Re: my 8th trip to disneyland 31/1-4/2 -added video!

Started by SwipatronSparks, January 23, 2011, 07:08:56 PM

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well with only 7 more sleeps to go before i set off for the long anticipated trip to disney (countdown began at 211 sleeps way back last july) i decided now was the time to start my trip report, this is going to be the very first trip report i have ever written so im sorry if it not quite up to par, i have been reading through all of the tirp reports on here to get an idea of how one is normally written.... but im really looking forward to starting my own =]

So the plan...

day 0 (30/1/11).... leave home for airport, fly with easyjet to paris charles de gaulle airport, take the tgv train from CDG to disneyland, hop on a bus at disney village to the explorers hotel and spend the night there, from there we will then spend 4 magical nights in the disneyland hotel until the 4th of Feburary 2011.

all will be told fully in the proper trip report, which i hope you enjoy reading =]

Swipes =]

ps. if your gonna be there between the 31st jan -4th feb drop me a message trying to arrange a little magic forum meet up on the 3rd for the parade theres a link to the thread in my signature... or you can just send me a PM  :D
past trips to DLRP ~2001~2001~2002~2003~2005~2005~2006~2008~2011~2013~2015/16~2016~2017~2019
DLH, SL, NPBC, Explorers, Dream Castle, Magic Circus, Kyraid,

upcoming trips....


Have fun on your trip :)
I only hope that we don\'t lose sight of one thing,that it was all started by a mouse[size=150] Walt Disney

:pluto:  :mickey1:


the trip report.... the highlights...

the good
*staying in the disneyland hotel
*crush's coaster in 10 minutes!!! (i have photographic evidence)
*trying out toy story playland
*meeting someone famous...

the bad
*how cold it was
*not entirely impressed with the food in the hotel

well as you can see the good far outways the bad on this trip, and all will be explained just as soon as i get my photos off my mums laptop and then onto my own and sorted out and uploaded, and yes as i said there is photographic evidence of our amazing 10 minute queue for crush!!!!

so the trip report will be coming soon... =]
past trips to DLRP ~2001~2001~2002~2003~2005~2005~2006~2008~2011~2013~2015/16~2016~2017~2019
DLH, SL, NPBC, Explorers, Dream Castle, Magic Circus, Kyraid,

upcoming trips....


looking foward to it :D
\'when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you\' - Pinocchio

\'A dream is a wish your heart makes\' - Cinderella<3

Hotel New York = 10 times
Sequoia Lodge = 1 time

[size=150]Disneyland Paris<3[/size]


Can't wait to read it!!
[size=150]All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them - Walt Disney[/size]


so heres day 0 (travel day)... no photos becuase i didnt really take any, but there will be pictures in the rest of the report...

So after 211 sleeps we where finally ready to go, after going to my aunts for dinner we headed for the airport, we where at the airport by 3:30 for check in and after checking in we headed through into the departure lounge and then proceeded to do what everyone else does when waiting in an airport... counting down the minutes till we where called down to our gate, to board the plane =] we actually got to take off about 10 minutes early and where landing in Charles de Gaulle airport after an hour and 25 minutes flying time during the flight the pilot came on and wishing us a pleasant flight and telling us that it was a balmy -54 degrees outside o.O
After we landed we headed for the TVG to Disneyland which the only stressful part about is actually finding seats on the train because regardless of how we had booked, trying to get on the right part of the train, and heaving cases up onto the second floor of a double decker train is not fun, we just plonked where ever though since the train journey is only 10 minutes and we had no sooner sat down than we where having to stand up to get off again. Once we stepped out of the train station we had a bit of jumping around and some 'we are in Disneyland woo hoo's' before we headed for the bus to the explorers hotel, by this time it was late and we where all tired, so we got some pizza's, then headed back to the room, jumped into bed and went to sleep around midnight to fuel up for our first day in the parks.
past trips to DLRP ~2001~2001~2002~2003~2005~2005~2006~2008~2011~2013~2015/16~2016~2017~2019
DLH, SL, NPBC, Explorers, Dream Castle, Magic Circus, Kyraid,

upcoming trips....


okies i have now sorted out my piccys so heres day 1.... enjoy =]

We woke up bright and early for breakfast at around 7, once we where dressed, fed and watered we checked out of the explores hotel, jumped onto the bus and headed back to Disneyland, through the bag check and where finally walking down to check in at the Disneyland hotel, this hotel is soooo beautiful but we didn't spend any time looking around the hotel as we dropped off out stuff in the baggage room and headed for the parks.  But here's some photos of the lobby I took on the first day...

