Star Tours - seen better days...

Started by Magic M, November 22, 2008, 04:59:12 PM

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Magic M

In my opinion one of the best themed rides at DLRP is the Star Tours ride.  The whole queue area has a great Star Wars feel with the robots building robots, R2-D2 and C-3PO adding to the authenticity.

However, the ride has definately seen better days.

Firstly the quality of the video recording and projector are really showing their age.  In this society of HD and Plasma Screens its all looks a bit grainy and old-timey.  I know there have been rumours of ST2:Pod Race for years but do you think they will upgrade the hardware on the original?

Also, when I went to the park about 5 years ago there was much more post-ride:

* Firstly you were greeted by an animatronic droid who was very lifeless the last time I visited.

* There were interactive booths including one with a early-CGI face that would ask you question like "Night or Day?", "Sun or Moon?" etc which was all voice-activated.  Then it gave you a "personality report".

* Finally there was a massive video wall called "Star Course".  I was never entirely sure what this was, but I think it was a chance to earn your Space Pilots Licence(?)

Now the post-ride is just a basic arcade with a few Star Wars themed video games...

Poor show...


You are right, Star Tours really needs an update.

The first time I rode ST was in 2000 and I enjoyed the ride. In 2006 the ride was already in a bad condition. The screen had problems and they didn't turn off the lights in the simulator.

In January 2008 we have ridden the WDW version at Disney's Hollywood Studios and I enjoyed the ride again (projector and screen worked fine and the lights were also turned off). That's the reason why we gave DLRP's version another chance in September 2008.
Indeed the ride was better than in 2006, but it really needs an update and I hope they will replace the hardware too.


I can't see them touching Star Tours anytime in the future. I think WDW, DLR and Paris are just waiting for Star Tours 2 to be finished. There have been hints for years about it and I believe Bay 4 at Disneyland is sheduled to be closed throughout 2009.

If all 3 parks want to upgrade their rides it would be much cheaper as they can all put the money in, things such as projectors and new ride components could be bought in bulk.

I can very much see Star Tours 2 being similar to StormRider at Tokyo DisneySea. Its a much more immersive experience and also has extra special effects. The ride vehicles are much bigger (and hold more people) though so I can't see them being the same scale

Unless of course Disney decide to really give the ride a whole new lease of life by halfing the bays and doubling each bay.  :wink:

There is sooooooo much potential.


i would much rather see them updating the hardware (HD digital projection would be nice, or just a big screen- which would be even better) but keeping the same movie (albeit with a bit of cleaning up and restoration). my reasons for this are that the rest of the ride is fantastic and perfectly in keeping with the old trilogy theme- and the new trilogy is not as good as the old- and 30+s are more attached to the old trilogy than the new one. Another thing is that the star tours video is made using the same tech as the old trilogy, such as minature models etc. which is very impressive- the new version, based on the new trilogy will lose this charm, just as the movies did, as cgi is just so cold and heartless.