DisneyMagicTrip :: 11-13 January

Started by dreamseeker, January 14, 2008, 02:45:24 PM

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Once Upon a Time... one boy with his friend went to Disneyland Paris from 11th to 13th of January. This is the story:


02.00: The trip started at this time, when I wake up, had a shower... At 03.00 marc (with I made this trip) and I, drove to Girona to fly to Beauvais at 06.50. We arrive at 08.35 and it was rainning... :( We rent the car at Herz with the GPS and it was the moment to drive to Ranch Davy Crocket.

From Beauvais to RDC it's very easy with a GPS... and it's far 1h.30min more or less... I think that without GPS I didn't know how arrive there...

At 11.00 we arrived at DC, we made the check in... and after, when we arrived at the bungalow, it's time to sleep!!!!

After that... we went to Disney Village to eat something at McDonal's, and after... we liked walk around the hotels, resorts... but it was rainning A LOT!!! We return to DC and decided that the best thing that we can did it's went to the swimming pool (I love that pool!!!!!!)

At 20.00 we went to the restaurant to had lunch at the buffet, and after... return to the bungalow to sleep a lot until, because the next day we have to wake up at 07.00

Photos Davy Crocket: http://picasaweb.google.es/jordideancos ... OCKETRANCH

pd: sorry if my english gramatic is not very good.
pd2: If anyone would that I send the original photo... tell my by PM.
from barcelone... Dreamseeker


Chapter 2: Disneyland Park

We got up very soon... at 06.50 to had a shower, had breakfast... and drove to Parks Parking because we went to Disneyland at 08.00 (with the Extra Magic Hours).

The sensation of walk through main street soon at morning, with only five persons... it's magic 100%, exciting, emotive... I can't forget it.

We did the rides of Pinnochio, Peter Pan, the Castle, Space Mountain & Buzz Light Year during the EMH (I remember SM:2 less sharp than when I rode it in 2005...

After that, we returned to Fantasyland to ride It's Small World & the Laberynth of Alice, where I never ride it. It's a fun walk through... but more for boys and girls with their parents than for me... At the exit, I took some photos with Winnie the Pooh (my favourite character).

After that... we went to eat something at Videopolis and see the show of Lion King...  For me, I think that this show could be more than is now. Why? Easy:

- At the begining, the singer only sing "circle of life" repeating this 3 words all the time...
- When Scar sings "Be Prepared" at the scene only are he, with the 3 hyenas... The scenario is more bigger. Why only 4 actors and not 7? I think that it could be more impressive.

But the ending (remix of all songs) is the best of the show... but it's from AK (I think...) For me, that I've seen the two shows (AK & DLP) I preffer the first.

After that... I saw Disney Character Experss: I can't stop of singing, dancing, taking photos... and run to the characters when the train stop at Central Plaza... but it's impossible take some photo with some character, because when they go down from the train... all the people launches to their... :|

At the end, we go to Discoveryland to ride the railroad to Fantasyland, because the station is near of Pirates of Caribean (I think that this ride need urgently the rehab to put Sparrow & Co like Magic Kingdom, Tokyo...)

At the exit, we made the island, the ship... all this part of Adventureland with the Aladdin ride.

It's time to have lunch.

At 15.30... We went to main street to see the parade and have a good place to take photos, saw it... and sing during all the parade: Just like we dreamed... it  :-"  One of the most magic parades of Disney that I've ever seen!

After that, we made time to see Bougillumination eating something and drink coffee, rest at the main street...

Bougillumination: Incredible!!!!! It's beautiful! Nice! Magic! ... You only could describe if you have seen it ... But I think that with fireworks at the end (when sounds Just like we dreamed it) it can be more spectacular.

After of the show... we made Phantom Manor & Indiana Jones.

At the end, we went to the village to see the shops, and we have lunch at the DC.

The rest of rides like snowwhite, Honey I Shrunk, Orbitron... I ride in 2005 and I don't considered necessary to repeat it, because this trip for me was a trip of relax, and the most important that I would was see the news of 15th Anniversary.

Photos of Disneyland: http://picasaweb.google.es/jordideancos/DISNEYLANDPARK
from barcelone... Dreamseeker


You were there the same time as we were!  :D  We went from 6th - 13th!  :D  Maybe we saw each other but didn't realise!

