May visit

Started by andlorna, April 26, 2015, 11:08:43 AM

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We are going to Disney at the end of May school half term. Have always gone to Disney when the weather has been cooler. Can anybody tell me what to expect. Will it be very warm and will it be very busy.
Oct 06, Santa fe 3 days
Oct 07, Sequoia 4 days
Oct 08, Sequoia 4 days
Oct 09, Sequoia 4 days
Dec 09 New Year
Oct 10, Cheyenne 4 days
April 11, Cheyenne 4 days
Feb 13, Cheyenne 5 days
Feb 14, Cheyenne 5 days
Oct 14 Hipark 4 days
Nov 14 Hipark 4 days
Feb 15 Santa Fe 5 days
May 15 Hipark 4 days
Augt 15 Hipark 5 days
Feb 16 Cheyenne 5 days
April 16 Hipark 5 days
Aug 16 Hipark 5 days
Oct 16 Hipark 5 days
Dec 16 Sequoia new year
Next Trip
Oct 17 Hipark 5 days


It really depends on what kind of weather they have been having. We went may 2013 & had mixed weather. The days it was sunny was lovely & warm but then we had a few days of rain, not cold but temperature definitely cooler. The park was busy but still rather quiet. We really enjoyed it.


It won't be very warm, mix more probably. Take different clothes to put on and off.

08.1993 - DL Tokyo; 05.2010 - DLP; 11.2010 - DLP; 09.2013 - DLP; 09.2014 - DLP; 11.2015 - DLP
It's a small world after all

polar vixen

We went early June last year, and it was boiling!  I'd recommend layers you can take off and tie around your waist!


hi there
we went may one year and it was beautiful...
the weather forecast before said it would be rainy  so had packed jeans and things , my sister cut hers down in the end as it was so hot
we went to the car and it was showing 102 d temp we couldn't believe it, then that night massive thunder storm and the next day was so wet  you wouldn't have believed the day before so i would say pack for a mixed bag


We went May last year and have photos of us in shorts, tshirts and sandals in the morning and wellies and raincoats at night! It was warm every day though and we needed suntan lotion for the children as well as Sunhats etc. We're going again this year and taking lots of t shirts and thin rain jackets. I've also bought some cheap rain ponchos (£1.50 from asda) for the inevitable showers as they are around €7 a piece in the park!