Which ride line?!

Started by michellemumof2xx, February 08, 2015, 02:20:34 PM

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I'd say for POTC, the difference is minimal, and pure chance.
For BTM, however, people tend to go to the right line, and therefore the left looks empty and people sometimes think it is closed. So the left one tends to be quite shorter.
In IASW, sometimes people do something similar. When there are 2 lines open and not many people, sometimes people don't realize one of them (usually the right one) is open, so the line can be empty. Sometimes I've been on a boat by myself  :P This is quite rare, though.


On tram tours neeeeeeeehehehever take the middle line!!


On tram tours just don't bother at all. Painfully slow to load.  Effects don't all work.  Doesn't go past the costume but despite the random commentary mentioning it.  As for people in the wheelchair queue,really felt for them, what a performance. And people in that queue had family in the main queue that got on before them. We had a pass cos had been at front when it broke down, but never used the pass,  the wait was sooooooooooo long we gave up.


Got back last night, definatley the left is quicker....its funny to stand there and watch how many people just sty to the right,neven if the left queue is empty!!
First trip ever HNY 15th Feb 2014
Second trip to HNY 17th Feb 2015!!!


We've just come back we found no real difference with the queues..
New York hotel March 2013
Cheyenne February 2015
Newport bay Compass room February 2017