princess breakfast, lunch or dinner at all availbe at dlrp?

Started by stuarthulluk, January 29, 2007, 04:50:53 PM

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my parents are taking my little cousin to to dlrp in march, do you know if any of the princesses do a breakfast, lunch or dinner anywhere in dlrp. I know that wdw and disneyland cd, do them, anyone got any ideas if paris do anything like that

Poppy The Monkey

Nope there are currently no dining options with the Princesses available at DLRP.

There was talk a few months ago of using the Auberge de Cendrillon in Fantasyland as a location for Princess Meals for the 15th but these plans have been put on hold for now.


aawwww ok mate, thanks anyway,

do they make random apperences, i remember belle of sometings does in disneyland hotel, doesnt she

Poppy The Monkey

Yes Belle does appear from time to time in the Disneyland Hotel - but this is planned by the Disneyland Hotel's own character dept and I'm not sure how often she appears, but I think she is there rarely at the moment.


oooooooo ok, thanks mate, ur a legend!!!!

do you know if theres anyway i get info on the dinners at disneyland hotel, like prices and times sorta stuff!!! :D

Poppy The Monkey

Have a look here....

You will pay about 30 euros per person for a 3 course character meal at Inventions.

Bare in mind characters only appear at the evening sitting.


ok, wiked, last question hehe, do many charcters come out

Poppy The Monkey

I feel like City Hall tonight with all these questions haha!  :lol:

You will normally have about 8 characters throughout your meal.

These change every night but normally you should expect to meet Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Chip and Dale, Tigger, Eeyore, Goofy. But as I said it is different every night - some nights have more characters and some nights less - on average there are more at the weekends.

The character interaction you get at this resturant is probably the best in the resort - its a much more relaxed atmosphere than Cafe Mickey, and I think more magical, but of course more expensive.


thank you very much mate, i shall pass this all on to my mother,

thank you mr city hall man, i REALY apreicate it

i know my spelling is cack!!!!!! but meh!!!!!!!!!!!