We headed for the studios first, and began our holiday the 'noisy' way, by dropping in with the tower of terror, and it was just how I remembered it, I'm sad I didn't get to ride it as many times as I would have liked but it will always be a firm favourite with me, we then headed for toy story playland I was excited about going here as I hadn't experienced it, we went for a very cold ride on RC racer which is most definitely my second favourite ride in the studios for certain not sure where it would rank in the whole of the resort though...
By this point we where all freezing cold so we took refuge in stitch live which I enjoyed, we decided to try for another adrenalin fix after stitch live and headed for rocking rollercoaster only to find it was closed so we gave in with the studios for one day and headed into the Disneyland park at around 2pm on the way I bought some Minnie ears and gloves as shown in the piccy....

once we where in the park we headed for pirates of the Caribbean taking a ride on snow white on the way past, we then proceeded to ride pirates twice in a row.
after pirates we stopped off in the Pinocchio restaurant for some warm food i had chicken nuggets and chips before heading back to the hotel to go get our room keys, we had a lovely CM on the baggage room who brought our luggage to our room for us, after checking out or room (piccy's below) we headed back into the park at around 5 catching the parade as it went past ended up watching it twice since we caught it at the bottom of main street where the castle is =] we used our first hotel fast pass to ride big thunder mountain and then went through the normal queue to ride it again, when we got off the park was closed so we headed out and for the Hotel New York for our 7pm reservation in the Parkside diner we had a lovely filling all you can eat buffet and we took a leisurely stroll back through Disney village and back to the hotel where we had a brouse around the shop and retired to our rooms for pyjamas and a nice relax before bed.
past trips to DLRP ~2001~2001~2002~2003~2005~2005~2006~2008~2011~2013~2015/16~2016~2017~2019
DLH, SL, NPBC, Explorers, Dream Castle, Magic Circus, Kyraid,

upcoming trips....


Good start to your report! Looking forward to the rest....especially finding out which famous person you met?!
Disney Visits
Oct 94 Cheyenne - Oct 00 WDW - April 03 WDW - Sept 06 DLP Day Trip - Sept 09 HNY - Nov 10 HNY - June 11 Sequoia Lodge- June 12 Sequoia Lodge - Sept 12 Cheyenne- Nov 12 Radisson - June 13 Dream Castle - Nov 14 HNY -
Feb 15 Dream Castle - Sept 15 Tokyo Disney Resort, Sheraton - Oct 15 DLP Day trip - Feb 16 Cheyenne - March 17 Newport Bay - Jan 18 Sequoia Lodge, Aug 18 daytrip

Upcoming: DLH Nov 18 - Hong Kong Disneyland, Explorers Lodge, March 19


Quote from: "loladelorean"Good start to your report! Looking forward to the rest....especially finding out which famous person you met?!

im looking forward to telling you too!!! famous person.... day 3 =]
past trips to DLRP ~2001~2001~2002~2003~2005~2005~2006~2008~2011~2013~2015/16~2016~2017~2019
DLH, SL, NPBC, Explorers, Dream Castle, Magic Circus, Kyraid,

upcoming trips....


the suspense...
Sequoia Lodge 2007
Sequoia Lodge 2008
2011 DCR Yipeee 3rd Christmas as DLP!!


we woke up and got dressed at around 8:30 and headed for breakfast where I got photos with Mickey, and Goofy the picture with Mickey picture was taken by the proper photographer so no photo but here's a one of me with goofy, I didn't get photos but did see Pluto, Rabbit, and Baloo.

i also took a quick shot of the castle from the discoveryland angle as i came in...

after breakfast we left for the last but of extra magic hours where we got a ride of buzz and a ride on space mountain (my cousins first ride!!) in before the park opened, after meeting up with the rest of the group we had another run on Buzz and another run on Space Mountain before taking  a break for coffee (well for the adults anyway) in Vidopolis where I gave a quick call into uni then watched some cartoons, after the cartoons we headed for a ride on star tours on our way there i took a quick photo of the wall-e and eve statue next to space mountain...

and heres some pictures of star tours...