Hey... were you the one who pushed in front of me when we were waiting to see Tigger?!  :wink:   :-"   :lol:  lol

Hope you had a nice time  :D
Jan 2007 - Santa Fe - 5 days, 4 nights

Jan 2008 - Cheyenne - 8 days, 7 nights

Jan 2009 - Cheyenne - 11 days, 10 nights

September 2009 - Santa Fe - 3 days, 2 nights

Next trip - Cheyenne - 6th December - 5 days, 4 nights

The Butlin Boy

Great trip report and photos dreamseeker, you've taken some amazing photos :)


You made some real nice pics, I like the pics from the castle by night!!
DLRP, là où les rêves deviennent réalité


Chapter 3: Walt Disney Studios

We would repeat Space Mountain, Buzz Light Year... during the EMH in our last day, but we were sleeping until 08.30 more or less.

We got up and it's time to did the luggage, had breakfast, did the check out and go to the Studios.

I was  :shock: when I arrived because I could see six military and 2 horses of security ¿anyone know why?

When we enter to the studios we went directly to Crush! OMG! 70minutes of wait... My friend wait there and I went to the Tower to take the fastpass. If I remember well... I made about 40-50minutes at Crush.

About Crush: A big surprise! I love it! It was my first spinning and this is magic! The sounds, the darkride part, the bubbles... all! I would repeat it but the wait time during a lot along the all day...

We went around cars to see the theme (I don't like this type of rides like cars, mad teas...) and take some photos... and go to the tower. The fastpass was for 11.50 and it was 11.40... I walk around the Hollywood Boulevard to take some photos... but I have one thing to say:

In photos is better than when you are in. When I go out of the Studio 1, I think: OMG! The Hollywood Boulevard is too long!!! But no... the props get the effect of length... only. (I don't know if you understand what i would say...)

Although... it's more magic than when I visit the studios (my first time) at 2005.

About Tower: I'm going to say all that I think... comparing with the MGM Version (that I ride).

- The exterior is sad (waiting zone, I don't know how you say "colas" in english) In Orlando there are a lot of terrorific trees, the garden is to big...
- Only is the part of ride... and not the dark ride that Orlando version have.

Although... I repeat in the tower 2 times!!!! The Ride (regardless the version) is the ride... and the story the story...

Before had lunch at Backlot... we made the Armaggedon Ride and after, Cinemagique (I love this show!!!!! It's more magique than the MGM version!!!!)

The parade i saw in 2005, and I prefer relax a few of minutes... inside the restaurant.

Animagique: I didn't saw this show before...It's was my first time and I think that it could be more funny with one sketch more (or two, like Aladdin, Princess Disney...) but I like it a lot! (I hope that DLP or STUDIOS will have one year Phillarmagic)

Art of Disney Animation: Where the ride tells to us: Disney Classic are better than Pixar! I preffer the classics because the films express to us a lot of magique, sensation, emotions.. than Pixar.

After... Studio Tram Tour to made time to repeat some rides and after go to Studio1 to eat something...


I think that the studios need a BIG expansion soon! This year the studios has 4 new rides (2 bigs and 2 mediums) and the people that go there is more more more than when I visit in 2005... Consequently, a lot of wait times at Tower, Crush, Rock'n Roller...

Photos of Studios: http://picasaweb.google.es/jordideancos ... NEYSTUDIOS

If anyone would any photo of disneyland park, studios..., tell my by PM and I send it :D ! If any website would the photos... the same

pd: Thanks for all that tell me that I made nice photos!
from barcelone... Dreamseeker


Thanks for sharing, lovely pictures ;)
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


Chapter 4: The End

At 18.15 we left the Studios and went to the car... but ¿where is the car? We don't remember it but in 5 minutes we found it.... Put the direction of Beauvais Airport at the GPS and go to there...

At 20.00 we arrived at the airport, we had lunch something... and it's time to return to Barcelone...  :(


I can't wait to return to DLRP... If I can, I would visit in summer to see shows like wishes and enjoy the parks more hours than in winter...

One Question... At the tie of Walt Disney (Studios) where he is with Mickey, I could see a japanese or chinise symbol... anyone knows the meaning of it?

from barcelone... Dreamseeker