Ride temporary closures

Started by fiona, February 27, 2017, 03:26:29 PM

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Are there a lot of technical difficulties at the park these days, or today specifically? Looking on app at wait times and it looks like about half the rides are off... Which is reflected in mega queues for the others. Temporary blip or should I be worried for my trip in a few days?


To give more detail on this, currently Crush, Ratatouille and Rock'n'Rollercoaster all have 80min queues. Meanwhile BTM, Indiana, Tower, Buzz, Phantom Manor and a few others are all temporarily closed (on top of Space Mountain, Star Tours and Pirates being closed for refurb). That's a lot of the big rides off.


Apparently it's stormy at the park - that could be to blame for some of those ride closures and also drive more people to indoor rides...


Crush and Ratatouille always have large queues, even on quiet days. Neither have very high throughput and they're both popular. RnR always goes high when ToT is closed. ToT, IJ and BtM all don't cope well with high winds (I've been there at this time of year during stormy weather before and they all had issues until it calmed down).

It's just Buzz and PM that surprise me - although Buzz seems to have been closed for a very short time then reopened and PM is running again. 

So I think most are a temporary blip. There are gale force gusts there right now and that makes it difficult to keep the exposed rides running safely.
My Trips:
03/2009 DCR -- 07/2009 DLH -- 03/2010 Cheyenne -- 07/2010  DLH -- 12/2010 SL -- 03/2011  Cheyenne -- 08/2011 NBC -- 12/2012 HNY -- 03/2013  Cheyenne - 12/2014 SL -- 03/2016 Cheyenne -- 07/2017  Cheyenne - 12/2017 SL - 08/18 - Cheyenne - 12/2018 NBC - 07/2019 Cheyenne