Do I need to make reservations now? 58 days before I go

Started by elisje, January 29, 2017, 08:40:56 PM

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We are going to dlp 28th of March and have got the free plus half board. I am really in doubt if I have to call and make reservations now or if we will be fine to just make reservations at city hall.

We are planning to go to:

Silver spur (diner 1st day)
Chez remy (lunch 2nd day)
golden nugget saloon (diner 3th day, without a voucher and without a reservation ofcourse)
Walts (lunch 4th and last day, paying a bit extra)

I normally go in super low season, make reservations at city hal and find practically empty restaurants at (dutch) diner time (6 o'clock). So I would not worry at al.

This time I do worry... a lot  :-\
I have no idea how busy it will be. We are going from Tuesday till Friday and there are no holidays in France or any of the surrounding country's (as far as I know  ;D). So it should be quiet, right? But we will be there 2 days after the start of the anniversary and the opening of star tours. Which are ingredients to make it very busy? So I just don't know. How busy do you think it will get?
I have also seen a lot of free half/full board meal plan deals. So I worry that almost everyone will have a meal plan and the restaurants will be very busy even in low season because everybody is going to eat there.

You might think: so why don't you call if you want to be sure?
I just don't have a good experience with the restaurant reservation hot line. I called them one time before to book blue lagoon as a surprise. But it took almost an hour because they just could not understand me, so it was a pain to do. My English is not perfect (as you can read) but I never experience any problems with it before. So having to do this for three restaurants looks like hell to me

So here is my question. What should I do? Call now? or go to city hall when we are there?

Thank you ;D
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If you're worried and unsure how busy it will be, I'd just give them a call and make reservations.
It'll set your mind at ease and you'll have the dates and times you want for your various reservations. :)


I would always recommend reserving in advance.  If you want to change your plans when you get there, and they have availability, then you can.  Booking in advance gives you piece of mind but you still have the choice to change them when you get there so to me, it makes sense.

Do you have a friend or family member who speaks really good English or French?  If so, could they not make the reservations for you?


Thanks for the advise.

I think I am going to call tomorrow  (stuck on work al day today)
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We reserved with only a couple of weeks to go and didn't have any issues - I'd imagine this is usually the case off-peak.We could have just turned up at most restaurants without reservations and got a seat within a couple of minutes.