Photo's from October 2009

Started by Thrills, February 09, 2010, 11:38:57 PM

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I have no idea of this is allowed, posting old trips but as I saw older things coming by I decided to do it anyway. Went there with my girlfriend, sister and my sister's boyfriend. First time for my girlfriend and they all ended up with a Passeport Annuel Fantasy (and myself with a year extra :D ). The weather was okay for the first day but got worse during the trip, the park started out quiet but became busier in the last two days. If you're a frequent visitor at it is possible you've already seen these pictures ;)

Finally there! Weather looking good!

Discoveryland was up first after my girlfriend bought her first Passport.

Dinner after a long trip, and what better way to start then with a Vanilla Coke!

Mentioned Passports

Indiana looking good.

Labyrinth provided us with some laughter like always.

A small thing I picked up via DLRPtrivia Twitter, the red eyed crow.

BTM doing what he does best.

Looking down...

And looking up!

What is that I see?!

Is that a boat?!

The are burning mah steak!


Gray weather...

Giving it that American touch ;)

Not a really nice place but very quiet if you want to take a break!

Smugglers cove of starboard bow!

Typical picture ;)

Rainy Rainy Rainy ;)

Evil Emperor!


Great pics! I loved the Adventureland shots.

Where did you get that burger from btw? It looks so good!


Quote from: "luke85"Great pics! I loved the Adventureland shots.

Where did you get that burger from btw? It looks so good!

Got the burger at Annette's Diner in Village :) Mighty fine one might I add, forgot which one, there were too many choices on the menu :P


Quote from: "Thrills"
Quote from: "luke85"Great pics! I loved the Adventureland shots.

Where did you get that burger from btw? It looks so good!

Got the burger at Annette's Diner in Village :) Mighty fine one might I add, forgot which one, there were too many choices on the menu :P

I will definitely have to visit Annette's next time I'm in DLP!


Annette's is great! One of my favourite places in the Village. We always share an Elvis for desert there: cookies, brownies, icecream and lots of whipped cream, I love it :P

Nice pictures, you really have an eye for details.


Freakin' sweet pics!