afternoon treats

Started by seony141010, March 21, 2014, 12:55:08 AM

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Just realised we will get an afternoon treat voucher, does anyone know where you go for the treat?
Believe in the magic
Em xx

polar vixen

Should be listed on your booking confirmation, I don't think the little stands are included, ( gutted cos I really like those chocolate waffles!) but the bakery /cake shops on mainstreet, which I forget the name of, are included, and they're pretty well stocked.


I think you can use them at all counter service restaurants that have the so called "tea time / sweet break" on theyr menu.
For example: Colonel Hathi's, Fuente del Oro, Cookie Kitchen, Au Chalet de la Marionette.


Thanks. This is most helpful.

I love this forum. X
Believe in the magic
Em xx


From what I know if it lists a 'pause gaumande' on the menu you can have that, excuse the spelling there

polar vixen

Has anyone started using these yet?  I'm wondering what's available treat wise - We spen a fortune last time on candy apples, but I'm not sure if they'll be included?


No candy apples are not included.
Brioche, Mini-Donuts, Mini-Baignets, fruitcake and things like that are included - the offer depends on the restaurant.

polar vixen

hmmm, gonna be interesting finding something glutenfree amongst that.  Glad I know before we're going, thanks!