Tips for an extended family trip to DLP - Jun 2015

Started by gavinng, April 20, 2015, 08:02:19 AM

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Hi guys! My family is planning a trip to DLP from 31 May to 5 Jun 2015. It's a big family trip with my dad (81 years old), my wife, my sister-in-law, myself and my two 20 month old boys (twins). We've got the hotel down (Empire State Club because the missus wanted the VIP fastpasses).

We've been to several Disney parks with the boys (namely HK and Tokyo), and the rest of the adults have had expriences with other Disney parks. Only my wife and I have been to DLP. Once. But that was before we had to worry about diaper changes, afternoon naps and feeding times.

Anyway this will be the first time we're going to DLP with such a huge group, and we were wondering if there are any tips that are particular to DLP that we should know about.


Sounds like you're going to have quite a trip!!

You've chosen really good dates, it should be fairly quiet, and hopefully the weather will be very decent. We've been around those dates before and always had a perfect time :)

I don't know how the changing tables are in the other parks, but in our experience, the best place to go when you need to change nappies (if you can afford to be picky, it's not always possible with little ones) is the baby care center in Main Street USA (it's at the end, on the castle side, to the right, next to Plaza Gardens). You have plenty of room and it's not cold (hopefully not a problem in June). They also have some microwaves and high chairs if you need a quiet place to feed the children (otherwise in any restaurant they can heat up your baby food). All toilets have an area where you can change the babies (always bring something to put the baby on, you basically get a tiled surface) so if you can't make it to the baby center it's OK, but unless it was an emergency we always ended up going there when my daughter was younger.

The ESC is great, we stayed there when my daughter was 2. The hotel is not too far from the parks, you got plenty of time, there are long opening hours and long queues should not be a problem, so if I were you I would personally go back for a little break to the hotel during the day. My daughter was used to sleeping anywhere so she could sleep in the pushchair while we stayed in the parks, but she always slept better (and longer) in the room. Then you can go for coffee and something to eat in the ESC lounge, before going back to the park.

You should also try to see Dreams at least once. You can take turns so that someone stays with the twins while others stay to see Dreams (it's at park closing). It's really worth it!!

VIP fastpasses are wonderful. Even if the park should be fairly quiet, some rides (like Big Thunder Mountain, Peter Pan or Ratatouille) can get longer queues.

Try at least one character meal; we did Inventions with our daughter (but it was just the 2 of us paying for the buffet), for a larger group it may be better to go to Cafe Mickey. It's a great way to meet plenty of characters without too much hassle!!

And of course, have a wonderful time!!


Thanks never2old! Yeah most of the other parks have baby centres too which are really nice. And most of the toilets have a cold hard surface to change the boys in an emergency.

We're considering the character dining with all the princesses just because (Auberge de Cendrillon). But we might consider Inventions or Cafe Mickey. We've not really tested the boys out with princesses yet. They're alright with the rest of the cast, but not excited either. Haha. What they do love are the Halloween lights we got from Disney Tokyo with pumpkin mickey as well as DLHK's paint the night magic brushes. Haha. They are fascinated by the light.

Thanks for the tips on going back to sleep. We tried that in DLHK. The boys were all grumpy until we got to the hotel. Hahaha. Then full of energy. Then grumpy again when we got back to the park. Go figure.


What are the high chairs like at the various Disney restaurants. Tokyo Disney does not have straps or a handle bar, which basically means it's just a smaller, taller chair. It's kinda difficult with the boys being very fidgety of late. All they want to do is run around and "make friends" (a.k.a. disturb other diners). So straps and handle bars are a must if other guests are not to be disturbed.


Hi gavinng, most of the high chairs have a small "table"-like tray attached to the armrests (don't quite know how to describe it but I'm sure you know what I mean) with a Mickey-shaped napkin on it. The ones we have used the last years almost all had straps. Unless your boys have Houdini-like abilities they will not be able to get out on their own.


Thanks NCC1701Q (is that a new Enterprise number). The twins have been known to practice Houdini-type tricks. But the chairs, as described, would pose a significant challenge for them. Thanks for the share!


Pocahontas Indian Village? Is that a good place to let the boys run around in? They're big fan of slides.


Hi gavinng,

(yes, the nick is what you get when you like Queen AND Star Trek)  :D

Pocahontas Indian Village looks great but seems to be closed like forever. We have been to DLP 7 times last and this year and it always was closed. So maybe you're lucky, but don't get your hopes up, unfortunately.


Thanks NCC1701Q! Ok. Hopefully it's open when we get there. I am sure the boys will love a little running around without too much parental interference.