Paris and Disneyland Paris 12-19 Feb

Started by disneyloverjessie, March 10, 2010, 09:53:34 PM

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Got back almost 3 weeks ago, so sorry it's a bit late :)
Went to Paris 12-14 Feb and Disneyland 15-19 Feb and had a great time.

People on trip:

Brother Chris (disneymadchris)
Me :)

Probably add first day tonight but if not tomorrow.. :)x
\'when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you\' - Pinocchio

\'A dream is a wish your heart makes\' - Cinderella<3

Hotel New York = 10 times
Sequoia Lodge = 1 time

[size=150]Disneyland Paris<3[/size]


Cant wait to see your report :)


day 1 part 1 :) 12 February 2010

Got up at 3am.. really excited, bit earlier than planned but due to snow for cased we wanted to make sure we weren't held up in traffic to miss our crossing on the Channel Tunnel.
Quickly got ready, packed the car and set off on our way to folk stone.
Asleep most of the way, so the journey went really quickly, no traffic, so we were at the channel tunnel way too early! But oh well rather be there early than late..
Bought and eat breakfast, toilet break, little rest and then our crossing got called.
On to the channel tunnel where i quickly fell asleep again.. must have been really tired!!

We were now in France and on our way to Paris!! :)

Day 1 Part 2 soon to come x
\'when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you\' - Pinocchio

\'A dream is a wish your heart makes\' - Cinderella<3

Hotel New York = 10 times
Sequoia Lodge = 1 time

[size=150]Disneyland Paris<3[/size]