Cast benefits?

Started by benjy, November 01, 2012, 12:28:20 AM

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Hey all!

I'm lucky enough to be on a short term christmas contract from the 10th December doing Stage Management... SO excited!!!

My family want to come over while i'm there but want to now if I could get them cheaper rooms or tickets or something? and while they were talking about it, it got me thinking... do cast members get discount in general or free tickets for themselves or special fast passes or anything??

thanks for your amazing help so far!!!
Working xmas 2012!!! \":D\"


Just came back from the casting event in Berlin Yesterday. You get 25 % in shops and restaurants plus free tickets for friends and family (and lots of them also), so I will tell you what I just heard there: you will suddenly have a lot of friends you haven't heard of in a looooooooooooooong time ;)
<-Plz click


You have discount on hotels, shops and restaurants but if you're there for a short time only you have no free entry for friends or family, sorry.
David G. Ravenswood
Host, Ravenswood Manor

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hey, how was the job in stage management?! what does that even entail? sounds wonderful.  Please share. :D
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