Two loops and an inversion??

Started by KittyVogt, May 14, 2007, 10:19:56 AM

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I'm a bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to most rides. However, when I actually force myself on the ride I have so much fun. I've never ridden on a ride I didn't like. Last year I rode my first roller coaster with a loop, Raging Spirits at Tokyo Disneysea. I really liked it so I've been looking forward to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril and Space Mountain. But I'm confused. The websites I've looked at have described Space Mountain as having two loops and one inversion. What is an inversion?


An inversion is in this case an headfirst element like this one:

But in space mountain it´s longer.


Roller coaster inversions are features of roller coasters that in some form or fashion, inverts (turns upside-down) its riders. A half inversion makes the riders go upside-down to their relative original position before the half inversion. [/img]
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Quote from: "KittyVogt"I'm a bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to most rides. However, when I actually force myself on the ride I have so much fun. I've never ridden on a ride I didn't like. Last year I rode my first roller coaster with a loop, Raging Spirits at Tokyo Disneysea. I really liked it so I've been looking forward to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril and Space Mountain. But I'm confused. The websites I've looked at have described Space Mountain as having two loops and one inversion. What is an inversion?
An inversion is just when the track inverts itself, so any kind of element where you go upside down(including a loop) is considered an inversion. Space Mountain has three inversions, but only one(not two) of them is a loop- a sidewinder loop to be precise.

The second is a corkscrew.

And the third is a horseshoe, which is like a corkscrew mirrored in the middle so you leave the inversion facing the opposite direction you entered it.


If you enjoyed Raging Spirits in TDS, you'll love Indiana Jones in the DLRP as this is nearly a 100% of the Tokyo Coaster. I personally rode Raging Spirits last year when I was in Tokyo and it was absolutely identical, only the themeing in Tokyo was much better


@ Lordofthemightybeasts. Nice foto's. Where did u found them?


basically, you go upside down 3 times
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


Quote from: "WaltDisneyFanBoy"@ Lordofthemightybeasts. Nice foto's. Where did u found them?
I think they're from various Space Mountain fansites, which are unfortunately now defunct. There's still //, but the photo gallery's a shadow of its former self.