Recent restaurant visits?

Started by daddyof2, March 29, 2014, 09:56:12 PM

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We're going in about 2 months time, and there had been some bad reports about Café Mickey. I was wondering if any restaurants have got particularly bad or good recently - I'm particularly interested in Café Mickey, Walt's, Café Agrabah and Blue Lagoon.


I can help you with 2 out of the 4, cafe mickey in my opinion has gone down hill over the years we used to eat there on every visit and enjoy our food and the whole overall experience. However I don't go anymore the last 2 occasions we tried the food wasnt nice for example I orderd the fish and chips wich was always lovely, but this time the fish was not cooked very well and I can only describe as something you'd buy from Iceland and stick in the oven like a ready meal. I didnt even eat it. Neither did the others in my party that orderd different dishes.
If you want to do a character meal I'd suggest if you can afford to try inventions buffet it is expensive but worth the money, the food is better and the characters spend a lot of time with you.

Walts is a nice I couldn't really complain about the food or service. The only niggle I had was the food I orderd was very 'rare' and I did ask for well done. But it was no problem they soon fixed this and we all enjoyed our meals.

Our favourite is planet Hollywood in Disney village, but that's just our preference the service is quick (wich is good for my son who has cerebal palsy and autism and won't wait!) the food is always hot, loads to choose from too.

Wishing you a magical trip!


Blue Lagoon is quite possibly the best themed restaurant in either of the parks, the menu is never quite my thing tho, I'm not a fan of curry and/or coconut which seems to make up a large part of the menu at Blue Lagoon. Agrabah is excellent, again the theming inside is so clever and the range of food is great. Walt's is another one where I'm never sure that I actually like anything on the menu and it is fairly expensive, as for Café Mickey we've not been in there for a few years now so can't really comment


I have been to Blue Lagoon several times and the food is always delicious and the theming is brilliant, never had a bad experience there, although like most of the restaurants it can get very busy.
I'd have to agree with littlebitof pixiedust, that Cafe Mickey has gone downhill compared to a few years ago but i still go every time i visit and enjoy the food and the atmosphere with the characters coming round.
Walt's is quite expensive and the menu has never appealed to me so can't help you with that one
Another of my favourites is the rainforest cafe, the food is lovely and the theming is brilliant, so i would recommend there.


Hi, we went to cafe mickey in february-so fairly recent. I really didnt enjoy it. We booked a table, so were seated promptly, we then waited around 20 mins for drinks to be ordered and served, by this time it was around 7pm, we had many characters bisit us between ordering food and it arriving. Food choice was ok, we were premium vouchers. Whem it came to needing a special requirement-plain spaghetti, they couldnt do it which was a little disapointing as they served many meals with spaghetti, so I dont know why they wouldnt serve it without any sauces or seafood.
Overall, It took around 3 to 3 and a half hours for a 3 course meal for us, which wasnt briliant really, just ok.  Characters were great tho!! It just seemed to be very slow, when we come back again, we wont be visitng cafe mickey again, we will try somewhere else instead. Hope this helps u, michelle : )
First trip ever HNY 15th Feb 2014
Second trip to HNY 17th Feb 2015!!!