia Lodge - Sept 12 Cheyenne- Nov 12 Radisson - June 13 Dream Castle - Nov 14 HNY -
Feb 15 Dream Castle - Sept 15 Tokyo Disney Resort, Sheraton - Oct 15 DLP Day trip - Feb 16 Cheyenne - March 17 Newport Bay - Jan 18 Sequoia Lodge, Aug 18 daytrip

Upcoming: DLH Nov 18 - Hong Kong Disneyland, Explorers Lodge, March 19