after rideing star tours we caught the train to Frontireland where we picked up a fastpass for Big Thunder Mountain and headed for Phantom Manor, we didn't get to ride it though since it was experiencing technical difficulties... so we saw Mickey took some photos with him before going to ride Big Thunder Mountain, which we used baby switch on, after Big Thunder Mountain we headed for Adventureland and a ride on Indiana Jones, and then strolled towards Fantasyland taking some pictures of the rather impressive icicles that helped show just how cold it was...

we hopped on to pirates of the Caribbean on our way passed in an attempt to warm up a little, and our next stop was fantasyland, and we had a very squished ride on the teacups after this being somewhat very cold after abandoning gloves in attempt to get the stupid cup to spin waiting for the others who where riding dumbo we had a snack in Pinocchio's before taking a stroll down main street back to our hotel where we warmed up and headed back out for our 6:30 sitting at Buffalo Bills where my sister was picked to take part in the show, we where also upgraded for free into the first category and where in the blue moon ranch, so below are some photos of my sister in the show, and a photo of all of us together before we went in for the show (I'm the one in the Blue coat at the front holding the pink bag ) we also got my cousin a birthday cake as it was her birthday a few days before we went on the trip.
my sister in the show...

and the group photo...

after the show we strolled through Disney Village where I bought a new bag (the one I took with me broke!!) and headed back to the hotel where we then got ready for bed and spent the rest of the night relaxing.
past trips to DLRP ~2001~2001~2002~2003~2005~2005~2006~2008~2011~2013~2015/16~2016~2017~2019
DLH, SL, NPBC, Explorers, Dream Castle, Magic Circus, Kyraid,

upcoming trips....


More, more, more :D
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Enjoying the report so far!!! looking forward to reading the rest!!


Thoroughly enjoying the TR so far!! Looking forward to finding out which celeb you spotted  :thumbs:

I cannot believe the icicles!! They are HUGE!!!
A Little Bit Of Magic, Goes A Long Way


We woke up to a very icy morning today, and even though I was up dressed and out in time for the beginning of extra magic hours I didn't get to make use of them as the park was closed as they where treating the ice, so  I went back to the hotel and took some photos of the outside of the lobby. I then headed back to the room and went for some breakfast, after breakfast I went back to the room threw on my thermal bottoms and we headed into the parks at around 10:30 we started our day by strolling down main street and for fantasyland where our first ride of choice was the tea cups, which was followed with a ride on its a small world, we then left the Disneyland park going into the studios park once again to meet up with the rest of our group who had began their day there, we dropped in at the tower of terror, then headed for toy story play land, and I had my first experience of the parachutes, which was OK I guess but certainly a ride for kids.... I much prefer the tower of terror....we then had a spin on slinky dog and a ride on RC racer.

We then decided we would head back to the Disneyland Park on our way we stopped of for a ride on crushes coaster which only had a 10 minute queue!!!! the photographic evidence is below, I even date and time stamped it =] we couldn't believe how short the queue was especially since it was the middle of the day, so we took advantage of the opportunity that was too good to miss!!!

After crush we headed back to the Disneyland park calling into the hotel to drop off shopping and the like, we had half an hour to spare before our 15:45 seating in Walt's we decided to just browse around main street, and when we where actually seated we where in the small Adventureland room which we got to have to ourselves (we where a group of 9) and managed to watch the parade while we ate desert.
here's some photos of the parade, there was a few photos so I resized them.

After we had finished eating and watching the parade with not long before the park closed some of us headed for Big Thunder Mountain while the rest went on Buzz, once we had met back up we headed back out of the park again splitting up, some of our group went straight back to the room while the rest of our group went in through the lobby of the hotel to show those who weren't staying here what it was like.

Quick shot of the castle I took as we left.

While we were in the lobby we where just milling around while the rest of the group had a look around when one member pointed up thinking she had spotted someone famous... it turned out they where famous and that it was infact Jermain Jackson coming down the stairs!!! he was super lovely when we went over to talk to him and after posing for photos we thanked him for the photos and moved on, even his security was lovely one of them even took my photo for me!!
me and Jermain....

After this we rushed back to the room to tell the others and after a bit of a relax I had a stroll along to the shop and headed off to bed.
past trips to DLRP ~2001~2001~2002~2003~2005~2005~2006~2008~2011~2013~2015/16~2016~2017~2019
DLH, SL, NPBC, Explorers, Dream Castle, Magic Circus, Kyraid,

upcoming trips....