Driving to DLP - Your experiances

Started by twigs72, July 06, 2016, 01:41:32 PM

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Hi, I will be driving to DLP this August, this won't be my first time driving abroard as I do drive sometimes when I get sent abroad for work. :D I just want to know other peoples experiances driving to DLP, if will be my first time driving towards Paris and I will be taking the EuroTunnel (have done the tunnel before).

Thanks ;)


Check the AA website beforehand to make sure you have all the safety equipment that's required by law such as a warning triangle and a high vizz vest for every passenger etc.

We've never had any problems driving, we were actually shocked by how easy it was and how quiet the roads were, even in the morning hours when everyone would've been going to work and school.  It was straight forward and simple and there are plenty of services to stop at if you need to.  Once we had driven we said we would never go back to using the Eurostar!  We love driving to DLP!   Time wise, it took us about 4 hours last time (from port to Paris) but that included several stops with our baby.  However, coming back to the port from Paris, we didn't stop once (it was night time) and it took us 2hrs 45mins.

Have a great time.


Do take notice of the so-called "Black Saturdays" in July and August when there is a lot of congestion on french highways, especially the Autoroute du Soleil and around large cities (such as Paris).
Also beware of speed controlling by the french police and the reduced maximum speed when it's raining (from 130 kph to 110 kph).


Having driven two different routes to Disneyland, from my experience you need to plan the route.
Paris has its very own m25 around it and you can be at a stand still for an hour, we just made the ferry on the way back and it was late loading.

Use your bank card for the toll roads stops getting all the change and you get the bank exchange rate which is normal higher than your bureau de change.

Use a satnav that you can avoid Paris, peak times you can see there motorways at a stand still and motorbikes at this time stick there hazards on to drive down the middle. When police they also somehow fit between cars, they don't pull over to extent we do to let them past.

Filter lanes, just hold your breath, indicate and go. My partner was holding her seat the first time as it was mental how car just pulled across without indicating and even tho you are doing the speed limit be prepared for cars flashing there lights to make you pull over.

Having said that I am driving to Disneyland next February 😊
New York hotel March 2013
Cheyenne February 2015
Newport bay Compass room February 2017


i have found it to be an excellent experience very easy. i have done it twice in the past couple of years and took advantage of a very early crossing around 5am so you can get to disney nice and early on your first day.

your first day and last day of tickets is calculated into your stay cost assuming your on site and booked rooms and tickets with disney, we arrived around 11am french time so got nearly a full day on day 1 and stayed to around 4-5pm on the last day before heading home. this wasnt driving at any major speeds crusiing around 65 70 most of the way and stopping for at least half hour for toilet breaks and a coffee at a services.

even if you book the save tickets it says they are only valid for ur allocated travel slot however if i have arrived early enough i have been able to check in to earlier trains at both folkestone and calais free of charge sometimes by several hours earlier. this is not advertised so is not an official benefit but pretty sure they like to fill up trains if there space to reduce queues and stop trains getting delayed at peak times

its also great for taking as much or as little luggage as you want or may need as ive never done a summer trip but can hear the weather can still be as bad as mid winter so having space for coats and things may not be a bad thing plus doesnt matter what you buy big or small gifts or delicate things your worried of breaking on a checked bag on a flight.

i would only consider getting the eurostar as another alternative to driving these days as my current car is not as comfortable for long journeys as the last time i did it :)