HKDL 5th: Celebration in the Air

Started by lil-shawn, January 22, 2011, 11:38:20 AM

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Here are two videos from HKDL new Parade Flights of Fantasy and the Tinkerbell Castle Illumination...
Really nice Parade, makes fun to watch and the Castle Illumination is very nice done, like it...


Thanks for the videos!

Here's a picture of the castle decoration for HKDL's 5th birthday:

Taken from:



All from
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The Castle lighting is beautiful, I love that pixie dust effect that trails behind the lights! That is very classy, and on par with the 15th Anniversary ones we had I feel!

The Parade is a bit hit and miss for me, it's very colourful and energetic, but aside from Mickeys balloon taking flight, I don't think there's much substance to it, it just seems to be float after float of bungee or acrobatic characters, with actual characters inanimate on top of the float (Winnie the Pooh has 2 Roo's on it). There's no real finale to the parade either, I'll watch it through a few more times to see if it grows on me, but I don't think it has the wow factor of UOAD.
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


#4 posted some pictures about the 5th birthday of HKDL:

If DLRP is doing another decoration on Main Street, I hope it will be more like this and not like the ugly ones of Mickey's Magical Party and New Generation Festival.

DLRP should also add such small touches to the upcoming 20th birthday celebration.

Decoration above the entrance.

HKDL definately does a better job in decorating the castle than DLRP. All decoration is more classy than DLRP's decorations of the last years.

Thanks to Desinging Disney:


This celebration year is really well done, everything is just right, nothing too garish but it's just as impressive as out 15th was.

I love their new fireworks show, I would have no problem at all seeing that come to Paris for the 20th, it's very stylish and shows just how you can have a wonderful show with low level pyro. It reminded me a little of Tinkerbell's Fantasy in the Skies!
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.