Shareholders Club Conference & Captain EO opening (11/06)

Started by never2old, June 01, 2010, 02:12:44 PM

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From the Shareholders Club website:

QuoteEvent informations :
We are pleased to invite you to the first Shareholders Club conference that will take place on June 11, 2010 at Disneyland® Paris.

This conference will be presented by Katy Harris, Disneyland Paris Show Director and will present the following theme: Behind the Disney's New Generation Festival. You will also have the exclusive opportunity to experience for the first time or re-discover Captain EO, the classic attraction featuring Michael Jackson, which returns to Discoveryland® in the Disneyland Park starting June 12, 2010.

I received an email (in French though) for this event, detailing the schedule, which basically translates to:

- From 14:15, registration at the Donald's Desk
- 15:00, screening of Captain EO
- 15:30: Start of the conference, during which Katy Harris will present the New Generation and answer questions (30-45 minutes)

For once I'm actually invited to an event I can actually go to, since it will be on the last day of our holiday  :D Plus it means that we will get to see Captain EO after all  :D/

Will anyone one attend?


I received this email, too and it is in English. Unfortunately I can't go there, but this event looks very promising.


i got one too but from dream ap holders the same day at 10:00 - i cant go as we dont arrive for 2 days after


Getting ready to go to bed out early tommorow so I can get there in time.Certainly hope its going to be a fun day but seein Captain Eo after such a long time will certainly be nice and for me very moving,ll not have to forget my hanky ;-)


Well no one missed anything,what a mess......
After waiting outside the theatre for about half an hour in the hot sun,dont they know they hve a huge queue line which is covered and sheltered from the was very hot on friday.
Captain Eo was fantasic and the moving floor jumped in takt to the music.Of course a few of the old effects are missing but you have to look at this as a piece of History and just enjoy the show.My personal opinion is that its still better than HISTA.
The conference itself was too boring to be true....It was literally just a few pics,old ones at that , of the New Generation Festival.It was also completly in french so I had to concentrate really hard to understand.Would it have been so hard to make a translation???I think that this was a reason why many left just after the film ended.
There was noting in there what everyone could look up for themselves at home on there PC.
Really not worth the bother....


Totally agree with you, britincgn. The woman who gave the conference was an English speaker! She could have easily summarised her answers to English.

I thought it was strange that the movie was in English (except for the intro at the beginning, for some reason) and then the whole thing was in French.

Still, I hope they do this more often, it was the first time they had such a conference, so it can only get better. It would have been more interesting to see this BEFORE the New Generation had actually started, or some footage other than (bad) cuts of the videos we've already seen on YouTube... Some of the questions were interesting (though a couple were more criticisms than questions, really.

And you'll be all glad to know that Prince Naveen will be getting a summer costume... (he did look rather over-dressed for the summer heat...)


I was annoyed that he said 98 % of the guests at the conference were french,I had asked the question about the english and if they could say whats coming for 20 th ann,I was going to say so he thinks the 2 % who only understand English are not worth the bother because if you take that 2% off the buying capacity of the English speaking visiters that would be a lot of money.Also I noticed that the English videos had been translated(subtitles)to it only goes one way round!!!!!
He also said it would be too hard to do which I think is ,in this day and age a stupid answer, even I could do it.
Lets hope the next conference will be better,more actual,more inside information and more fun.


That was you? I was so glad someone asked about that! (personally I'm too shy to speak like that in public, I start stuttering and all...)

Didn't you ask also about the fireworks show for the summer? I didn't understand too well if she meant something new may be coming this year, or next year...


I also asked if the Mais Street E Parade would be coming back to DLP for the 20th aniversary because it has now left Disneyland and is now at WDW until the end of the year.I also asked if we would be gettin "World of Colour" as DLP is missing a show at night and since it has no pyros it would be the perfect answer to our problems.She said there is nothing really planned,which I dont actually believe ;-)
By the way I was nervous but I just had to say something and I would have said more but I hadn really understood the questions before I asked mine so I was afraid to repeat what someone had said.


You were great :)


Thanks  :-) My 5 mins of being famous and my friend didnt even take a pic lol