Halloween at night - Pictures

Started by MagicStar, October 22, 2009, 12:09:43 AM

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Hey :-)

Just a few Pics, I shot during MNSSHP - hope you like them ;-)

[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]



awh wow it looks amazing!!! =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>  I would love to see it in real life, I have to go next halloween for sure!!

Thanks for posting them!!! :D/
Luv Aveen xoxo


wow, the pics looks awesome. Would love to see them in HQ  :D


Cool, especially Phantom Manor looks great by night 8)


They're gorgeous!!!

I love the one with Skull Island and Captain Hook's ship

Thank you for sharing!!

The Butlin Boy

Fantastic shots MagicStar, I really enjoyed looking at them. I hope you had a great time at MNSSHP :)


Wowie, great night pictures dude, thanks for sharing those with us!  :D
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


Thank you all  :mrgreen:

The funny thing is... we took the pics during MNSSHP. And normally, Adventure Isle is closed during the party.
But they forgot to control us and we had the time to take these pics  :D/
[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]



Wow! Nice pictures! Which camera do you have? I need a new one and I want one that can handle nighttime without flash. :lol:
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


You've got a great camera, I had a simple one with me, so my pictures didn't turn out that great. I love night shots.


Thanxxx :-)

Its a Olypmus E-500.

Since we have this camera, we got really foto-freaks lol
[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]
