Buggy Dilemma! Advice appreciated

Started by gemma2806, October 12, 2013, 06:34:03 PM

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Hi All,

My son is 4 and an excellent walker but I'm having real difficulty deciding if I should take a buggy for him on our upcoming trip in November!

We went last year just before his 3rd birthday and he had been out of his buggy for about 8 months. We went for 13 days and it was still long park hours so we took it in case he got tired. Problem we found was he then became reliant on his buggy and was constantly using it even when he didn't need to and he kept falling asleep in it as well. We also, when checking in and checking out, found it cumbersome as we also had 3 suitcases as well.

My son hasn't used a buggy now since our trip last September and I'm wondering if he would be able to make it a whole day at Disney without using it. We are planning on using EMH so will be up and out early but the parks close by 7pm whilst there so we won't be out as long at night. I've tried him in his buggy and although he fits (just) it is harder to push him around in it.

Would people recommend still taking a buggy for a 4 year old or just planning plenty of rest stops if he gets tired or would you consider hiring a buggy whilst there if needed? It's a tricky one for me as I know you pay about €15 a day for a buggy but over a week that's a lot of euros especially when you have one anyway. However at the same time I'm reluctant to take ours because it will be annoying to push around if we don't use it and I don't want him getting reliant on it again.

Any experiences would be appreciated thanks,



Hi Gemma

Our son was 4 on our first ever trip and had not used a buggy for a year. We did not take one with us and he spent 2 days constantly on dads shoulders  before we gave in a hired one from DLP. I would say defo take one with you - even for good walkers, you can cover a lot of Kilo meteres in a typical Disney day!


I would, even if it's just for the walk to and from the parks. We took ours last year and parked it up near the entrance  to the park (padlocked) while we went on the rides. The railings next to the steps up to the railroad were a good spot as we could leave the pushchair there and it wasn't in the way at all.


Hi both and thanks for your replies.

Amanda thanks for that it's a good point and my other half has bad shoulders at the moment so wouldn't be able to carry him at all!

HFJohnson that's actually a really good idea. I have a buggy lock so I could park his buggy up at Main Street station and get him to walk round the park and then use it as you say to go between the parks and hotel. I suppose it doesn't matter about the studios as it's a much smaller park so I could just push it around with me.

I think it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.