Meal plan help!!!!!

Started by Clara3012, November 14, 2016, 04:33:39 PM

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Hope someone can help me I have a few questions regarding the meal plans
Just to let you know I'm looking at visiting after the changes come into place in March

So the option I'm looking at is the half board premium
First of all our party will be 2 adults 3 children and a infant (the infant doesn't get any vouchers)
I just wondered for example we went to bistro chez remy there is a choice for children of a plus menu for €17.99 and a premium choice of €31.99, now we would be able to get 3 of the premium meals for the kids at a total of €95.97 with our vouchers what I want to know is would they let us get 4 of the plus meals which would be €71.96 using the 3 vouchers???

Also can they be used at the quick service as listed is only Buffett and table service?? I'm kinda thinking along the lines of we could use 1 adult voucher at quick service at lunch and get a quantity for both of us and do the same at dinner! Is this a option??

And last with premium it says character breakfast is included and I was told I can do that every day if I want to! Or our hotel breakfast, we are staying at Davy crocket and from all I can make out breakfast is rather poor so I will for sure be taking advantage of having a character breakfast but does anyone know can I eat anywhere else for breakfast or is it literally just hotel or plaza gardens and that's it??

Thank you for any help


From my understanding you'd like to know if you can use your vouchers for their face value and pay towards a meal for 4 people with 3 vouchers? Unfortunately, this isn't possible because it's one voucher per person.

As for using them at quick service restaurants, of course you can, but it's not recommended as the premium vouchers are the most,expensive ones and you will be losing a lot of money if you decide to use them at lower tier restaurants.