Disney Vs. Superheroes: PKNA

Started by |Q|, May 11, 2012, 03:05:39 AM

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I was thinking... all this debating i see on american forums about Marvel characters in the parks... and well, here in Italy Disney characters are a lot popular on comic book format, mostly thanx to TOPOLINO (it's or name for Mickey Mouse), a weekly small sized comics magazine that has been published in Italy since 1932 (hey, Mickey was only 4!). Most of the material published there it's written a drawn by the Walt Disney Company Italia, official branch of WDC. Starting at the end of the '60s in italian stories started to pop up superheroes alter egoes of our classic characters. The most popular of them all being Paperinik, Donald's masked vigilante counterpart (in my country Donald is called "Paperino")


 The character, just like Donald, had mostly comedy stories, but in the middle of the '90s something happened. Disney greenlighted a new comic book sized magazine (TOPOLINO has a smaller, thicker format) called "PKNA - Paperinik New Adventures". The story presented keeps the comedy overtones, but puts them in a darker, more adventurous and fantascientific setting.

 Our character still lives in Duckburg, but the story offers new friends and new foes. It was a really cool comic book, it lasted about 5 years, than was slowly killed by stories each time more childish than the issue before. That was really sad.

 You can find more infos here:


 Anyway, i've read that it was published in countries beside Italy, and i was wondering, has somebody ever heard about/read it?



Mmmm, the artwork looks interesting, for me it would need to be translated for full enjoyment. But I'd like anything featuring Donald anyway..  :mrgreen:

I must admit I've never seen or heard of PKNA before, especially in the UK. I did see something similar in Bulgaria, but again I didn't buy, simply as it was in cyrillic, but the artwork looked good..  ;)